
What is "Tzvi"?


Radak: It is the desire. All kingdoms desired it [Malbim - and were submissive to it].


What is "Tif'eres Ge'on Kasdim"?


Radak, Malbim: It is what they pride themselves about. Malbim - the capitol is made beautiful according to the grandeur of the kingdom.


When will Bavel become like Sedom?


Rashi (from Seder Olam 28): Two punishments came on Bavel in two years. Daryavesh killed Belshatzar and ruled for one year, and the next year it was overturned like Sedom via Shamayim. "U'Va va'Shanah ha'Shemu'ah" (Yirmeyah 51:46) - the year of Daryavesh; "v'Acharav ba'Shanah ha'Shemu'ah 1 " (ibid.) - Bavel, which used to be the glorious kingdom, was overturned like Sedom.


Radak: The first Shemu'ah (report) was of Daryavesh; the latter was of the overturning of Bavel.


How will it resemble Sedom and Amorah?


Radak: It will be desolate, and never settled. The city Bavel where Daryavesh and Koresh ruled, and now [it is called] Bavel, is not the old Bavel. Daryavesh destroyed the old Bavel, and built another city in that valley; it is called Bavel nowadays.

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