
Why should he clap his hands?


Rashi: This is the way of eulogizers.


Malbim: This is a sign of the pain.


What is the meaning of "v'Sikafel Cherev Shelishisah"?


Rashi: I said "Cherev Cherev" (14) - Melech Bavel's sword to destroy Yerushalayim, and Bnei Amon's, to kill Gedalyah. There is a third double sword.


Radak #1: The Hei at the end of Shelishisah is extra. [The sword] will be repeated three times, therefore it is called Shelishis. I.e. the afflictions will be repeated two and three times.


Radak #2: Shelishisah is great, like "ha'Shalish Asher la'Melech" (Melachim II, 7:2).


Malbim: Nebuchadnetzar's sword is prepared to consume only a third of the people. Two thirds, double the amount that his sword will kill, will destroy themselves inside the city. Above (5:1-2), Hashem commanded Yechezkel to shave his head and beard and divide the hair unto three parts. The Nimshal is, a third of the nation will die in the city via plague and hunger during the siege, a third will fall to the sword via Nebuchadnetzar, and a third will scatter in every direction, and the sword will pursue them. It turns out that two thirds died by themselves 1 ? via plague, hunger the sword during the siege, or after Gedalyah was killed and they went to Egypt against Hashem's warning, and were eradicated via calamities.


I.e. not via Nebuchadnetzar's sword. (PF)


What do we learn from "Cherev Chalalim Hi"?


Rashi: Also the first two swords will be Cherev Chalalim.


Malbim: The sword of the Chalalim (dead) themselves ? of Yisrael who are prepared to be dead. It will destroy Kefel ha'Shelish 1 .


Refer to 21:19:5:5 and the note there.


Why is it called "Cherev Chalal ha'Gadol"?


Rashi: It will kill many.


Radak: This is Klal; it refers to many great swords that will fell kings and officers.


Malbim: The sword of the king, that in the end he will be a Chalal.


Why does it say "ha'Choderes Lahem"?


Rashi: Wherever you go out, it will pursue you in Chadrei Chadarim (inner rooms). Yochanan ben Kare'ach and the army officers will go to Egypt; the sword will catch them there. The same applies to all places to which they will escape, e.g. fortified cities ? "Al Kol Sha'areihem Nasati Ivchas Charev" (20).


Radak #1: It strikes them in Chadarim (rooms) of their houses.


Radak #2: It was hidden in a Cheder (room) until now, that it came out for them.


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: It is a sword that scares them.


Malbim: This sword is found in your rooms, inside. It will destroy two thirds 1 .


Malbim explained that in the city, they will die via plague, hunger and the sword, and those who flee will be eradicated. Why does he say that the internal sword will kill two thirds? (PF)

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