
WHAT IS INCLUDED IN REFU'AH (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 2 Daf 34b)

îúðé' øéôåé äëäå çééá ìøôåúå òìå áå öîçéí àí îçîú äîëä çééá åùìà îçîú äîëä ôèåø


(Mishnah): Refu'ah - if he hit him, he is obligated to heal him. If sores developed, if they are due to the blow, he is obligated. If they are not due to the blow, he is exempt.

çééúä åðñúøä çééú' åðñúøä çééá ìøôåúå


If [the wound seemingly] healed and returned, healed and returned, he is obligated;

çééúä ëì öåøëä àéðå çééá ìøôåúå:


If it fully healed, he is not obligated to heal him [any more].

âî' øáé éøîéä áòé òìå áå öîçéï ñáéáåú [ãó ìä òîåã à] äîëä åðñúøä îçîú äîëä îäå.


(Gemara - R. Yirmeyah) Question: If sores developed around the wound [due to excessive wrapping], and returned due to the blow, what is the law?

îï îä ãëúéá [ùîåú ëà éè] åøôà éøôà ùàí òáø òì ãáø øåôà.


Answer: Since it is written "v'Rapo Yerapei'' - if he transgressed the doctor's instructions [the damager is exempt, also here he is exempt].

úðé çåøéï åøôà éøôà ùàí òìú âøâåúðé çééá ìøôåúå.


Another Beraisa teaches "v'Rapo Yerapei'' - if dead skin arose on it, he is obligated to heal it.

[ãó ìà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úðé ø' éåñé áé ø' éåãï àåîø òìå áå öîçéí ñáéáåú äîëä àó òì ôé ùðñúøä äîëä çééá ìøôåúå åàéï çééá ìéúï ìå ãîé ùáúå.


(Beraisa - R. Yosi bei R. Yudan): If sores developed around the wound [due to the wound], even though the wound flared up again, he must heal him, but he need not give to him Sheves (for what flared up, only for the initial blow).

øáé ùîòåï àåîø çéãåù çéãù äëúåá áôøùä äæàú ùéúï ìå ùáú åøéôåé. [ùîåú ëà éè] ø÷ ùáúå éúï åøôà éøôà:


R. Shimon says, it is a Chidush of the Torah in this Parshah that he pay Sheves and Refu'ah (only these are explicit) -''Rak Shivto Yiten v'Rapo Yerapei'' (so he pays Sheves even for what flared up).