More Discussions for this daf
1. The Obligation Of Berachah Rishonah 2. Basis for berachos 3. Neta Revai
4. Chutz Min ha'Yayin 5. A Sevara for Berachos 6. First Tosfos DH Keitzad
7. wine and olive oil 8. Kal VaChomer - Min HaTorah or Not? 9. "Em" - Mother is Klal Yisrael
10. Is logic as strong as a Biblical edict? 11. Rebbi Yehudah's opinion, and ha'Gagen/ha'Gefen 12. Kavanah For Tefilah
13. Tosfos DH Keitzad 14. Derech Eretz 15. The ideal in Torah learning
16. Fasting for a bad dream 17. The source for reciting Berachos 18. Special blessings for wine and bread
19. harmful effects of olive oil 20. The blessing for olive oil 21. Shirah of the Levi'im
22. ברכת על הגפן

Gerald F. Brommer asked:

The Gemara asks "Why don't we have a special Bracha on Olive Oil"... One of its answers is that if we indeed DID make a bracha on oilve oil The Girsa might be "Boyrei Pri Ho-Zayis" which, as Rashi comments would be a problem considering that that Girsa would be "Moshmah" that Hash-m made the olive oil, which Rashi states, isn't true because MAN actually produced the oil. I was shocked to see that the Marharsha had no Teirutz to my Kashya which is as follows: DOESN'T EVERYTHING COME FROM HASH-M??????? So what if we say "Borei Pri Ho-Zayis" and so what if it's moshmah Hash-m produced the oil because HASH-M DID produce the oil!!!!!!!!!

The Kollel replies:

You are correct, of course, that nothing is produced in the world without the Hashgachah of Hash-m. However, when we acknowledge our appreciation to Hash-m for what He provided us with, we must thank Him for what we naturally view as having come from Hash-m. A man who toiled many long hours and put much effort into pressing olives in order to obtain the oil -- although he realizes that the oil comes from Hash-m -- knows that he was the one who put in much sweat and toil to produce the oil. If he were to thank Hash-m for the oil itself, he might begin to think that he is thanking himself and not Hash-m. In contrast, though, when a man plants seeds and then, miraculously, an entire tree forms and then olives begin to grow, that is naturally viewed as coming from Hash-m.

Moreover, earlier in the Gemara in Berachos, the Gemara cites the verse that says "v'ha'Aretz Nasan li'Vnei Adam." Hash-m gave the land to man to work and to produce. In man's Hanhagah in Olam ha'Zeh, he is entitled to recognize that Hash-m gives him things when he makes a Hishtadlus for those items (notice that if a man sits in his easy chair, without doing any Hishtadlus, and waits for olive oil to appear on his table, he will wait a very, very long time, and no olive oil will appear). When man exerts Hishtadlus, then (if he is worthy, and sometimes, even when he isn't), Hash-m gives him the olive oil. But Hash-m gave him the olive oil only as a result of man's Hishtadlus, and therefore it is not appropriate to enact the Nusach of the Berachah to that effect, because Hash-m wants man to know that his Hishtadlus is important, and because Hash-m knows that man would not be able to properly thank Hash-m for something into which he put so much effort. (See also Medrash Tanchuma, Parshas Tazria 5.)

Rabbi Y. Shaw