More Discussions for this daf
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13. Tosfos DH Keitzad 14. Derech Eretz 15. The ideal in Torah learning
16. Fasting for a bad dream 17. The source for reciting Berachos 18. Special blessings for wine and bread
19. harmful effects of olive oil 20. The blessing for olive oil 21. Shirah of the Levi'im
22. ברכת על הגפן

S Goodman asked:

Tosfos seems to explain as to why over here it's not shayach to ask where the tanna knows the fact that you have to even make a bracha. He gives two reasons - either because of sevara or because it already has been mentioned in the 3rd perek. My question is - the gemara's first question is Menah Hani Mili - where do we know from? So why does tosfos explain why the gemara didn't explain the mekor when in actuality the gemara is asking that immediately.

Please clarify

S Goodman, New York, USA

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos is explaining why there did not have to be a Mishnah stating that one must make a Berachah before this Mishnah. The fact that the Gemara asks this question does not answer why the Mishnah (written hundreds of years earlier) did not previously state the obligation to make a Berachah.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose