
Why does the Torah insert the words "be'Kerev Artzecha'?


Ramban: Bearing in mind that "Efes ki Lo Yih'yeh b'cha Evyon" refers to Eretz Yisrael exclusively, 1 the Torah here is referring to wherever one lives, even in Chutz la'Aretz, as does "be'Artzecha" at the end of the Pasuk. 2


See Pasuk 4.


Ramban: Similar to "be'Moshvoseichem" - in Bamidbar 35:29, which incorporates both Eretz Yisrael and Chutz la'Aretz.


Bearing in mind what the Torah wrote in Pasuk 4 ("Efes ki Lo Yih'yeh b'cha Evyon"), what are the implications of "Ki Lo Yechdal Evyon ... "?


Refer to 15:4:1:1-4 and notes.


Sifri: It implies that there will always be Aniyim, even in the times of Mashi'ach, in which case the only difference between nowadays and the time of Mashi'ach is our subordination to the nations of the world which will come to an end with the coming of Mashi'ach. 1

2. 1

See Torah Temimah, note 39.


Seeing as the Pasuk is referring to when Yisrael sin, since when does the Torah predict that Yisrael will sin?


Seforno: We find that it does in Ha'azinu, 3:29 "Ki Yada'ati Acharei Mosi ki Hashcheis Tishchisun!"


Rashbam: Based on the Pasuk in Koheles, 7:20 'For there is no such person who is righteous - who does only good and does not sin!' it is inevitable that they will.


Why does the Torah insert the word "Leimor"?


Rashi: It is offering a sound piece of advice. 1


Why does the Torah insert the word "le'Achicha"?


Ramban #1: Because the Mitzvah of Tzedakah only applies to giving to a fellow Yisrael, but not to a Nochri. 1


Ramban #2 (citing the Sifri) and Targum Yonasan: The Torah mentions both "Achicha" and "Evyonei Artzecha" to give precedence to one's relatives over strangers. 2


However, it is a Mitzvah mi'de'Rabbanan to give charity to poor Nochrim due to Darkei Shalom.


Refer also to 15:11:5:1.


Why does the Torah say "le'Achicha la'Aniyecha u'le'Evyoncha be'Artzecha"?


Ibn Ezra: The Torah is presenting the order of precedence in which to give Tzedakah: a. "Achicha" - a close relative; b. "Aniyecha" - other members of your family 1 ; c. "Evyonei Artzecha" - the destitute of your country (before those of other countries.


Targum Yonasan: Refer to 15:11:4:2 . And "la'Aniyecha u'le'Evyoncha be'Artzecha" teaches us that one should give precedence to the poor of one's own town over the poor of other towns.


Family members, even if they are Aniyim, precede others, even if they are Evyonim. Refer to 15:4:2:1 (PF).

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