
Why does the Torah repeat "le'Mishp'chos Menasheh ben Yosef"?


Rashi: To point out the fact that the daughters of Tz'lofchad followed in the footsteps of their grandfather Yosef, inasmuch as like him, 1 they loved Eretz Yisrael.


See Vay'chi Bereishis, 50:25.


Why, in Mas'ei, 36:11 does the Torah switch the order of the B'nos Tz'lofchad from the order that they are listed here?


Rashi #1: To demonstrate that they were all equal. 1


In Mas'ei, 36:11, Rashi #2 explains that, here, the Torah lists them in order of Chochmah and there, in order of age - to teach us that they were all equal (in status). The reason for hi disstinction is, because regarding Kavod, Chochmah takes precedence, whereas concerning marrige, precedence is given to age. See Torah Temimah, citing the Sifri:



Rashi writes that the B'nos Tz'lofchad loved Eretz Yisrael. But all the women did, as Rashi wrote above in 26:64?


Moshav Zekenim: The B'nos Tzlofchad loved Eretz Yisrael right after leaving Egypt, or perhaps even whilst still there. Other women came to love it only when they were close to entering it. 1


I do not know the source for this. Rashi's source that [all] the women loved Eretz Yisrael was from B'nos Tz'lofchad. It is reasonable to suggest that they loved it more! (PF), or that they showed the example which the other women followed.


Rashi writes that the B'nos Tzlofchad were equal. But later, in Mas'ei, 36:11, he says that here they are listed in their order of Chochmah?


Riva #1 (in 36:11, citing R. Elyakim, according to Tana de'Bei R. Yishmael): The Torah lists them in different orders 1 , to teach us that they were equal in Chochmah.


Riva #2 (in 36:11 citing Rashbam in Bava Basra 120a): When they were in front of Moshe, it lists them in order of Chochmah. When it mentions their marriage, it lists them according to their age. Presumably, they married in order of their age, for "Lo Ye'aseh? Laseis ha'Tze'irah Lifnei ha'Bechirah" (Bereishis 29:26). They were equal - one was older, and one was wiser. 2


Riva: This is difficult, since the Torah lists them only in one order, except for 36:11! Also, Rashi proves their equality from the different orders. Tana de'Bei R. Yishmael proved this from "va'Tih'yenah" ? one Havayah for all of them! Perhaps Rashi means that they were all on the same level of righteousness.


Refer to 27:1:2:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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