More Discussions for this daf
1. Rebbi Yishma'el's Accident 2. Melachah Sh'einah Tzericha l'Gufa, by a Zav's pouch 3. Asking for Forgiveness on Shabbos
4. Did Yosef Have to be Taught Lashon Arami by the Angel? 5. Gezeirah l'Gezeirah 6. Killing a Bug on Shabbos
7. Visiting the Sick 8. Going out with an object on Erev Shabbos 9. Covering one's head with the Talis
10. The angels and prayer 11. Girsa in Ba'meh Madlikin 12. Killing a louse on Shabbos
13. Praying for a sick person on Shabbos 14. Tefilin 15. Aramaic

Mordechai Fine asks:

Is there a machlokes rishonim if tefila for a choleh is mutar on Shabbos? The gemara on 12a that says Shabbos he melizok sounds like tefila is prohibited. The gemara on the amud beis apparently contradicts this. Reb Yehuda omer HaMakom yerachem is a tefila and that seems to be Tos. p'shat.

Thanks, Mordechai Fine

The Kollel replies:

Whether or not Tefilah for a Choleh is permitted indeed seems to be a debated among the *Tana'im* (is that what you meant?). The Halachic ruling is that one says, "Shabbos Hi m'Liz'ok," in order not to feel great pain or to arouse crying on Shabos (OC 287, Mishneh Berurah).

Be well, and sorry for the delay
