
A CRAFTSMAN WHO DEVIATED (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 5 Daf 39a)

[ãó ìè òîåã à] îúðé' ðúï öîø ìöáò åä÷ãéçä äéåøä ðåúï ìå ãîé öîøå


(Mishnah): If Reuven gave wool to a dyer (Shimon), and the pot burned [the dye], Shimon pays the value of the wool.

öáòå ëàåø àí äùáç éúø òì ääåöàä ðåúï ìå àú äéöéàä åàí äéöéàä éúøä òì äùáç ðåúï ìå àú äùáç


If he dyed it poorly, if the Shevach (increased value) exceeds the Hotza'ah (expenses), Reuven gives to him the Hotza'ah. If the Hotza'ah exceeds the Shevach, he gives to him the Shevach.

ìöáåò ìå àãåí åöáòå ùçåø ùçåø åöáòå àãåí ø''î àåîø ðåúï ìå ãîé öîøå


If he was told to dye it red, and he died it black, or vice-versa, R. Meir says, [Shimon] pays the value of the wool [that he received];

øáé éäåãä àåîø àí äùáç éúø òì äéöéàä ðåúï ìå àú äéöéàä åàí äéöéàä éúéøä òì äùáç ðåúï ìå àú äùáç:


R. Yehudah says, if the Shevach exceeds the Hotza'ah, Reuven gives to him the Hotza'ah. If the Hotza'ah exceeds the Shevach, he gives to him the Shevach.

âî' øá äåðà àîø ùä÷ãéçå ñîîðéï àáì ä÷ãéçä éåøä àåîø ìå äøé ùìê ìôðéê


(Gemara - Rav Huna): [Our Mishnah is when inferior] ingredients ruined it, but if the pot burned it (the flame was too high), he says 'yours is in front of you';

ùîåàì àîø àôéìå ä÷ãéçå ñîîðéï àåîø ìå äøé ùìê ìôðéê.


(Shmuel): Even if the ingredients ruined it, he says 'yours is in front of you.'