
WHICH LIQUIDS CONNECT? (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 12a)

øáé éåñé áé øáé çðéðä àîø ãøáé àìòæø áï éäåãä àéù áéøúåúà äéà


(R. Yosi bei R. Chaninah): (Our Mishnah said that a dough kneaded with fruit juice is obligated in Chalah). It is like R. Elazar ben Yehudah Ish Birsusa;

ãúðéðï úîï øáé ìòæø áï éäåãä àéù áéøúåúà àåîø îùí øáé éäåùò ôñì àú ëåìä.


(Mishnah - R. Elazar ben Yehudah Ish Birsusa citing R. Yehoshua): [If a dough was Huchshar to receive Tum'ah through a liquid, and it was kneaded with fruit juice, and a Tevul Yom touched it,] he disqualified all of it (fruit juice is a connection for Tum'ah);

åøáé ò÷éáä àåîø îùîå ìà ôñì àìà î÷åí îâòå.


(R. Akiva citing R. Yehoshua): He disqualified only the place he touched.

[ãó ë òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àîø îä ôìéâéï ëùäåëùøä åàçø ëê ðéìåùä ùîé ôéøåú (îçååøéï ìäëùéø) [ö"ì îçåáøéï ìèîà - äâø"à] àáì àí ðéìåùä åàç"ë äåëùøä àéï îé ôéøåú îçååøéï ìäëùéø.


(Reish Lakish): When do they argue? It is when it was Huchshar, and afterwards kneaded with fruit juice. It is a connection for Tum'ah. However, if it was kneaded and afterwards Huchshar, [all agree that] fruit juice is not a connection for Hechsher (i.e. Tum'ah. Seemingly, also here the text should say 'l'Tum'ah' - PF.)

øáé çééä áùí øáé éåçðï ãáøé äëì äéà. àó òì âá ãøáé ò÷éáä àîø úîï àéï îé ôéøåú îçååøéï ìèåîàä îåãé äåà äëà ùîé ôéøåú îçååøéï ìçìä.


(R. Chiyah citing R. Yochanan): [Our Mishnah] is like everyone. Even though R. Akiva said there that fruit juice is not a connection for Tum'ah, he agrees here that fruit juice is a connection for Chalah.

øáé áà [ãó éá òîåã á] øáé çééä áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé àéï ìê îçååø àìà ùáòú äîù÷éï áìáã.


(R. Ba citing R. Chiyah citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): The only matters that connect are the seven liquids (wine, blood, olive oil, milk, dew, bee's honey and water).

øáé éåñé áòé îä àéúàîøú ìçìä [ö"ì àå - äâø"à] ìèåîàä.


Question (R. Yosi): Did he say so for Chalah, or for Tum'ah?

àéï úéîø ìçìä ë"ù ìèåîàä. àéï úéî' ìèåîàä äà ìçìä ìà.


If you will say that it is for Chalah, all the more so [nothing else is a connection] for Tum'ah (we find that R. Yochanan holds that fruit juice is a connection for Chalah, but not for Tum'ah). If you will say that it is for Tum'ah, for Chalah, no (other matters can be a connection, e.g. fruit juice according to R. Yochanan).

øáé éåðä ôùéèà ìéä ìçìä ëì ùëï ìèåîàä.


R. Yonah held that surely, it is for Chalah, and all the more so for Tum'ah.

øáé éåðä ëãòúéä ãøáé éåðä úðé (ãøáé ùîòåï áï éåçé øáé éäåùò áï ìåé úðé ãøáé ùîòåï áï éåçé ãúðé) [ö"ì áùí - øéãá"æ, îäâø"à] øáé ùîòåï áï éåçé øáé èøôåï àåîø ðàîø ëàï çìä. åðàîø ìäìï [åé÷øà ç ëå] çìú ìçí ùîï. îä çìä ùðàîø ìäìï òùåéä áùîï. àó çìä ùðàîø ëàï òùåéä áùîï. åùîï àçã îùáòú äîù÷éï äåà.


R. Yonah holds like he taught elsewhere, for R. Yonah taught in the name of R. Shimon ben Yochai, R. Tarfon says, it says here "Chalah", and it says there "Chalas Lechem Shemen." Just like Chalah said there is made with [olive] oil, also Chalah said here is made with [a liquid] like oil, and [olive] oil is one of the seven liquids.


HOW MUCH ONE MUST EXERT FOR TAHARAH (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 12b)

øáé éåñé áùí øáé ùáúé (øáé) [ö"ì åøáé - îäø"à ôåìãà, åëï ááøëåú ç:á] çééà áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù ìçìä åìðèéìú éãéí àãí îäìê àøáòú îéìéï.


(R. Yosi citing R. Shabsi, and R. Chiya citing Reish Lakish): For Chalah (to be able to separate it b'Taharah), or to wash his hands [for a meal], one must go four Mil.

ø' àáäå áùí ø' éåñé áï çðéðä äãà ãúéîø ìôðéå àáì ìàçøéå àéï îèøéçéï òìéå.


(R. Avahu citing R. Yosi ben Chaninah): This is only in front of him (the direction he is going), but in back, we do not exert him [so much].

[ãó ë òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ùåîøé âðåú åôøãéñéï îä àú òáã ìåï ëìôðéäï ëìàçøéäï.


Question: People who guard gardens and vineyards (later, they will need to go to get water for the crops), do you consider that [the water is] in front of them (for later, they must go there) or in back of them (for now, they want to eat here)?

ðéùîòéðä îï äãà äàùä éåùáú å÷åöä çìúä òøåîä


Answer (Mishnah): A woman may sit and separate Chalah [with a Brachah] while naked;

åäãà àùä ìà áúåê áéúä éåùáú åúéîø àéï îèøéçéï òìéä. åäëà àéï îèøéçéï òìéå.


Inference: Is this woman not inside the house [and she could get clothes], and you say that we do not exert her? [Also] here, we do not exert [people who guard gardens and vineyards! We explained this like R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO.]

úðé äîéí ùìôðé äîæåï øùåú åùì àçø äîæåï çåáä. àìà ùáøàùåðéí ðåèì åîôñé÷ åáùðééí ðåèì åàéðå îôñé÷.


(Beraisa): Water (Netilas Yadayim) before a meal is Reshus. (Usually, this means optional; here it means Mitzvah. It is called Reshus in contrast to Mayim Acharonim, which is more obligatory.) After the meal, it is Chovah. However, the first water one washes and interrupts, but the latter water, one washes and does not interrupt (this will be explained).


Note: Our text of the Tosefta (5:1) says that one may interrupt in Mayim Rishonim if he wants, but not in Mayim Acharonim. It seems that the Yerushalmi's text was different, especially since below R. Shmuel asks that Mayim Rishonim is more stringent than Mayim Acharonim, and this is left difficult.

îäå îôñé÷.


Question: What does it mean 'one washes and interrupts'?

ø' éò÷á áø àçà àîø ðåèì åùåðä.


Answer (R. Yakov bar Acha): He washes and repeats (for the first washing is Metaher the hands, but the water on his hands is Tamei. He washes again to be Metaher the water.)

øáé éò÷á áø øá éöç÷ áòé ðåèì åùåðä åàú àîøú øùåú.


Version #1 - Objection (R. Yakov bar Rav Yitzchak): He must wash and repeat, and you say that it is Reshus?! (This is more stringent than Mayim Acharonim, which you call Chovah!)

(àéï) [ö"ì åàéú - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] ãáòé îéîø àøáòú îéìéï åàú àîøú øùåú


Version #2 - Objection: Some say, he must go four Mil [in order to wash], and you say that it is Reshus?!

àîø øáé éò÷á áø àéãé òì äøàùåðéí ðàëì áùø çæéø. åòì äùðééí éöàú àùä îáéúä. åéù àåîøéí ùðäøâå òìéä ùìù ðôùåú.


(R. Yakov bar Idi): Due to [omission of] Mayim Rishonim, a man was [assumed to be a Nochri, and he was] fed pork. Due to [omission of] Mayim Acharonim, a woman was expelled from her house. (It enabled someone to see what her husband had eaten, and thereby trick her. Her husband was angry, and divorced her.) And some say that through this, three people were killed (R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO, based on RASHI Chulin 106a).


DISTANCING FROM ERVAH AND EXCREMENT (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 12b)

äãà àîøä òâáåú àéï áäï îùåí òøåä.


Inference: [Since a woman may sit and separate Chalah while naked,] this shows that buttocks are not considered Ervah.

äãà ãàú àîø ìáøëä. àáì ìäáéè àôéìå ëì ùäåà àñåø.


Limitation: This is regarding Brachah (she may bless when they are exposed), but [for a man] to look, even any amount is forbidden.

ëäãà ãúðé äîñúëì áò÷éáä ùì àùä ëîñúëì ááéú äøçí. åäîñúëì ááéú äøçí ëéìå áà òìéä.


This is like it was taught, one who gazes at the heel of a woman, it is as if he gazes at the womb, and one who gazes at the womb, it is as if he had Bi'ah with her.

ùîåàì àîø ÷åì áàùä òøåä


(Shmuel): A woman's [singing] voice is Ervah.

[ãó ëà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îä èòí [éøîé' â è] åäéä î÷åì æðåúä åúçðó äàøõ åâåîø.


What is the source? "V'Hayah mi'Kol Zenusah va'Techenaf Es ha'Aretz..."

øá äåðà àîø òåîã äåà àãí òì äöåàä åîúôìì åáìáã ùìà éäà áùøå ðåâò áöåàä.


(Rav Huna): One may stand over excrement and pray, as long as his flesh does not touch the excrement.

éùá åìà ÷éðç (àñåø) [ö"ì îäå - äâø"à]


Question: If one sat (defecated) and did not clean [his anus], what is the law (may he pray)?

à"ø îðà àó òì âá ãìà àîø (ø' éåñé) [ö"ì øá äåðà - äâø"à] äãà îéìúà àîø ãëååúä


Answer (R. Mana): Even though Rav Huna did not say this, he said similar to it (and we can infer from what he said);

ãøá äåðà àîø òåîã äåà àãí òì âáé öåàä åîúôìì åáìáã ùìà éäà áùøå ðåâò áöåàä.


(Rav Huna): One may stand over excrement and pray, as long as his flesh does not touch the excrement.

éùá åìà ÷éðç äøé áùøå ðåâò áöåàä:


If one sat and did not clean, his flesh touches the excrement (presumably, something remained on his anus).