[19a - 45 lines; 19b - 58 lines]

1)[line 7]בדיוDEYO- black ink

2)[line 7]בסםSAM- orpiment, a mineral that is used as a yellow dye

3)[line 7]בסיקראSIKRA- (O.F. minie) minium, red lead used to make red paint

4)[line 7]ובקומוסKUMOS- an ink prepared with the sap/gum of the Acacia tree

5)[line 8]ובקנקנתוםKANKANTUM- (O.F. adrement) vitriol, black ink used by shoemakers

6)[line 18]חרתא דאושכפיCHARTA D'USHKEFEI- (O.F. adrement) vitriol, black ink used by shoemakers

7)[line 20]במי טריאMEI TARYA- juice of a certain fruit; alt., rain water

8)[line 21]ואפצאAFTZA- the juice of gall-nuts (large round abnormal growth on oak trees, caused by insects) (O.F. gales)

9)[line 21]באברAVAR- lead (solution)

10)[line 22]בשחורSHACHOR- coal

11)[line 22]ובשיחורSHICHOR- (O.F. adrement) vitriol, black ink used by shoemakers

12)[line 25]כותבKOSEV (B'SHABBOS)

One of the 39 Avos Melachos of Shabbos is Kosev, writing. When a person writes, with permanent ink, two letters that can be read together as a single word, he transgresses the Av Melachah of Kosev.

13)[line 25]מוחקMOCHEK (B'SHABBOS)

One of the 39 Avos Melachos of Shabbos is Mochek, erasing. If a person erases in order to write two letters, or he cleans a surface to prepare it for writing, he transgresses the Av Melachah of Mochek.

14)[line 28]מקלקלMEKALKEL

Normally, one is Chayav on Shabbos only for performing a Melachah that is a creative act. If a person performed an act of destruction or impairment he is Patur. (For example, digging a hole in the middle of one's floor ruins the floor, and such an act is not considered Boneh (building) and is Patur.)

15)[line 34]מדמיןMEDAMIN- (O.F. sospecier) suspect (just because we suspect, or speculate, what the law is, that does not mean that we rule that way in practice)

16)[line 35]מקרעין להם נייר חלקMEKAR'IN LAHEN NIYAR CHALAK- (a) they etch in blank paper [the outline of the witnesses' names] (RASHI); (b) they create a stencil of the witnesses' names on a separate piece of paper (RABEINU CHANANEL, TOSFOS RID)

17)[line 40]במיא דאבראMAYA D'AVRA- water in which pieces of crushed lead were soaked

18)[line 40]במי מיליןMEI MILIN- water in which was soaked the product of a certain species of oak tree (either gall-nuts (quercus infectoria) or acorns (quercus aegilops), that are used as tanning material)

19)[line 42]דאפיץAFITZ- it was processed with ground gall nuts (Afatzim)

20)[line 43]ברוקROK- saliva

21)[line 44]אוריORI- instructed, ruled

22)[line 44]לפפא תוראהPAPA TORA'AH- Papa the oxen dealer

23)[last line]ונגדיהNAGDEI- (a) he sentenced the judge to Malkus (lashes) (SEFER ME'IRAS EINAYIM (S'MA) to Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat 45:4:7, NESIVOS HA'MISHPAT CHIDUSHIM ibid. 45:4:7); (b) he sentenced the witnesses to Malkus (SHACH - SIFSEI CHOHEN ibid. 45:4:7)


24)[line 7]מאן דכר שמה?MAN DACHAR SHEMEI?- who mentioned it?

25)[line 14]עגונותAGUNOS- women who cannot get married (because they did not receive a proper Get from their husbands)

26)[line 18]תרגמאTIRGEMA- render it (the former phrase of the Mishnah) that it is referring to the reading of the Get

27)[line 20]מרא דארץ ישראלMARA D'ERETZ YISRAEL- the Master of Eretz Yisrael, the greatest expert in Halachic matters

28)[line 21]ורב נחמןRAV NACHMAN- Rav Nachman served as the chief Dayan, appointed by the Reish Galusa; the scribes feared him and would not dare to deceive him

29)[line 21]ספרי דייניSAFREI DAYANEI- scribes of the Dayanim

30)[line 23]אימתאEIMSA- trepidation

31)[line 25]שטרא פרסאהSHETARA PARSA'AH- a document written in Persian

32)[line 26]בערכאות של כותיםB'ARKA'OS SHEL KUSIM- in the secular courts (of Nochrim)

33)[line 26]מקרי להוMAKRI LEHU- he (Rav Papa) would have them (two Kusim) read [the Shtar for him] (since he did not know how to read Persian)

34)[line 27]כותיםKUSIM- Nochrim (who can read Persian)

35)[line 27]במסיח לפי תומוMESI'ACH LEFI TUMO- one who speaks in passing without intent to testify

36)[line 28]ומגבי ביהU'MAGVEI BEI- and he is allowed to collect with it

37)[line 28]ממשעבדיMI'MESHA'ABDEI- (lit. from those that are indentured) from fields that have a lien on them

38)[line 27]מבני חריMI'BNEI CHOREI- (lit. from those that are free) from fields that do not have a lien on them

39)[line 32]כתב שאינו יכול להזדייףKSAV SHE'EINO YACHOL L'HIZDAYEIF- a writing that cannot be forged

40)[line 34]בשיטהSHITAH- the line

41)[line 42]לאורL'UR- into a fire

42)[line 43]שטר פסיםSHTAR PASIM- (lit. a document of appeasement) a document written with no intention that any money or property exchange hands. The one who writes the document appeased the "buyer," "debtor," or "recipient of a gift" to have this document written. These documents are written for technical purposes only, such as to divert property away from a third party or so that the person could claim to be a rich man with many outstanding debts (SHITAH YESHANAH, cited by the SHITAH MEKUBETZES to Kesuvos 19)

43)[line 43]שטר אמנהSHTAR AMANAH- (lit. a document of trust) a document written with no actual transfer of money or property at the time it is written, but rather with the consent of the one whom the document makes liable, such as the debtor, to have the creditor fulfill that which is written in the document (the lending of money) at a later time. Such a document is written under circumstances such that the loan will only occur later, but the scribe will not be available later to write the contract.

44)[line 44]ולא כל הימנוV'LO KOL HEMENU- and he is not believed

45)[line 46]במיא דנראMAYA D'NARA- (O.F. fueil) dye made with archil (a plant producing violet dye) or similar

46)[line 47]פליטPALIT- makes the letters appear, stand out

47)[line 54]עייליה לבי ידיה ואפקיהAILEI L'VEI YADEI V'AFKEI- he brought it up and placed it into his sleeves, and then he brought it out

48)[line 54]חלופי חלפיהCHILUFEI CHALFEI- he switched it

49)[line 55]לדביתהוL'DEVIS'HU- to his wife

50)[line 55]לביני דניL'BEINEI DANEI- among the barrels

51)[line 55]אשתכח מזוזתאISHTAKACH MEZUZASA- a Mezuzah was found