
What is the meaning of "Nefesh Rasha Ivesah Ra"?


R. Yonah: Before the verses discussed Midos of most people - Hafachpach, Zar, and a quarrelsome wife, for she is very harsh. Now it comes to discuss the Midah of a Rasha. He puts his intent to desire evil. Most people are Beinonim (intermediate). Even if their hearts are evil and do not worry about their colleagues' afflictions, they do not put their thoughts to desire evil.


Malbim: Even though love is found between similar people, and it is proper that love be found between Resha'im, a Rasha will not have grace on his fellow Rasha. This is because he desires evil; there are two aspects to this. (a) Every Rasha has a leaning to a different evil - this one to adultery, this one to theft


Why does it say "Lo Yuchan b'Einav Re'ehu"?


R. Yonah: Even though he appears like one who loves his friend, he will never have mercy on him. He will not have grace on him when evil comes to him. Even though he might seek good for his friend if it will benefit himself, he will not have grace on him on the day of his calamity. Also refer to 21:8:2:1.


Malbim: Refer to 21:10:1:2.

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