12th Cycle dedication

CHULIN 116 (Shmini Atzeres) - l'Iluy Nishmas Chaim Noach ben ha'Chaver Reb Yehudah (Kruskal). Dedicated by his son and family.


TERUMAH JUICES (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 11 Halachah 2 Daf 55a)

îùðä ãáù úîøéí åééï úôåçéí åçåîõ ñéúååðéåú åùàø ëì îé ôéøåú ùì úøåîä ø' ìéòæø îçééá ÷øï åçåîù [ãó öè òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åø' éäåùò ôåèø ø' ìéòæø îèîà îùåí îù÷ä


(Mishnah): Date honey, apple wine, vinegar of winter grapes and all other Terumah fruit juices - (if they were consumed inadvertently by a non-Kohen) R. Eliezer obligates him to pay the principal and the fifth but R. Yehoshua exempts him from the fifth. R. Eliezer says that they are susceptible to the Tumah of liquids.

à''ø éäåùò ìà îðå çëîéí ùáòä îù÷éï ëîåðé ôèîéï àìà àîøå ùáòä îù÷éï èîàéï åùàø ëì äîù÷éï èäåøéï:


(R. Yehoshua): The Chachamim did not list the seven types of liquids like people that count spices (who do not count accurately); rather they have specifically said that seven liquids are susceptible to Tumah but all other liquids are Tahor.

âîøà äååï áòé' îéîø îä ôìéâéï áçåîù àáì á÷øï àó ø' éäåùò îåãé


(Gemara): It was suggested that the disagreement is over the extra fifth, but as for the principal, even R. Yehoshua agrees that it must be paid.

îä ôìéâéï ìùòáø äà áúçéìä àó øáé éäåùò îåãé


They also only disagree when he already made the honey, but R. Yehoshua agrees that ideally, they may not be consumed by non-Kohanim.

åúðéðï ãáù úîøéí øáé ìéòæø îçééá áîòùøåú åøáé éäåùò ôåèø


Question (Tosefta): Date honey that comes from Tevel dates - R. Eliezer obligates it to be tithed and R. Yehoshua exempts it. (If so, why would the principal need to be paid?)

ëàï (ùæëå)[ùæáå] îùðèáìå åëàï (ùæëå)[ùæáå] òã ùìà ðèáìå


Answer: R. Yehoshua obligates when the fruits had already become obligated (to tithe by being brought into the house) and the honey then flowed out.

îåãé ø' ìéòæø ùàí òéùø òì äúîøéí àôéìå áàñôîéà ãáùï îåúø [ãó ÷ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îéìúéä àîø ùäåà îòùø îï äúîøéí òì äãáù ìôé úîøéí. øáé ìéòæø îçééá áîòùøåú.


R. Eliezer agrees that if he tithed for the dates, without knowing how much had flowed out, even if the dates are in Aspamia, it is valid.

úðé øáé ðúï àåîø ìà ùøáé ìéòæø îçééá áîòùøåú àìà ùø' ìéòæø àåîø ùìà éàëì îï äúîøéí òã ùéòùø òì äãáù


(Baraisa) (R. Nasan): R. Eliezer does not obligate it to be tithed; rather he says that he should not eat from the dates until he tithes for the honey.

îéìúéä àîøä ùäåà îòùø îï äúîøéí (òì äãáù) ìôé ãáù åìôé úîøéí


This means that he tithes from the dates according to the honey and the dates. (Therefore, he may not eat the honey since the quantity must be retained in order for him to tithe correctly.)

[ãó ðä òîåã á] ø' ìéòæø îèîà îùåí îù÷ä:


The Mishnah taught that R. Eliezer said that those liquids are susceptible to the Tumah of liquids.

úðé ø' ðúï àåîø ìà ùøáé ìéòæø îèîà îùåí îù÷ä òì îä ðçì÷å òì ùðôì ìúåëå îù÷ä ùøáé ìéòæø îèîà îùåí îù÷ä åçëîéí àåîøéí äåìëéï àçø äøåá.


Baraisa (R. Nasan): R. Eliezer didn't say this. Rather, he disagreed with the Chachamim when other liquids fell into fruit juice. R. Eliezer said that those liquids are susceptible to the Tumah of liquids. The Chachamim said that we follow the majority (and if the majority is fruit juice, it annuls the liquids).

òì ãòúéä ãøáé ðúï ø''î åøàá''é åø' ìéòæø ùìùúï àîøå ãáø àçã


According to R. Nasan - R. Meir, R. Eliezer ben Yaakov and R. Eliezer have the same view...

øáé îàéø ãå àîø àéï îé ôéøåú [î]áèìéï ìòåìí


R. Meir says that fruit juice never annuls.

øàá''é ãúðé øàá''é àåîø öéø èäåø ùðôì ìúåëå îéí ëì ùäåà èîà


R. Eliezer ben Yaakov - as a Baraisa taught - R. Eliezer ben Yaakov says that if any amount of Tamei water fell into Tahor brine, it is Tamei.

åäãéï ø''à ãäëà.


R. Eliezer is as was taught here.

èòîà ãøáé ìéòæø åëì îù÷ä îä èòîà ãøáðï àùø éùúä îä ø''à ëøáé éùîòàì ãø' éùîòàì ãå àîø ëìì åôøè äëì áëìì [ãó ÷ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åøåáä îãøáé éùîòàì ãå àîø àôé' (ëìì åôøè åçæø åëìì)[ôøè åëìì åçæø åôøè] äëì áëìì


R. Eliezer's source (that fruit juices are considered liquids) is the pasuk (Vayikra 11:34), "...(from any food that is eaten, that will have water come upon it will become Tamei), and any liquid (that is (usually) drunk, which is in any vessel, shall become Tamei). Rabbanan's source is the phrase "that is (usually) drunk'' (meaning that it is ready to drink, unlike fruit juices). R. Eliezer follows R. Yishmael who said that one can apply the rule of Klal U'Prat - if there is a generalization, followed by a specification, everything is included. And he said even more than R. Yishmael, that even if there's a specification, a generalization, and then another specification, everything is included. (That's what is found here, as the phrase "that is (usually) drunk'' is a second specification.)

ø' ôøéâåøé ã÷éñøéï (à''ø)[àîø øáé] ìòæø (áé) [ë]øáé éùîòàì àìà ëê îùéá ø''à ìçëîéí îä ãàéú ìëåï àùø éàëì ôøè ìàåëì ñøåç ëï àéú ìé àùø éùúä ôøè ìîù÷ä ñøåç


(R. Priguri of Kisarin): Really, R. Elazar is the same as R. Yishmael (and the phrase 'that is (usually) drunk'' is used for a different purpose). And this is R. Eliezer's response to the Chachamim - just as you use the phrase "from any food that is eaten'' to exclude food that became putrid and inedible; so I use the phrase "that is drunk'' to exclude putrid liquid.

àîøå ìå ìà ãåîéï àåëìéï ìîù÷éï ìà àí àîøú áàåëìéï ùëï àåëì ñøåç îòé÷øå èäåø úàîø áîù÷éï ùëï îù÷ä ñøåç îòé÷øå èîà


(Chachamim to R. Eliezer): Food is not like drink - sea water was always putrid but it is considered a liquid for Tumah. But food that was putrid from the beginning is Tahor.

ãáø àçø ìà àí àîøú áàåëìéï ùëï àåëìéï äîéåçãéí ìàãí àéðï öøéëéï îçùáä úàîø áîù÷éï ùëï îù÷éï äîéåçãéí ìàãí öøéëéï îçùáä.


And furthermore - food is not like drink - human food can contract Tumah even without any forethought. Liquids that are for human consumption only cause something to be able to contract Tumah when he has Machshavah (i.e. he is happy that the liquid fell there).

[ãó ÷à òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åîôðé ùöøéëéï îçùáä éäà îù÷ä ñøåç îòé÷øå èîà äåàéì åäï öøéëéï îçùáä éäà îù÷ä äñøåç îòé÷øå èäåø.


Rebuttal: Just because they require Machshavah, does that mean that a liquid that was putrid from the beginning can contract Tumah? On the contrary, since they require Machshavah, a liquid that was putrid from the beginning should not contract Tumah?!

ã''à àîøå ìå ìà àí àîøú áàåëìéï ùëï àåëìé áäîä ìàãí àéðï áàéï áîçùáä úàîø áîù÷éï ùëï îù÷ä áäîä ìàãí áàéï áîçùáä


Rather, the Chachamim said to R. Eliezer - Foods (are not like liquids, as) if you say about putrid foods (that they cannot contract Tumah) that is because animal foods don't become considered human foods with mere intent, but liquids do.

åúðé ëï ëì îù÷ä îä ú''ì àùø éùúä ôøè ìîù÷ä ñøåç ãáøé ø' ìéòæø àîøå ìå àéï îù÷éï éåöàéï ìà éãé òåôåú åìà éãé ôøä


Support (Baraisa): The pasuk states (Vayikra 11:34), "and any liquid''. What does the phrase "that is (usually) drunk'' teach? It excludes putrid liquid. These are the words of R. Eliezer. The Chachamim said to him, "Since birds and cows don't refrain from drinking them'', they are not excluded.

[ãó ðå òîåã à] çáøééà áùí øáé ìòæø îåãä øáé ìéòæø ìçëîéí áîù÷ä ñøåç îòé÷øå ùäåà èîà


(Chevraya in the name of R. Elazar): R. Eliezer agrees with the Chachamim that liquid that was originally putrid can cause Tumah.

åäúðéðï äîåäì äéåöà îäï ø' ìéòæø îèäø åçëîéí îèîàéï.


Question (Mishnah in Maseches Taharos): Juice that oozes from olives (before their work was completed - it is considered putrid liquid, and) R. Eliezer says that it cannot cause Tumah; Chachamim say that it can. (This shows that R. Eliezer says that a putrid liquid is Tahor...?)

øáé àéìà áùí øáé ìòæø îåãä øáé ìéòæø ìçëîéí áîé éí äâãåì ùàôéìå äï ñøåçéí äúåøä ÷øà àåúï éîéí åìî÷åä äîéí ÷øà éîéí


Answer (R. Ila citing R. Elazar): When R. Eliezer agrees with the Chachamim (that liquid that was originally putrid can cause Tumah), that was referring to waters of the Mediterranean Sea, that even though they are putrid, the Torah calls them waters as the pasuk states (Bereishis 1:10), "and the gathering of the waters He called seas''.

øáé éò÷á áø æáãé áùí øáé àáäå îåãé øáé ìéòæø ìçëîéí áîé úøãéï åáîé ùì÷åú ùàéðï îëùéøéï.


(R. Yaakov bar Zavdi citing R. Abahu): R. Eliezer agrees with the Chachamim that beet waters and boiling waters do not cause things to be able to contract Tumah.

øáé éåçðï áùí ø''ù áï éåçàé àí éàîø ìê àãí ùîðä îù÷éï äï àîåø ìå äøé èì åîéí îéï àçã äï åîðå àåúï çëîéí ùðéí àéìå äåä ìåï çåøï ìà îðéðéä (åàéï äåä çåøï ìà äåä îðéðéä:)


(R. Yochanan citing R. Shimon ben Yochai): If someone would tell you that when the Chachamim said that seven liquids can cause things to contract Tumah, they also intended to include these liquids - tell him that it cannot be, as the Chachamim should have detailed them, just as they specified dew separately, even though it could have been included as water. And if these liquids from fruits were included, they should have been listed.