
What do we learn from "Ein Zichron la'Rishonim"?


Ibn Ezra, Rid: Do not say that had it occurred earlier, we would have heard. It was forgotten!


Rashbam: This explains "Mah Yisron


Why does it add "v'Gam la'Acharonim


Rashi: Also those who will be after us, they will not be remembered to those who will be after them.


Rashi citing a Midrash: This refers to destroying the memory of Amalek 1 , and in the end the memory of Edom will be erased - "v'Lo Yihyeh Sarid l'Veis Esav" (Ovadyah 1:18).


Ri Kara: The generation of your children will not be remembered to Bnei Banecha 2 after them, for "Dor Holech v'Dor Ba" (4). Therefore, man is totally Hevel.


R. Avigdor: This refers to Haman and his sons. The Gematriya of "[Ki] Macho Emcheh" equals that of 'Zeh Haman.'


Metzudas David: Deeds that will be done later will be forgotten. What will happen after that time, people will not say 'this is like what happened before', for forgetting increases.


R. Avigdor: "La'Rishonim" hints to Amalek - "Reishis Goyim Amalek va'Achariso Adei Oved" (Bamidbar 24:20), "Ki Macho Emcheh Es Zecher Amalek" (Shemos 17:14).


Surely this refers to later generations. Your grandchildren will remember your children (their parents)! (PF)


What is "la'Acharonah"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is in the end.


Refer to 1:11:2:1.


Rashbam: At the end of the days of the Acharonim. All will die, and there will be no memory of them, for one who dies, no one else will be born like him. People do not resemble one another. Other creations die, and there is memory, for similar matters are born. People say, this creation resembles creation Ploni, which passed from the world. Therefore, it says "Mah Yisron la'Adam

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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