
Whose bows are discussed?


Rashi: Those of Bnei Madai. Malbim - this explains arousing Madai (17).


Which youths are discussed, and what will happen to them?


Rashi: It is the youths of Bavel; the arrows that Madai will shoot at them via their bows, they will pierce them.


Radak, Malbim: [Madai] put youths in their bows in lieu of arrows, and shot them on the ground and at the walls.


Verse 16 already said "v'Oleleihem Yeruteshu"!


Malbim (16): That refers to children of foreigners in Bavel. Here discusses natives of Bavel.


Who are "Pri Beten"?


Rashi: They are infants.


Radak: They are children who are still minors. The same applies to "v'Achalta Pri Vitnecha" (Devarim 28:53), "Im Banim v'Im Banos Yatzilu" (Yechezkel 14:16), "Oh Ven Yigach Oh Vas Yigach" (Shemos 21:31).


Malbim: They are nursing infants. Banim are older children.


Why does it say "Yerachemu" and "Sachus"?


Malbim: Rachamim applies only to living beings. He is pained to see them afflicted. Chus applies to loss of property. The nature of soldiers is to have mercy on tender children more than on mature youths. They are cruel to take vengeance only on the adults. On the other hand, they are more inclined to leave the adults alive for slaves, but they have no benefit from infants. They will not have Rachamim on the infants, and not be Chas on the adults, for they do not esteem money.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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