
Why does she want that he should be like a brother?


Rashi: If only you would come to console me, like Yosef did to his brothers. They bestowed bad to him, and "va'Yinachem Osam" (Bereishis 50:21).


Seforno: I should understand Your ways, and serve You amidst love, like to a brother, not only from fear, like is proper to a father.


Malbim (Melitzah): The Nefesh remembers when it was in the body, and grieves over the body. Chazal said that this is for 12 months. It does not mourn over that it was alive, and the Yetzer ha'Ra and desire constantly made war with it. The great king (Yetzer ha'Ra) built fortresses against it and conquered it. Just it desired if it would be at the level of Moshe and Eliyahu. The body and its desires did not stop them from spiritual clinging. They were able to remove their filthy garments at all times, and separate from the body and cling to the Supreme. They were able to live in the attic and Chatzer, i.e. strip themselves of the body and cling to Kodesh, wear robes of light and bring the supreme honor to their palaces to dwell in them. E.g. Moshe had Nevu'ah while his Nefesh was still in his body, without fear and trembling. She desires that Hashem be like a brother who clings to the Neshamah, his sister. (It is the King's sister based on its supreme source.)


Malbim (Mashal): The beloved is sad that she needed to abandon the house of her mother and family to stroll with her beloved in fields and deserts. She says, if only they would consider you (my beloved) like my brother, that even if I kissed you outside (the house, in the city) they would not disgrace me.


Why does it say "Yonek Shedei Imi"?


Malbim (Melitzah): The body is the Nefesh's mother, like I explained above (1:6). The body should nurse the Nefesh from its consolations, for it accepts Avodah of the body willingly.


What is the meaning of "Emtza'acha va'Chutz Eshakecha"?


Rashi: I will find Nevi'im speaking in Your name, and I will embrace them and kiss them.


Seforno: Also when I engage in temporary life, outside of Batei Midrash, the matter should be with intent to serve You amidst love.


Malbim (Melitzah): This is one way that the Nefesh accepts Avodah of the body willingly. I can go outside the city - separate from physicality, and there I will find Hashem and kiss Him and join with kisses of his mouth and His Kadosh sayings. Also refer to 8:2:2


Malbim (Mashal): Refer to 8:1:1:4.


Why will they not disgrace her?


Rashi: Love of You is worthy that Your beloved goes around pursuing it.


Seforno: They will not think that my deeds are for haughtiness.


Malbim (Melitzah): Bnos Yerushalayim (bodily powers) will not disgrace me or stop me from separating [from them] and clinging to my Beloved constantly.


Malbim (Mashal): Refer to 8:1:1:4.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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