
DOUGH OF A NOCHRI (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 3 Halachah 4 Daf 17a)

îúðé' ðëøé ùðúï ìéùøàì òéñä ìòùåú ìå ôèåøä îï äçìä.


(Mishnah): If a Nochri gave to a Yisrael a dough to make for him, it is exempt from Chalah;

ðúðä ìå îúðä òã ùìà âéìâì çééáú. åîùâéìâì ôèåøä.


If he gave to him a gift - [if he gave it] before kneading, it is obligated. After kneading, it is exempt.

äòåùä òéñä òí äðëøé àí àéï áùì éùøàì ëùéòåø çìä ôèåøä îï äçìä.


One who makes a dough with a Nochri - if there is not in the Yisrael's portion the Shi'ur of Chalah, it is exempt from Chalah.

âø ùðúâééø åäéúä ìå òéñä àí ðòùéú òã ùìà ðúâééø ôèåø åîùðúâééø çééá


If a Nochri converted and he had a dough - if he made it before he converted, it is exempt; after he converted, it is obligated.

åàí ñô÷ çééá. åàéï çééáéï òìéä çåîù.


If it is a Safek, it is obligated, and [a Zar who ate it b'Shogeg] is not liable a Chomesh.

[ãó ì òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé ò÷éáä àåîø äëì äåìê àçø ä÷øéîä áúðåø:


R. Akiva says, it all depends on [when] it formed a crust in the oven.

âî' îä áéðä ìòéñú àøðåðà [ãó éæ òîåã á] ùîà àéðä çééáú áçìä.


(Gemara) Question: What is the difference between [one who makes a dough with a Nochri] and a dough [subject to the law] of Arnona (the Nochri king takes a 10th)? Perhaps it is not obligated in Chalah [if there is not a Shi'ur of Chalah in the Yisrael's portion]?!

úîï áøùåú éùøàì äåà ùîà éîìê äâåé [ö"ì ùìà - ø' ùîùåï] ìéèìä. áøí äëà ìãòúå äéà úìåéä.


Answer: There (Isas Arnona), it is in the Yisrael's Reshus. Perhaps the Nochri will reconsider and not take it (rather, he will take money). However, here (partnership), does it depends on [the Nochri's] intent?! (Surely he will take the portion that belongs to him! We explained this like GRA.)

úðé ø' éåãä îìàé ùì éùøàì åôåòìéï âåéí òåùéï ìúåëå çééá áçìä. îìàé ùì âåé åôåòìé éùøàì òåùéï áúåëå ôèåø îï äçìä.


(Beraisa - R. Yehudah): If Malai (merchandise given to be sold in a store) is of a Yisrael and Nochri workers [knead and] make [bread] inside (the store), it is obligated in Chalah. Malai of a Nochri and Yisrael workers make inside, it is exempt from Chalah. (We explained this like OHR ZARU'A 235.)

àîø øáé éåñé àåó àðï [ðîé] úðéðï ðëøé ùðúï ìéùøàì ìòùåú ìå òéñä ôèåøä îï äçìä.


Support (R. Yosi - Mishnah): If a Nochri gave to a Yisrael a dough to make for him, it is exempt from Chalah.

øáé áåï áø çééä áòà ÷åîé øáé æòéøà åàôéìå éù áùì éùøàì ëùéòåø éòùä ë÷á îëàï å÷á îëàï å÷á äâåé áàîöò


Question (R. Bun bar Chiyah, to R. Ze'ira): Even if there is in the Yisrael's portion the Shi'ur of Chalah, [it should be exempt]! It should be as if there is a Kav [of the Yisrael] here (on one side), and a Kav [of the Yisrael] here (on the other side), a Kav of the Nochri in the middle! (When something exempt is in the middle, it blocks the sides from joining.)

àîø ìéä øáé æòéøà åàéðå îòåøá òì éãé (âåéí) [ö"ì âéøåñ - äøéáî"õ òì äîùðä].


Answer (R. Ze'ira): Is it not mixed through Girus (i.e. Irus, i.e. it is all kneaded together?! We explained this like RI BEN MALKITZEDEK.)

úîï úðéðï âø ùðúâééø åäéúä ìå ôøä ðùçèú òã ùìà ðúâééø ôèåø îùðúâééø çééá. åàí ñô÷ ôèåø ùäîåöéà îçáøå òìéå äøàééä.


(Mishnah): If a Nochri converted and he had a cow - if it was slaughtered before he converted, he is exempt [from giving Matanos to a Kohen]. If [Shechitah was] after he converted, he is obligated. If it is a Safek, ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah (to collect, one must bring a proof. The Kohen cannot, so the convert is exempt.)

úîï àú àîø ñô÷ ôèåø åäëà àú àîø ñô÷ çééá.


Question: There you say that a Safek is exempt, and here you say that a Safek is obligated!

[ãó ì òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé àçà àéúúáú ÷åîé øáé àîé åàîø îé éàîø ìé (ùäåà) [ö"ì ùàéðå - äâø"à] ðåèì ãîéå îï äùáè.


Answer (R. Acha): I asked R. Ami, and he told me 'who will tell me that he does not take money from the Shevet?!' (He must separate Chalah due to Safek Isur, but he need not give it to Kohanim for free. We explained this like GRA.)

øáé éò÷á áø æáãé øáé çééà áùí øáé ìòæø ðåèì äåà ãîéå îï äùáè.


(R. Yakov bar Zavdi citing R. Chiya citing R. Lazar): He takes money from the Shevet.

(åéôøù) [åéôøéù] úîï åéèåì ãîéå îï äùáè.


Question: [Also] there, he should separate [Matanos], and take money from the Shevet!

à"ø éåñé çìä ùäéà èáì åáòåï îéúä îôøéù


Answer (R. Yosi): Chalah is Tevel (forbidden to eat before it is separated), and it is an Aveirah of Misah (bi'Ydei Shamayim), so he must separate.

åìà éèåì ãîéå îï äùáè


Question: [If so,] he should not take money from the Shevet!

òì ùí äîåöéà îçáéøå òìéå äøàééä.


Answer: [He takes,] due to ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah.

àîø øáé áåï áø çééä ùðé âåéí ùòùå ùðé ÷áéï åçì÷å åäåñéôå æä òì ùìå åæä òì ùìå çééáéï ùìà äéúä ìäï [ãó éç òîåã à] ùòú çåáä åðôèøå.


(R. Bun bar Chiyah): If two Nochrim made [a dough of] two Kavin and divided it (before they converted), and each added to his share, they are obligated [in Chalah], for they did not have a time of obligation and they were exempt [then].

ùðé éùøàìéí ùòùå ùðé ÷áéï åçì÷å åäåñéôå æä òì ùìå åæä òì ùìå ôèåøéï ùëáø (äéä) [äéúä] ìäï ùòú çåáä åðôèøå.


If two Yisraelim made two Kavin and divided it, and each added to his share, they are exempt, for they had a time of obligation and they were exempt. (ARUCH HA'SHULCHAN YD 326:13 - they joined flour with intent to make a joint dough, which is obligated. Once they added water, before kneading, they decided to divide, and be exempt.)

éùøàì åâåé ùòùå ùðé ÷áéï åçì÷å åäåñéôå æä òì ùìå åæä òì ùìå. ðéçà çì÷å ùì éùøàì çééá. [ãó ìà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] çì÷å ùì âåé îäå.


Question: If a Yisrael and a Nochri made two Kavin and divided it (and the Nochri converted) and each added to his share, granted, the Yisrael's share is obligated (it did not have a time of obligation and an exemption). What is the law of the Nochri's share?

ëìåí çì÷å ùì (âåé çééá ìà îçîú çì÷å ùì éùøàì) [ö"ì éùøàì çééá àìà îçîú çì÷å ùì âåé - äâø"à] çì÷å ùì éùøàì çééá åçì÷å ùì âåé ôèåø:


Answer: The Yisrael's share is obligated only due to the Nochri's share. Is the Yisrael's share obligated and the Nochri's share is exempt?! (Surely also the Nochri's share is obligated! - RA'AVAD Hilchos Bikurim 7:10, GRA.)