
TOSFOS DH Aval Lo Gacheles Shel Etz

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì ìà âçìú ùì òõ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the connection of this to Davar she'Eino Miskaven.)

úéîä äéëé ñ''ã ããáø ùàéï îúëåéï ùåä ìàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä ãîä òðéï æä ìæä


Question: What is the Havah Amina that Davar she'Eino Miskaven is the same as [Melachah] she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah? What is the connection of one to the other?

åáô' ëéøä (ùáú îá.) ðéçà èôé âáé äà ãùøé ùîåàì àôéìå ùéòåø ìöøó ãôøéê äúí ëä''â


Remark: In Shabbos (42a) it is better. Shmuel permits even [putting into a hot Kli] a Shi'ur [of cold water] for Tziruf (that will solidify it), and [the Gemara] asks like this;

åîöé ìîéîø ãñ''ã ãìà äåä ùøé ø''ù ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï ìëúçéìä àé ìàå îùåí ãàéú áéä úøúé ãäåä ðîé îìàëä ùàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä


One can say that one might have thought that R. Shimon would not permit Davar she'Eino Miskaven l'Chatchilah, if not for two [reasons to be lenient] - it is also Melachah she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah;

äìëê øáé éäåãä ãîçééá áàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä àåñø áàéï îúëåéï ãäà áäà úìéà


Therefore, R. Yehudah, who is Mechayev for Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah, forbids Davar she'Eino Miskaven, for one depends on the other.

àáì äëà àé àôùø ìôøù ëï ãîééúé ìä àääéà ãäîúðãá ééï îáéàå åîæìôå òì âáé äàéùéí


However, here one cannot explain so, for [the argument about Davar she'Eino Miskaven] is brought regarding one who volunteers wine, he brings it and sprinkles it on the fire;

ãìà ùééê èòîà ãàéï öøéëä ìâåôä àìà âáé îìàëåú ãùáú åáñåó ôø÷ øàùåï ãçâéâä (ãó é.) îééúé ìä âáé äìëåú ùáú ëäøøéí äúìåéí áùòøä


The reason of Ein Tzerichah l'Gufah applies only to Melachos of Shabbos. In Chagigah (10a) it is brought regarding "laws of Shabbos are like mountains hanging from a hair."

åöøéê ìôøù ãîùîò ìäù''ñ ãäùúà ãëé äéëé ãîçééá ùîåàì áàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä ä''ð éù ìå ìçééá àéï îúëåéï ëîúëåéï


Answer: We must say that the Gemara understands now that just like Shmuel obligates she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah, likewise he should be Mechayev Ein Miskaven like one who intends.


TOSFOS DH bi'Melachah she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah Savar Lah k'R. Yehudah

úåñôåú ã"ä áîìàëä ùàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä ñáø ìä ëøáé éäåãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with Shmuel's teaching in Shabbos.)

ä÷ùä áäìëåú âãåìåú ãáùîòúà ÷îééúà ãùáú (ãó â.) ÷àîø ùîåàì ëì ôèåøé ãùáú ôèåø àáì àñåø ìáø îäðé úìú ãôèåø åîåúø äöã öáé åäöã ðçù åîôéñ îåøñà ôé' ãùøå øáðï îùåí öòø ãâåôà


Question (Bahag): In Shabbos (3a), Shmuel said that wherever [a Mishnah] in Shabbos says "exempt", he is exempt, but it is forbidden [mid'Rabanan] except for these three, which are exempt and permitted - trapping a deer, trapping a snake, and piercing an abscess. I.e. Rabanan permitted due to bodily pain.

(åäùúà ëéåï ãñ"ì ìùîåàì ëøáé éäåãä ãîìàëä ùàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä çééá òìéä îãàåøééúà äéëé ùøå øáðï îùåí öòø ãâåôà - ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Since Shmuel holds like R. Yehudah, that one is liable for Melachah she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah mid'Oraisa, how could Rabanan permit due to bodily pain?!

ãöã ðçù åîôéñ îåøñà ìà îéôèø àìà ìø''ù ãôèø îìàëä ùàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä ëãàéúà áô' ùîðä ùøöéí (ùáú ÷æ:)


Trapping a snake and piercing an abscess are exempt only according to R. Shimon, who exempts Melachah she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah, like is brought in Shabbos (107b)!

åãåç÷ äåà ìúøõ áäìëåú âãåìåú


Remark: Bahag gave a difficult answer.

åø''ú úéøõ ãäà ãçùéá ìä ùîåàì [áäãé] ôèåø åîåúø (÷àîø) ìàå îùåí ãñ''ì äëé. àìà ëìåîø îàï ãñ''ì ùäåà ôèåø ÷ñáø ãôèåø åîåúø ëîå ùîã÷ã÷ ùîåàì áñåó äàåøâ (ùí ÷æ.) ãåãàé ôèåø åîåúø ÷àîø


Answer (R. Tam): Shmuel counts this with cases that are exempt and permitted, but not because he holds like this. Rather, the one who holds that he is exempt, he holds that he is exempt and it is permitted. This is like Shmuel derived in Shabbos (107a) that surely [the Tana] says that he is exempt and permitted;

îéäå àðï ìà ÷ééîà ìï ëùîåàì áîìàëä ùàéðä öøéëä ìâåôä ëãàùëçï øáà ãäåà áúøàä ãñáø ëø''ù áøéù ðåèì (ùí ÷îà:) åàîåøàé ãôø÷ ëì ëúáé ä÷ãù (ùí ÷ëà:) ãàîøé ëì äîæé÷éï ðäøâéï áùáú


However, we do not hold like Shmuel regarding Melachah she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah, like we find that Rava, who is Basra, holds like R. Shimon in Shabbos (141b) and the Amora'im in Shabbos (121b) who said that all damagers may be killed on Shabbos;

åàôéìå îàï ãàñø ìà ôìéâ àîúðé' ãòì ò÷øá ùìà úùåê äìëê îåúø ìäôéñ îåøñà áùáú ìäåöéà îîðä ìéçä:


Even the one who forbids does not argue with the Mishnah (121a, which permits putting a Kli) on a scorpion (trapping it) so it will not bite. Therefore, one may pierce an abscess to remove pus from it.


TOSFOS DH she'Lanah veshe'Nitme'ah

úåñôåú ã"ä ùìðä åùðèîàä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when one is exempt for Tamei blood.)

ôéøåù ìï ãîä åðèîà ãîä


Explanation: The blood was left overnight or became Tamei.

åàí úàîø åðèîà î''è ìà áòé ëéáåñ äà îãàåøééúà æåø÷å ìëúçéìä ëãàîøéðï (ôñçéí ãó ô:) ãí ùðèîà åæø÷å áùåââ äåøöä


Question: If it became Tamei, why does it not require laundering? Mid'Oraisa one may do Zerikah l'Chatchilah, like we say (Pesachim 80b) that if blood became Tamei and he threw it, b'Shogeg it atoned!

åé''ì ãîééøé ëâåï ùðùáø äöéõ àå àéðå òì îöçå ìîàï ãàéú ìéä [ùàéðå îøöä] (éåîà ãó æ:)


Answer: We discuss a case, e.g. the Tzitz was broken or it is not on [the Kohen Gadol's] head, according to the opinion that it is not Meratzeh [then].


TOSFOS DH veshe'Kiblo Pesulin v'Zarku Es Damah

úåñôåú ã"ä åù÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å àú ãîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why it teaches about when Pesulim did Zerikah.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ àå æø÷å åàò''â ãàôéìå ëùøä àí ðéúæ ãîä ìàçø æøé÷ä àéï èòåï ëéáåñ ëãàîø ì÷îï ôøè ìæä ùëáø äåæä


Explanation (Rashi): [Pesulim did Kabalah] or Zerikah, and even though it is Kosher, if blood splashed after Zerikah, it does not require laundering, like it says below (93a) "to exclude this, which was already sprinkled."

àéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï áôñåìéï ìîéîø ããí ãçåé äåà åàéï äðåúø áîæø÷ ëùø ìæøé÷ä åìà úéîà éçæåø äëùø åéæøå÷ ãôñåì òåùä ùéøéí


It needs to teach about Pesulim, to say that the blood is Nidcheh, and what remains in the bucket is not proper for Zerikah. Do not say that a Kosher [Kohen] can return to do Zerikah, for a Pasul makes Shirayim.

åö''ò áô''÷ ãîòéìä (ãó ä.)


Question: This requires investigation in Me'ilah (5a. It concludes that our Mishnah is imprecise. It need not be laundered even if Kesherim did Zerikah.)


TOSFOS DH Yachol Tehei Dam Chatas Ta'un Kivus Talmud Lomar Zos

úåñôåú ã"ä éëåì úäà ãí çèàú äòåó èòåï ëéáåñ ú''ì æàú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the source to expound this way.)

åäåà äãéï ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí îéîòèé îæàú


Explanation: The same applies to Kodshim Kalim. "Zos" excludes them.

åúéîä ãáñåó ôéø÷éï (ãó öç.) îøáé îæàú äúåøä ìòåìä åìîðçä åìçèàú îä çèàú îú÷ãùú ááìåò àó ëì îú÷ãù ááìåò


Question: Below (98a), we include from "Zos ha'Torah l'Olah l'Minchah vela'Chatas" - just like Chatas, what absorbs it becomes forbidden [like it], also all [these Korbanos], what absorbs them becomes forbidden.

åäùúà îð''ì ãàúéà äé÷éùà ìøáåú ëì ä÷ãùéí ëçèàú ìòðéï áìåò åîéòåèà ãäëà ìòðéï ëéáåñ àéîà àéôëà


What is the source that the Hekesh comes to include all Kodshim like Chatas regarding absorptions, and the exclusion here is for laundering? I can say oppositely!

åé''ì ëéåï ãàùëçï ãëì ÷ãùéí èòåðéï îøé÷ä åùèéôä îãàéöèøéê àåúä ìîòåèé úøåîä ñáøà äåà ìàå÷åîä äé÷éùà ìòðéï ìäú÷ãù ááìåò îàçø ãàùëçï ãèòåðéï îøé÷ä åùèéôä îèòí áìéòú ëìé


Answer: Since we find that all Kodshim require Merikah and Shtifah (scouring and rinsing), since we need to exclude Terumah, it is reasonable to establish the Hekesh to forbid through absorptions, since we find that they require Merikah and Shetifah due to what the Kli absorbed.

åîéúøöà ðîé áäëé ÷åùéà àçøéúé ãøáé éäåãä îôé÷ ì÷îï ëì ÷ãùéí ìòðéï îøé÷ä åùèéôä î÷ãù ÷ãùéí


Support: This answers another question. Below (96b), R. Yehudah derives all Kodshim for Merikah and Shetifah from Kodesh Kodoshim;

åäùúà ì''ì ÷øà úéôå÷ ìé îäé÷éùà ãçèàú ãëì ÷ãùéí èòåðéï îøé÷ä åùèéôä ëçèàú


Question: Why does he need a verse? He should know this already from the Hekesh of Chatas, that all Kodshim obligate Merikah and Shetifah, like Chatas!

àáì ìîàé ãôøéùéú ðéçà ãàé ìàå ãàùëçï îøé÷ä [åùèéôä] áäãéà äåä îå÷îé äé÷éùà ìòðéï ëéáåñ åîéòåèà ãæàú ìîòåèé îøé÷ä åùèéôä åáìåò:


Answer: According to what I explained, it is fine. If we did not find Merikah and Shetifah explicitly, we would establish the Hekesh for laundering, and the exclusion "Zos" to exclude Merikah and Shetifah and absorptions.



TOSFOS DH v'Keren v'Etzba v'Chudah

úåñôåú ã"ä å÷øï åàöáò åçåãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this means the Keren or the edge.)

úéîä àé çåîøé ÷çùéá äà ìà äåå àìéáà ãçã úðà ãîàï ãàéú ìéä çåãä ìéú ìéä ÷øï ëãîåëç ìòéì áôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (ãó ðâ.) ãôìéâé øáé åø''à áø''ù


Question: If he lists stringencies, these are not according to one Tana! The one who says that [Dam Chatas must be put on] the edge, he does not require on the Keren, like is proven above (53a. He allows even below the Keren, until the Sovev!) Rebbi and R. Elazar b'Ribi Shimon argue about this.

åéù ìåîø ãäëé àîø ÷øï ìîàï ãàéú ìéä åçåãä ìîàï ãàéú ìéä


Answer: Here it says [that it requires] Keren, according to the opinion that says so, and [it requires] the edge, according to the opinion that says so.

åëï öøéê ìôøù ìòéì áô''÷ (ãó é:) åäàéëà çåãä


Support: So we must explain above (10b. Dam Chatas is more stringent than Asham, for it is put with the finger, and on the Keranos) and the edge!


TOSFOS DH Iy Hachi... Echad ha'Pnimiyos v'Echad ha'Ne'echalos Miba'i Lei

úåñôåú ã"ä àé äëé àçã äðàëìåú åàçã äôðéîéåú àçã äôðéîéåú åàçã äðàëìåú îéáòé ìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when we teach the simpler law first.)

ùäôùåè éåúø éù ìå ìäæëéø úçìä


Explanation: What is more obvious should be mentioned first.

åáô''÷ ãñåëä (ãó ë.) âøéñ øù''é áîùðä àçú ÷èðä åàçú âãåìä åôøéê áâîøà àçú âãåìä åàçú ÷èðä îéáòé ìéä ãäëé îùîò àçú äéà äâãåìä åàçú äéà ä÷èðä ëìåîø ëîåä äéà åàéðä çìå÷ä ìãéï ùðé


Remark: In Sukah (20a), Rashi's text in the Mishnah says "Echad small v'Echad big" (their laws are the same), and the Gemara asks that it should say "Echad big v'Echad small", for it connotes that there is one law for big, and one for small, i.e. it is like it, and it does not have a second law.

åëï ãøê úðàéí áëì î÷åí ãääéà ãôùéèà ìéä úðé áøéùà åàåúå äùðé ëùáà ìäùîéòðå ùùåä ìå ùåðä àçøéå ëãàîø áø''ä (ãó ëè:) àçã éáðä åàçã ëì î÷åí ùéù ùí á''ã


This is the style of the Tana'im everywhere. What is this is obvious to him he teaches first, and the second, when he comes to teach that it is the same, he teaches it afterwards, like it says in Rosh Hashanah (29b) "Echad Yavneh (we blow the Shofar there on Rosh Hashanah, even on Shabbos), v'Echad every place where there is a Beis Din."

åáá''÷ (ãó ð:) àçã äçåôø áåø åàçã äçåôø ùéç åîòøä


And in Bava Kama (50b) it says "Echad one who digs a pit (he is liable for animals that fall in), v'Echad one who digs a long pit or cave."

åáîñëú ñåèä (ãó îâ.) àçã äáåðä åàçã äìå÷ç åàçã äéåøù åèåáà úðï äúí âáé îòøëé äîìçîä äëé


And in Sotah (43a) it says "Echad one who builds a house (and did not live in it yet), v'Echad one who bought v'Echad one who inherited", and the Mishnah teaches also others regarding [returning from] war.

å÷ùä îääéà ãô' á' ãëúåáåú (ãó ë:) ãàçã çãùåú åàçã éùðåú åéùðåú ôùåè ìèåîàä éåúø îçãùåú


Question: In Kesuvos (20b) it says "Echad new [mounds], v'Echad old", and it is more obvious that old ones are Tamei than new ones!

åáô' äçåìõ (éáîåú îà.) àçã áúåìåú åàçã áòåìåú àìîà ãð÷è ùàéðå ôùåè úçéìä


And in Yevamos (41a), it says Echad Besulos v'Echad Be'ulos (they must wait three months before remarrying, to avoid Safek about who is the father). It mentioned the one that is not obvious first!

åéù ìçì÷ ãäéëà ã÷àé à÷øà àå áôìåâúà ãìòéì äúí äåà ãøâéì ìîúðé äôùåè úçéìä


Answer: We can distinguish. When we refer to a verse or an argument [mentioned] above, there he normally teaches the obvious one first.

åäà ãúðï (ñðäãøéï ãó ìá.) àçã ãéðé îîåðåú åàçã ãéðé ðôùåú áãøéùä åáç÷éøä àò''â ã÷àé à÷øà


Question: A Mishnah (Sanhedrin 32a) says "Echad monetary cases v'Echad capital cases regarding Drishah v'Chakirah (interrogation of witnesses)", even though it refers to a verse!

àééãé ãàééøé áôø÷à ãìòéì áãéðé îîåðåú ð÷è ðîé ãéðé îîåðåú áøéùà


Answer: Since the previous Perek discussed monetary cases, also this [Mishnah] mentioned monetary cases first.

åä''ø ùîòåï ä÷ùä îääéà ãîðçåú ôø÷ øáé éùîòàì (îðçåú ñâ:) ã÷úðé åçë''à àçã çåì åàçã ùáú îùìù äéä áà åä''ì ìîéúðé ùáú áøéùà


Question (Rabbeinu Shimon): In Menachos (63b) it taught "and Chachamim say, Echad a weekday v'Echad Shabbos - [the Omer] came from three [Sa'im of barley sifted greatly]." It should have taught Shabbos first (for also the first Tana said so about Shabbos)!

åáñéôà åçë''à àçã ùáú åà' çåì áùìù ÷åôåú åáùìù îâìåú åä''ì ìîéð÷è çåì áøéùà:


And in the Seifa "Chachamim say, Echad Shabbos v'Echad a weekday, [it is harvested] with three baskets and three sickles", it should have mentioned a weekday first (for this is like the first Tana said about a weekday)!