
Wha are the implicatons of "Tevi'eimo v'Sita'eimo ... "?


Hadar Zekenim: It is a source in the Torah for Techiyas ha'Mesim. 1


He does not explain how we learn Techiyas ha'Mesim from here. Perhaps it is because the Pasuk hints at bringing the nation to the [third] Beis-Hamikdash, which Hashem will build. Refer to 15:17:4:2 (PF).


Why did Moshe say "Tevi'eimo" (bring them), and not 'Tevi'einu' (bring us)?


Rashi #1 and the Mechilta: He prophesied that he 1 would not enter Eretz Cana'an. 2


According to the Maharshal, Rashi is referring, not just to Moshe himself, but to the entire generation, who were destined not to enter Eretz Cana'an - despite the fact that the sin of the Meraglim had not yet taken place.


Moshav Zekenim and Riva: And the reason that he later said to Yisro, "We are going to the place..." (Bamidbar 10:29), is because he did not realize what he was prophesying; nor did he extrapolate from "Atah Tir'eh" (6:1) that he would not enter Eretz Yisrael (refer to 6:1:1:1).


Why does the Torah use the word "Machon" and not 'Makom'?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: To teach us that the earthly Beis-ha'Mikdash is exactly opposite Hashem's Throne. 1


Since the word "Machon" can be read 'Mechuvan' (exactly opposite). See Torah Temimah, note 29.


Why the double expression "Tevi'eimo v'Sita'eimo"?


Seforno: 'Bring them to the land and settle them there permanently' - that they should never be exiled from it.


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'Bring them to the land and settle them there.'


How will we reconcile the current Pasuk, which implies that Yisrael will build the Beis-Hamikdash after they arrive in Eretz Yisrael, with the Pasuk in Terumah, "v'Asu Li Mikdash .... ", where Hashem instructed them to build it already in the desert


Kesuvos 62b: This teaches us just how much Hashem loves Yisrael - in that He could not wait until they arrived in Eretz Yisrael.


What does the Torah mean when it refers to "the Mikdash which Hashem's Hands established"?


Rashi #1 (citing the Mechilta): The fact that the Torah writes "Yadecha" (in the plural), indicates how precious the Beis-ha'Mikdash is in Hashem's Eyes - When He created the world, He created it with only One Hand, 1 yet the Beis-ha'Mikdash that He will build, 2 He will build with Two Hands.


Rashi #2 (to Sukah 41a): It hints that the third Beis-ha'Mikdash 3 will descend from Heaven, fully built.


Seforno: It refers to the plans of the Beis-ha'Mikdash, which Hashem handed to David ha'Melech, 4 just as He handed the plans of the Mishkan to Moshe. 5


Rashi: As the Navi writes in Yeshayah 48:13.


Rashi: When He will reign Supreme over the entire world - as hinted in the next Pasuk.


Refer to 15:16:4:3.


See Divrei Hayamim I 28:19 (Rashi).


See Shemos 25:8, 9 (Rashi).

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