
Why does it say "Turei Zahav Na'aseh Lach"?


Rashi: I and My Beis Din counseled, before Pharaoh came, that I will entice him and harden his heart, and he will chase after you with the best of his treasure-houses, in order to make for you rows of gold ornaments.


Malbim (Melitzah): When you were in the abode of Elokim, before you clung to Shlomo's chariots, you had only Nekudos ha'Kesef. I.e. then you did not understand quantity or quality. A geometric point does not occupy space, and it cannot be divided. It is the opposite of rows and strings. Rows are sensory perceptions understood via the quantity at the place; this varies from picture to picture. Strings are logical rules and connections. They are tied to quantity of time. Riding in the body also brought perception of quality. This is compared to gold - the opposite of silver. The white appearance of silver shows lack of color. The red appearance of gold shows color, i.e. quality. Most physical properties are included in quality and quantity. Initially you had only Nekudos ha'Kesef, and now you yourself (the Nefesh is its understanding) became rows of gold, to understand quality, quantity and other physical properties.


Malbim (Mashal): When you were by me, you had only silver ornaments, but not of gold, and not rows, only points. Now you have rows of gold!


Why does it say "Im Nekudos ha'Kesef"?


Rashi: This is what you already took out of Egypt. The spoils from the sea exceeded the spoils of Egypt. Nekudos ha'Kesef are silver Kelim dotted and illustrated with spots and colors 1 .


Seforno: With payment of all points of silver.


Malbim: Refer to 1:11:1:2-3.


Perush Rashi Mefurash: Rashi explains that Nekudos is an adjective (sometimes it comes before the noun); ha'Kesef refers to silver Kelim.

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