BAVA KAMA 86 (17 Shevat) - Dedicated by Mrs. Idelle Rudman in memory of Harav Reuven Moshe Rudman ben Harav Yosef Tuvia Rudman, who passed away 17 Shevat 5766, in honor of his Yahrzeit.


LAWS OF SHEVES AND BOSHES (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 35a)

îúðé' ùáú øåàéï àåúå ëàéìå ùåîø ÷éùåàéï ùëáø ðúï ìå ãîé éãå åãîé øâìå


(Mishnah): Sheves - we view him like one who guards gourds, for he already gave to him the value of his arm or leg (Nezek is his initial value, when he could do a high-paying job that requires his arm or leg, less his value now that he can do only simpler work).

áåùú äëì ìôé äîáééù åäîúáééù


Embarrassment - we evaluate this according to the one who embarrassed and the one who was embarrassed.

äîáééù àú äòøåí äîáééù àú äñåîà äîáééù àú äéùï çééá


One who embarrasses a naked, blind, or sleeping person is liable;

åéùï ùáééù ôèåø


A sleeping person who embarrassed someone is exempt.

ðôì îï äââ åäæé÷ åáééù çééá òì äðæ÷ åôèåø òì äáåùú ùðàîø [ãáøéí ëä éà] åùìçä éãä åäçæé÷ä áîáåùéå àéðå çééá òì äáåùú òã ùéäà îúëåéï:


If one fell from the roof and damaged and embarrassed, he is liable for Nezek and exempt for the embarrassment, for it says "v'Shilchah Yadah v'Hechezikah bi'Mevushav'' - one is liable for Boshes only if he intended to embarrass.

âî' äëà àú îø øåàéï àåúå ëàéìå ùåîø ÷éùåàéï åäëà àú îø äéä òåùä îðä áéåí ðåúï ìå îðä ñìò ðåúï ìå ñìò.


(Gemara) Question: Here you say that we view him like one who guards gourds, and here [in a Tosefta] you say that if he earns a Maneh (100 Dinarim) per day, he gives to him a Maneh. If he earns a Sela per day, he gives to him a Sela!

à''ø éöç÷ úøéï ùáúéï àéðåï äëäå òì éãå å÷èòä àéï øåàéï àåúå ëàéìå òåùä îðä áéåí àìà øåàéï àåúå ëàéìå çéâø éåùá åùåîø ÷éùåàéï ùëáø ðúï ìå ãîé éãå åãîé øâìå.


Answer (R. Yitzchak): There are two kinds of Sheves. If he hit him on his hand [or leg] and cut it off, we do not view him like one who earns a Maneh each day. Rather, we view him like a lame person who guards gourds, for he already gave to him the value of his arm or leg;

ùàí ëåéå òì ëó éãå åöáú òì ëó (øàùå åöáä àå ùäèéì òìéå ùìâ àå öåðï áî÷åí ùàéðå ðøàä çééá ìøôåúå) [ö''ì øâìå - äâäåú ø' éåñó ãéððòø].


If he hit him on his palm and it swelled, or on his foot and it swelled (and it will heal, he gives to him what he used to earn each day, be it a Maneh or a Sela).

[ãó ìä òîåã á] úðé åùìçä éãä åìà àùú ùìéç á''ã


(Beraisa #1): "V'Shilchah Yadah'', and not the wife of a Shali'ach of Beis Din. (If her husband was fighting with a man, and she grabbed the latter by the testicles, she is exempt.)

úðéé çåøéï úðé åùìçä éãä ìøáåú àùú ùìéç á''ã.


Contradiction (Beraisa #2): "V'Shilchah Yadah'' includes the wife of a Shali'ach of Beis Din.

îàï ãîø åùìçä éãä åìà àùú ùìéç á''ã áùäëäå áøùåú îàï ãîø ìøáåú àùú ùìéç á''ã áùäëäå ùìà áøùåú.


Resolution: The one who says "v'Shilchah Yadah'', and not the wife of a Shali'ach of Beis Din, this is when [her husband] hit him with Reshus (if the other man wanted to hit back and she saved her husband, she is exempt). The one who says to exclude the wife of a Shali'ach of Beis Din, this is when he hit him without Reshus.

úðé ìà àùú ùðéí:


(Beraisa): And not the 'wife' of two. (HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA - if a woman grabbed both men by the testicles, this shows that she did not intend to embarrass, only to stop the fight, so she is exempt.)