
FOR WHAT IS A KOHEN MITAMEI? (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 1 Daf 32b)

àé æäå îú îöåä ëì ùäåà öååç åàéï áðé äòéø áàéí áàå áðé äòéø äøé æä îåùê àú éãå


What is a Mes Mitzvah? It is any case in which he calls, and people of the city do not come. If [a Kohen or Nazir] became Tamei, and people of the city came, he refrains (from further exposure to Tum'as Mes).

òã äéëï


Question: How many [must there be, and the Kohen or Nazir refrains]?

òã ëãé ðåùàé äîéèä åçéìåôéäï åçéìåôé çéìåôéäï


Answer: It is enough to carry the bier, and Chilufeihen (those who alternate with them), and Chilufei Chilufeihen.


Note: KORBAN HA'EDAH says that Chilufeihen is in order to enable everyone to engage in the Mitzvah. How can that permit Tum'as Kohen or Nazir?! Perhaps, rather, they must carry the Mes a long way, and they need to alternate because it is too heavy! (PF)

áùàéðï öøéëéï ìå àáì àí äéå öøéëéï ìå ìà áãà


Limitation: This is when they do not need more (to bury the Mes promptly), but they are needed, it was not [said that the Kohen or Nazir refrains].

áùàéðï îëéøéï àåúå àáì àí äéå îëéøéï àåúå ìà áãà


Limitation: This is when they do not know [the Mes], but if they know him, it was not said. (Such people must come even if not needed to bury him promptly.)

áùàéï ëáåãå (àáì àí äéä ëáåãå àëï) [ö"ì ìëï àáì àí äéä ëáåãå ìëï - øà"ù äìëåú èåîàä á] ìà áãà åäðùéà ëáåãå ìëï


Limitation: This is when his honor does not warrant this (that more come), but if his honor warrants this, it was not said (that strangers must come only if needed to bury him promptly). The Nasi, his honor warrants this.

åîäå ùéèîà ëäï ìëáåã [ãó ìâ òîåã á] äðùéà


Question: May a Kohen become Tamei for the honor of the Nasi? (We just said that the Nasi's honor warrants this! BEIS YOSEF (YD 374:3), citing TOSFOS - before, we discussed Tum'ah mid'Rabanan. Here we ask about Tum'ah mid'Oraisa.)

ëã ãîê øáé éåãï ðùééà àëøéæ øáé éðàé åàîø àéï ëäåðä äéåí


Answer: When R. Yudan the Nasi (Rebbi's grandson) died, R. Yanai announced 'there is no Kehunah today' (also Kohanim may become Tamei in his burial. We do not discuss Rebbi here, for when he died, R. Yanai was young, and not one of the greatest Chachamim who would give a ruling for the Tzibur.)

ëã ãîê øáé éåãï ðùééà áø áøéä ãøáé éåãï ðùééà ãçó øáé çééä ìøáé æòéøà áø áà áëðéùúà ãâåôðà ãöéôåøéï åîñàáéä


When R. Yudan the Nasi died, the grandson of R. Yudan the Nasi [mentioned above], R. Chiyah [bar Aba] pushed R. Ze'ira bar Ba in the Beis ha'Keneses in the vineyard in Tziporin, and was Metamei him. (We explained this like DOROS RISHONIM, Sof Yemei ha'Tana'im, Sof Perek 3.)

ëã (ãîëú éäåãéðéé àçúéä) [ö"ì ãîåê ø' ðäåøàé àçåä - çøãéí áøëåú â:å] ãøáé éåãï ðùééà ùìç øáé çðéðà áúø øáé îðà åìà ñì÷


When R. Nehurai, the brother of R. Yudan the Nasi died (R. Nehurai was Nasi after him), R. Chanina sent for R. Mana to come [to participate in the Levayah], and he did not come. (We explained this like CHAREDIM, Brachos 3:1.)

àîø ìéä àí áçééäï àéï îéèîéï ìäï ìà ë"ù áîéúúï


R. Mana: If in the lifetime [of Nesi'im] we do not become Tamei for them (to honor them), all the more so [we do not become Tamei mid'Oraisa] in their death! (The primary honor is in their lifetime.)

àîø øáé ðñà áîéúúï òùå àåúï ëîú îöåä


Rebuttal (R. Nasa): In [Nesi'im's] death, Chachamim made them like a Mes Mitzvah. (We explained this like MAHARA FULDA, Brachos 3:1.)

îäå ùéèîà ìëáåã øáå


Question: May [a Kohen] become Tamei [mid'Rabanan] for the honor of his Rebbi?

øáé éðàé æòéøà ãîê çîåé äåà äåä çîåé äåà äåä øáéä ùàì ìøáé éåñé åàñø ìéä ùîò ø' çîà åàîø éèîàå ìå úìîéãéå


Answer: R. Yanai Ze'ira, his father-in-law died; he was his father-in-law and his Rebbi. He asked R. Yosi, and he forbade him [to become Tamei]. R. Chama heard, and said 'his Talmidim should become Tamei for him.'

[ö"ì ø' éåñé - ÷øáï äòãä] ðéèîàå ìå úìîéãéå åàëìå áùø åùúå ééï


R. Yosi (when he died), his Talmidim became Tamei for him, and they ate meat and drank wine.

àîø ìåï ø' îðà çãà îï úøúé ìà ôìèä ìëåï àí àáéìéí àúí ìîä àëìúí áùø åùúéúí ééï åàí àéï àúí àáéìéí ìîä ðèîàúí


R. Mana: You do not evade [a mistake] for one of two matters. If you are Avelim, why did you eat meat and drink wine? (Also Aninus applies to you!) If you do not conduct Aveilus, why did you become Tamei?


OTHER HETERIM FOR TUM'AS KOHANIM (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 1 Daf 33b)

îäå ùéèîà àãí ìúìîåã úåøä


Question: May a person (Kohen) become Tamei to learn Torah?

øáé éåñé äåä éúéá åîúðé åòàì îéúà îï ãéúá ìéä ìà àîø ëìåí åîï ãðô÷ ìéä ìà àîø ìéä åìà ëìåí


Answer: R. Yosi was sitting and teaching; a Mes was brought in. [A Kohen] who left, [R. Yosi] did not say anything to him. One who remained, he did not say anything to him. (He was unsure whether it is permitted.)

ø' ðéçåîé áøéä ãøáé çééä áø àáà àîø àáà ìà äåä òáéø úçåú ëéôúà ã÷éñøéï åø' àîé òáø


(R. Nechemyah brei d'R. Chiya bar Aba): My father did not pass under the arch [of the gate of] of Kisarin (because it was an Ohel over Tum'ah, even though he went to learn Torah). R. Ami passed [under. Both of them were Kohanim.]

øáé çæ÷éä øáé ëäï åø' éò÷á áø àçà äååï îèééìéï áôìèéà ã÷éñøéï äâéòå ìëéôä åôéøù ø' ëäï äâéòå ìî÷åí èäøä åçæø àöìï


R. Chizkiyah, R. Kohen and R. Yakov bar Acha were going in the square of Kisarin. They reached the arch. R. Kohen separated. They reached a place of Taharah, and he returned to them.

àîø ìåï áîä äåéúåï òñ÷éï


R. Kohen: What were you engaging in (when I was away)?

àîø ø' çæ÷éä ìø' éò÷á áø àçà ìà úéîà ìéä ëìåí


R. Chizkiyah (to R. Yakov bar Acha): Do not say anything to him.

àéï (ãôøéù ìéä ãáàù) [ö"ì îùåí ãôøéù ìéä áàù - ÷øáï äòãä] ùîéèîà àãí ìúìîåã úåøä ìà éãòéï åàé îùåí ãäåä ñééñï ìà éãòéï


If [he said so] because he was upset with him for separating, for one may become Tamei for Talmud Torah, we do not know, or if it was because he was haughty, we do not know.

úðé îéèîà äåà ëäï åéåöà ìçåõ ìàøõ ìãéðé îîåðåú åãéðé ðôùåú åì÷éãåù äçãù åìòéáåø äùðä åìäöéì ùãä îï äòëå"í åììîåã úåøä åìùàú àùä


(Beraisa): A Kohen may become Tamei and go to Chutz la'Aretz (even though Chachamim decreed Tum'ah on Chutz la'Aretz) for monetary judgments, for capital cases, for Kidush ha'Chodesh, for Ibur ha'Shanah, to save a field from a Nochri, to learn Torah, or to marry a woman;

ø' éåãä àåîø àí éù ìå îàéï ììîåã àì éèîà


R. Yehudah says, if he has from whom to learn [in Eretz Yisrael], he may not become Tamei.

ø' éåñé àåîø àôé' éù ìå îàéï ììîåã éèîà ùìà îäëì àãí æåëä ììîåã


R. Yosi says, even if he has from whom to learn Torah, he may become Tamei, for one does not merit to learn from everyone. (Perhaps he can learn only from the Rebbi in Chutz la'Aretz.)

àîøå òìéå òì ø' éåñó ëäï ùäéä (éåöà àçø øáå åîéèîà) [ö"ì åîéèîà åéåöà - ÷øáï äòãä] àçø øáå ìöééãï


They said about Yosef Kohen that he became Tamei and went out after his Rebbi to Tzaidan.

àáì àîøå ìà éöà ëäï ìçåõ ìàøõ àìà àí ëï äáèéçå ìå àùä


However, they said that a Kohen may not go to Chutz la'Aretz [in order to marry] unless they promised him a woman [who agreed to marry him].

îäå ùéèîà ëäï (âãåì - ÷øáï äòãä îåç÷å) ìðùéàåú ëôéí


Question: May a Kohen become Tamei for (to give) Birkas Kohanim?

âáéìä àçåé ãøáé áà áø ëäï àîø ÷åîé ø' éåñä áùí ø' àçà îéèîà äåà ëäï ìðùéàåú ëôéí


Answer (Gevilah the brother of R. Ba bar Kohen, in front of R. Yosah, in the name of R. Acha): A Kohen may become Tamei for Birkas Kohanim.

ùîò ø' àçà åàîø àðà ìà àîøéú ìéä ëìåí


R. Acha heard, and said 'I did not say anything to him!'

çæø åîø àå ãéìîà ìà ùîò îéðé àìà ëéé ãîø ø' éåãä áø ôæé áùí ø' àìéòæø ëì ëäï ùòåîã áëðñú åàéðå ðåùà àú ëôéå òåáø áòùä


He retracted and said 'perhaps he heard from me like R. Yudah bar Pazi said in the name of R. Eliezer - any Kohen who stands in the Beis ha'Keneses and does not give Birkas Kohanim, he transgresses an Aseh;

åñáø îéîø ùîöåú òùä ãåçä ìîöåú ìà úòùä [ãó ìã òîåã à] àðà ìà àîøé ìéä àéúåðéä åàðà îì÷é ìéä


He thought that this Aseh overrides the Lo Sa'aseh [of Tum'as Kohanim]. I did not say anything to him [like this]! Bring him, and I will lash him [for saying in my name what I did not say].

ø' àáäå äåä éúéá îúðé áëðéùúà îãøúà ã÷éñøéï åäåä úîï îéúà äâéòä òåðú ðùéàåú ëôéí ìà ùàìåï ìéä òðúà ãîéëìà àúà åùàìåï ìéä


R. Avahu was sitting and teaching in the great (CHAREDIM, Brachos 3:1) Beis ha'Keneses of Kisarin. There was a Mes there. The time for Birkas Kohanim came, and they did not ask him [if they may go to Duchan]. The time to eat came, and they asked him. (HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA, Brachos 3:1 - they would need to pass by a house with a Mes, and become Tamei mid'Rabanan due to 'Sof Tum'ah Latzeis.')

àîø ìåï òì ðùéàåú ëôéí ìà ùàìúåï éúé åòì îéëìà ùàéìúåï éúé


R. Avahu: You did not ask me about Birkas Kohanim (a Mitzvah), but to eat, you ask me?!

ëã ùîòéï ëï äåä ëì çã åçã îéðäåï ùîè âøîéä åòø÷


Once they heard this, each one slipped away by himself and went away (amidst shame).

àîø ø' éðàé îéèîà ëäï ìøàåú äîìê


(R. Yanai): A Kohen may become Tamei to see a king.

ëã ñì÷ ãå÷ìéðåñ îìëà ìäëà çîåï ìø' çééä îéôñò òì ÷éáøééà ãöåø áâéï îéçîéðéä


When Duklainus the king came to here (Eretz Yisrael), he saw R. Chiya bar Aba stepping over graves [of Nochrim] of Tzur, in order to see him. (Normally he was stringent; in order to see the king, he relied on R. Shimon, who says that Nochrim do not have Tum'as Ohel. - MASA D'YERUSHALAYIM, Brachos 3:1.)

ø' çæ÷éä ø' éøîéä åø' çééä áùí ø' éåçðï îöåä ìøàåú âãåìé îìëåú ìëùúáåà îìëåú áéú ãåã éäà éåãò ìäôøéù áéï îìëåú ìîìëåú


(R. Chizkiyah, R. Yirmeyah and R. Chiyah, citing R. Yochanan): It is a Mitzvah to see Gedolim of the [Nochri] kingdom, so when the kingdom of Beis David will come, he will know to distinguish between kingdom and kingdom.

îäå ùéèîà ìëáåã àáéå åàîå


Question: May a Kohen become Tamei [mid'Rabanan] for the honor of his father and mother [in their lifetime]?

ø' éñà ùîò ãàúú àéîéä ìáåöøä àúà åùàì ìø' éåçðï îäå ìöàú


Answer: R. Yosa heard that his mother was coming to Botzrah. He went and asked R. Yochanan if he may go out [to Chutz la'Aretz to greet her];

àîø ìéä îôðé ñëðú ãøëéí öà åàí áùáéì ëáåã àîê àéðé éåãò


R. Yochanan: If it is due to danger on the road (it is dangerous for her to be alone), go. If it is due to honor of your mother, I do not know.

àîø øá ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ òåã äéà öøéëä ìø' éåçðï


R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak (to R. Yosa): R. Yochanan is unsure. (If you ask again, he will investigate and clarify the matter.)

àèøç òìåé åàîø âîøú ìöàú úáåà áùìåí


[R. Yosa] imposed on R. Yochanan (repeated to ask him. R. Yochanan) said, if you resolved to go, come [back] in peace!

ùîò ø' ìòæø åàîø àéï øùåú âãåìä îæàú


R. Elazar heard, and said [his Brachah] is the ultimate permission! (Do not say that R. Yochanan did not resolve that it is permitted, he merely blessed R. Yosa because he saw that he resolved to go. Surely, R. Yochanan permits.)

îäå ùéèîà àãí ìëáåã äøáéí


Question: May a person (a Kohen Avel) become Tamei for the honor of the Rabim (who are going with him to console him)?

úðé äéå ùðé ãøëéí îúàéîåú àçú øçå÷ä åèäåøä åàçú ÷øåáä åèîàä àí äéå äøáéí äåìëéí áøçå÷ä äåìê òîäï åàí ìàå äåìê á÷øåáä îôðé ëáåã äøáéí


Answer (Beraisa): If there were two roads - one is long and Tahor, and one is short and Tamei - if the Rabim were going on the long road, he goes on the long road. If not, he goes on the short road, due to honor of the Rabim.

òã ëãåï áèåîàä ùäåà îãáøéäï åàôé' áèåîàä ùäåà îãáø úåøä


Question: [Perhaps] this is only for Tum'ah mid'Rabanan. Is it even for Torah Tum'ah?

îï îä ãàîø ø' æòéøà âãåì ëáåã äáøéåú ùãåçä ìîöåä áì"ú ùòä àçú äãà àîøä åàôé' áèåîàä ùäéä îãáø úåøä


Answer: Since R. Ze'ira said, great is honor of the Rabim, that it overrides a Lo Sa'aseh temporarily, this teaches that it is even for Torah Tum'ah.