Torah Numerology
the final frontier
by Yosef Sebagphysicist, electrical engineer

This incredible sequence possesses all sorts of numerical and geometrical symmetry and perfection not shared by any other number or sequence of numbers.
In that sense it can be regarded as the ultimate and peerless masterpiece of mathematical wisdom and perfection.
What is this supreme sequence of numbers? It just happens to be the first verse in Genesis.
Let us begin the incredible journey into this new world of G-d awesome perfection.
"The universe appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician." - British physicist James Jeans (1877-1946)Special thanks to my friend and teacher Oren Evron for introducing me to this new facet of Torah numerology. May the Al-mighty grant him continued success in his holy work.
Approbation Letters
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
Rabbi Zev Leff
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
>> Next Quintessential Number