with a select treasury of commentaries on all levels of Torah interpretation
Chapter 4 Mishna 6
with select commentaries
Commentaries used in this translation:
Rashi Commentary (1040-1105)
Rambam Commentary (1135-1204)
Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura Commentary (1445-1515)
Tiferet Yisrael commentary (1782–1860)
Rabeinu Yonah (1180-1263)
Derech Chaim - Maharal of Prague (1525-1609) (hebrewbooks.org/14193)
Biur HaGra of Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna - (1720-1797)
Rabbi Avraham Azoulai commentary - (1570-1643)
Rabbi Chayim Yosef David Azoulai (Chida) commentary - (1724-1806)
Chatam Sofer commentary - (1762-1839), along with Ktav Sofer, and others
Ben Ish Chai commentary - (1835-1909)
and many more..
Commentary Level:
- Min - (level 1) for basic commentaries as relating to the plain meaning (Pshat).
- Med - (level 2) elaborates more into the theme.
- Max - (level 3) deeper in, Maharal of Prague.
- Max+ - (level 4) more themes in the text.
- ShortMix - (recommended) short version of level 4.
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Chapter 4 Mishna 6פרק ד משנה ו
Rabbi Yossi would say: whoever honors the torah, is himself honored before others. And whoever profanes the torah, is himself dishonored before others |
רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר: כָּל הַמְכַבֵּד אֶת הַתּוֹרָה, גּוּפוֹ מְכֻבָּד עַל הַבְּרִיּוֹת, וְכָל הַמְחַלֵּל אֶת הַתּוֹרָה, גּוּפוֹ מְחֻלָּל עַל הַבְּרִיּוֹת |
Bartenura - "whoever honors the torah.." - one who expounds (doresh) the extra letters or missing letters of the words in the torah and derives the reasons for every tiny detail and thus demonstrates that there is nothing superfluous in it - there is no greater honor of torah than this.
Alternatively, it refers to one who honors a sefer torah (torah scroll) and honors those who study torah. All these things are included in honoring the torah.
Rabeinu Yonah - "one who honors the torah" - what is honoring the torah? To not leave (torah) books on the floor. To not sit on a bench or chair where books lie. To have reverence for words of torah and honor it and those who study it.
It is known from many verses and also from reason that whoever speaks good on the good [people] and on the torah sages - we can assume he is a tzadik (righteous person). And whoever judges them negatively and argues on their deeds saying they are wrong and he does not see any merit in them but when one speaks about the wicked, he justifies their deeds - it is clear this person has wickedness within him. Do not have any doubt about it.
With this you can test the hearts of people.. For even though one cannot know if his fellow is a heretic. For it is hidden in their heart and they pretend verbally to believe.
"is himself honored before others" - G-d causes others to honor him since he honors the torah as before.