More Discussions for this daf
1. 3, 5, and 7 2. Tenth Man Leaving a Minyan 3. Refusing to Join a Minyan
4. Shem Hash-m Without a Minyan 5. A woman being called to read from the Torah 6. Women and Aliyot
7. Kavod ha'Tzibur 8. Question on Minyanim 9. Contradiction with Maseches Sofrim
10. Keneged Mi 11. Giving an Aliyah to a woman 12. Chazaras ha'Shatz
13. הני שלשה חמשה ושבעה 14. נשים בתפילה בציבור 15. סתירה למסכת סופרים
16. כנגד מי

Uriel Ash asked:

The Gemara... says that the reason a woman doesnt get an aliyah\kriah is because it isn't kavod for the kahal. What about a Kol Isha problem?

The Kollel replied:

Some Poskim rule that there is no Isur of Kol Ishah except when she is singing an actual song, while the blessings and the cantillations of the Keri'as ha'Torah is not considered a song.... Others write that the reason the Gemara here does not say that it is Asur because of Kol Ishah is because the Keri'ah is a Keri'ah of Mitzvah, and for a Keri'ah of Mitzvah the Rabanan did not prohibit Kol Ishah.... P.S. We then found that the TEHILAH L'YONAH cites RAV NASAN GESTETNER in She'ilos u'Teshuvos L'HOROS NASAN (5:5).... He answers that indeed, it is also Asur because of Kol Ishah. The Gemara is just adding the reason of Kavod ha'Tzibur because it some cases, there will be no problem of Kol Ishah, such as when an unmarried women who is not a Nidah reads from the Torah ...

Joel Schnur asks:

How does marital or nidus status impact on the issur of kol isha? You seem to imply that the issur of kol isha does not apply to an unmarried woman who is not a niddah. Please elaborate. Thanks.

The Kollel replies:

There are some Halachic opinions (such as the one we quoted from L'Horos Nasan) that permit Kol Ishah of an unmarried woman who is not a Nidah, since she does not have the status of an "Isur Ervah" and there is no Isur d'Oraisa involved if one lives with her.

RAV MOSHE FEINSTEIN addresses this question at length in IGROS MOSHE, Orach Chaim I:26. He concludes that m'Ikar ha'Din, Kol Ishah of an unmarried, non-Nidah woman is not prohibited (except when one is reciting Keri'as Shema or other Divrei Kedushah; see MISHNAH BERURAH OC 75:17), but he highly recommends that one be Machmir, for that is the way of people who strive to bring holiness into their lives.