More Discussions for this daf
1. Responding "Amen, Yehei Shmei Rabah" loudly 2. Abaye and Rav Ashi 3. Zimun With Two
4. A Mezuman of Two 5. Exemption Of Women From Zimun 6. Things that need Chizuk, the blessing of ha'Motzi, and Two for a Zimun
7. Answering Amen after a group of blessings 8. Ki Shem Hash-m Ekra 9. Amen to one's own Berachah
10. A Mezuman of Two

Max Munk asked:

Question: Thank you Rav Mordechai Kornfeld on your halacha response on loose noodles.

Extremely helpful as always.

Question on today's blat, Berachos 45b.

The gemara states that one should not respond "Omen" louder than the mevorech.

How do you reconcile it with the gemara that states that " If one responds Omen

Yehei Shemei Rabo Bechol Kochoi ( Toisfos) his bad sentences will be removed in

haven". It is unlikely that this applies only when the mevarech was also

screaming the Kadish bechol kochoi ?

The Kollel replies:

Good question. The Mishnah Berurah (OC 124:47) says that it is sometimes permitted to answer "Amen" louder than the Mevarech, such as when one is lifting his voice in order to encourage others to answer "Amen." It could be, also, that it is also permitted to raise one's voice if necessary to amplify one's Kavanah, which is the reason we answer Yeheh Shemai loudly (Mishnah Berurah 56:5).

Second, some commentaries explain that "b'Kol Kocho" ("with all of his strength") does not necessarily mean at the top of one's lungs. It could mean with all of the strength of his powers of concentration (albeit quietly) -- Rashi Shabbos 119b. However, Tosfos (ibid.) brings a Midrash that seems to interpret it to mean answering loudly, as you said.