More Discussions for this daf
1. Dreams 2. One Who Sees Huna in a Dream... 3. The color of Techeles
4. The color of Techeles 5. Kol Ishah 6. Colors in dreams
7. Colors in dreams 8. Nevuchadnetzar or Nevuchadretzar 9. List of 60ths.
10. Dream Interpretation

Simcha Blatter asked:

Rashi d"h KOL

How can Rashi say that this refers to KOL ISHA when KOL ISHA is forbidden as indicated on DAF 24a ?

What is P'shat ?

Simcha Blatter

The Kollel replies:

Rashi means is that the sweet voice of a woman makes a person feel good. This may even be accomplished without involvement of an Isur if:

(a) The woman is a person's wife (or daughter etc.).

(b) If the person is a non-Jew

Be well,
