More Discussions for this daf
1. Responding "Amen, Yehei Shmei Rabah" loudly 2. Abaye and Rav Ashi 3. Zimun With Two
4. A Mezuman of Two 5. Exemption Of Women From Zimun 6. Things that need Chizuk, the blessing of ha'Motzi, and Two for a Zimun
7. Answering Amen after a group of blessings 8. Ki Shem Hash-m Ekra 9. Amen to one's own Berachah
10. A Mezuman of Two

Chaim Ozer Shulman asked:

Question- Why does Rav hold that 2 can make a Mezumen if they wish? The source for Mezuzen from Gadlu or Ki Shem specifically deals with 3 people. What about Motzei Shem LiVatala?

Chaim Ozer

The Kollel replies:

1) The verse is only referring to when making a Zimun is obligatory -- with three. Rav only says that two may voluntarily make a Zimun, but they are not obligated to. Besides this, it seems that the verse is not a d'Oraisa source for Zimun, but only an Asmachta. Hence, Rav has greater liberty to differ.

2) The prohibition of saying Hash-m's name in vain is only when it is just that -- in vain. But here, they are praising Hash-m, so therefore it is not in vain. Only a blessing in vain is forbidden (even though it is for the sake of praising Hash-m), but here, this is not a blessing.

Kollel Iyun Hadaf