
Why does it say "Asher Nishba la'Shem Nadar la'Avir Yakov"?


Radak: "La'Avir Yakov" is the One that Yakov called his Avir - "mi'Ydei Avir Yakov" (Bereishis 49:24). He helped him in all his afflictions, and saved him from Lavan and Esav; He is his strength, and showed him that even an angel cannot overcome him, so all the more so people cannot! Therefore Yakov called Him 'Avir'; also David did. He mentions Yakov here, for Yakov saw the place of the Mikdash 1 in a dream (the ladder 2 ) - "Mah Nora ha'Makom ha'Zeh Ein Zeh Ki Im Beis Elokim v'Zeh Sha'ar ha'Shamayim" (Bereishis 28:17). This refers to the Beis ha'Mikdash, and not Beis Kel, where he lied. However, since he dreamed there, he honored the place and remembered it, and made a Matzevah, Mizbe'ach and Beis Tefilah there when he returned from Charan. It says about it "Yihyeh Beis Elokim" (ibid., 22), i.e. a house of Tefilah of Hashem.


Radak citing Bereishis Rabah 70:1: It is attributed to Yakov, for he was the first to vow. "Va'Yidar Yakov Neder Leimor" (Bereishis 28:20) - 'Leimor' teaches that for generations, they will vow at a time of their distress. Therefore, anyone who vows, it is attributed to Yakov.


Malbim (2-5): The Shevu'ah and vow are (verses 3-5) "Im Avo b'Ohel Beisi Im E'eleh Al Eres Yetzu'ai; Im Eten Shenas l'Einai


Radak: Hashem wanted that the place of the Mikdash will not be known until David. Perhaps Yakov did not know the place when he woke, or he knew, but did not reveal it.


Radak citing Bereishis Rabah 69:7: The foot was in Yerushalayim, and its Shipu'a was in Beis Kel. I.e. the vision extended until Beis Kel; there he saw it. "V'Zeh Sha'ar ha'Shamayim" refers to the Beis ha'Mikdash, which is opposite Kisei ha'Kavod - "Kisei Kevod Marom me'Rishon Mekom Mikdashenu" (Yirmeyah 17:12). The Aron is in the middle of the Heichal (from north to south), the Heichal is in the middle of the Beis ha'Mikdash, the Beis ha'Mikdash is in the middle of Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim is in the middle of Eretz Yisrael, and Eretz Yisrael is in the middle of the world. The world was founded from Even Shesiyah, which is in front of the Aron.


Perhaps this refers to Yatzi'a (a shed). In Melachim (I, 6:5, 6, 10) it is written Yatzu'a, and we pronounce it Yatzi'a. (PF)

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