
WHEN A NAZIR TAMEI BEGINS NEZIRUS TAHARAH (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 6 Daf 29b)

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(Mishnah): The Gilu'ach of a Tamei Nazir is as follows. He is sprinkled with [water with ashes of Parah Adumah] on days three and seven. He shaves on day seven, and brings Korbanos on day eight;

åàí âéìç áùîéðé îáéà ÷øáðåúéå áå áéåí ãáøé ø' ò÷éáä


R. Akiva says, if he shaved on day eight, he may bring Korbanos that same day.

àîø ìå ø' èøôåï îä áéï æä ìîöåøò


R. Tarfon: Why is this different than a Metzora?

àîø ìå ùæä èäøúå úìåéä áéîéå åæä èäøúå úìåéä áúâìçúå àéðå îáéà àú ÷øáðåúéå àìà àí ëï äéä îòåøá ùîù:


R. Akiva: This one (a Nazir Tamei), his Taharah depends on days. This one (a Metzora), his Taharah depends on shaving, and he cannot bring Korbanos until he had Ha'arev Shemesh (it became dark after he immersed).

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(Gemara - Beraisa): It says "v'Hizir la'Shem Es Yemei Nizro [v'Hevi Keves Ben Shenaso l'Asham]" - [he counts Nezirus Taharah] from the day of bringing his Korbanos. Rebbi says so;

ø' éåñé áé ø' éäåãä àåîø îùòú úâìçúå


R. Yosi bei R. Yehudah says, it is from when he shaves.

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(R. Ze'ira citing R. Hoshayah, and R. Chiyah citing R. Yochanan): When do they argue? It is when he shaved on day seven and brought his Korbanos on day eight, but if he shaved on day eight and brought his Korbanos the same day, all agree [that he counts] from the day of bringing his Korbanos.

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(R. Yosi): This is if he immersed on day seven, but if he immersed on day eight, his eighth day becomes like his seventh, and his ninth day becomes like his eighth. (He cannot bring his Korbanos, and [according to Rebbi] begin Nezirus Taharah, until the ninth.)

ðéèîà åçæø åðéèîà îáéà ÷øáï òì ëì àçã åàçã


(Beraisa): If he became Tamei and [before bringing Korban Tum'ah] became Tamei again, he brings a Korban for each one (for each Tum'ah);

àîø ø' æòéøà ëøáé éåñé áé ø' éåãä áøí ëøáé äééãà äåà òåîã áðæéøåú áèåîàä


(R. Ze'ira): This is like R. Yosi bei R. Yehudah. However, according to Rebbi, he is still in his Nezirus Tum'ah (it is like one long Tum'ah, so one Korban suffices).

à"ø àéìà îä ôìéâéï ìîðåú ìðæéøåú áèäøä åäæéø ìä' àú éîé ðæøå åäáéà àîø øáé òã ùéáéà îîù øáé éåñé áé øáé éäåãä àåîø àôé' ðøàä ìäáéà


(R. Ila): What do they argue about? It is to count Nezirus Taharah. "V'Hizir la'Shem Es Yemei Nizro v'Hevi" - Rebbi says, it is until he actually brings [the Asham]. R. Yosi bei R. Yehudah says, [it is] even from when he is able to bring.

÷øáï èåîàä ëì òîà îåãéé ùîáéà ÷øáï èåîàä


[However, for] Korban Tum'ah, [if he was able to bring Korban Tum'ah], all agree that he brings [another] Korban Tum'ah. (We explained this like SEFER NIR.)

åúðé ëï ðéèîà áùáéòé åçæø åðéèîà áùîéðé îáéà ÷øáï ìëì àçã åàçã


Support (Beraisa): If he became Tamei on day seven and became Tamei again on day eight [even before bringing his Korban], he brings a Korban for each one. (According to R. Ila, this is like everyone. According to R. Ze'ira, it is unlike Rebbi!)

òì ãòúéä ãøáé æòéøà ëøáé ðãçä ÷øáï øàùåï åîáéà ÷øáï ùðé òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåñé áé ø' éäåãä ìà ðãçä


Rejection: [Even] according to R. Zeira, it can be like Rebbi. [If he offered a Korban and became Tamei, the Korban] is Nidcheh (pushed off), and he must bring a second Korban for the second. (I.e. Rebbi holds that Nezirus Taharah begins only after offering all three Korbanos Tum'ah. Alternatively, if he became Tamei between Shechitah and Zerikah of the first, it is Nidcheh.) According to R. Yosi bei R. Yehudah, [always he brings a second Korban, even if] it is not Nidcheh;

òì ãòúéä ãø' äéìà ãáøé äëì ìà ðãçä åîáéà àçø:


According to R. Heila (R. Ila), it is like everyone. [Even if] it is not Nidcheh, he must bring another. (We explained this like MEICHAL HA'MAYIM.)