
Why did he take his Bechor?


Rashi (citing Pesikta d'Rav Kahana 13): He asked why miracles are done for Yisrael. They told him that their patriarch Avraham had an only son; Hashem told him to offer him, and he wanted to do so. The king said, also I have an only son; I will offer him to idolatry. Radak - some say that he offered him to Shamayim (Sanhedrin 39b).


Radak citing his father: The Bechor of Melech Edom was in Melech Mo'av's Reshus. Melech Edom came with the other two kings to get him back. When Mo'av could not break through to Melech Edom, amidst anger he burned him on top of the wall in front of his father's eyes. "Va'Ya'alehu Olah" means that he burned him, just like an Olah is burned.


Radak citing his brother, R. Moshe: When Melech Mo'av tried to break through to Melech Edom, but failed, he captured Melech Edom's son, and burned him on top of the wall in front of his father's eyes. Malbim - this was vengeance against his father. "Al Sheloshah Pish'ei Edom v'Al Arba'ah Lo Ashivenu" (Amos 1:6) - for burning the bones of [the son of] Melech Edom.


What is "ha'Chomah" written with a Vov?


Rashi: This enables reading it Chamah (the sun); he used to serve the sun.


Why did this bring anger against Yisrael?


Rashi: It mentioned the sins of Yisrael; also they served idolatry, and were not proper for a miracle. Radak - also they burned their children to idolatry and the Asherah. It says "uch'Mishpetei ha'Goyim


Why was he angry at the other kings? Refer to 3:27:3:3. (PF)


Radak citing Ta'anis 4a: "Asher Lo Tzivisi" (Yirmeyah 7:31) refers to Yiftach offering his daughter; "v'Lo Alsah Al Libi" (ibid.) refers to Melech Mo'av. (Ta


Why does it say "va'Yashuvu la'Aretz"?


Radak: Each of the three kings returned to his land.


Radak citing Sanhedrin 39b: At that time, Yisrael descended to the lowest level.


Why is "va'Yashuvu" written Chaser (without a Vov)?


Radak: This enables reading it like va'Yeshvu la'Aretz 1 , like "va'Yeshvu Ito la'Aretz" (Iyov 2:13).


This is like Radak brought from Sanhedrin 39b, that Yisrael descended to the lowest level. (PF)

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