
DAMAGE THROUGH CHICKENS (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 8a)

îúðé' äúøðâåìéï îåòãéï ìäìê ëãøëï åìùáø


(Mishnah): Chickens are Mu'ad to walk normally and break things;

[ãó å òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äéä ãìéì ÷ùåø áøâìå àå ùäéä îäãñ åùéáø àú äëìéí îùìí çöé ðæ÷:


If a Dalil (something) was tied to its leg, or if it was dancing and broke Kelim, it pays half-damage.

âî' øá äåðà àîø áùð÷ùø îàéìéå [ãó ç òîåã á] àáì àí ÷ùøå äåà îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí.


(Gemara - Rav Huna): [Our Mishnah discusses] when the Dalil became tied to its leg by itself, but if he tied it, he pays full damage.

úðé úøðâåìéï ùäéãñå àú äòéñä åàú äôéøåú àå ùðé÷øå îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí


(Beraisa): If chickens danced on a dough or Peros, or pecked [at them], he pays full damage;

äéãñå òôø òì âáé òéñä àå òì âáé ôéøåú îùìîéï çöé ðæ÷


If they danced [and cast] earth on a dough or on Peros, they pay half damage.

äéå îçèèéï áçáì (åðôñ÷ äãìé àå ùðùáø) [ö''ì äãìé åðôñ÷ äçáì åðùáø äãìé - îäø''à ôåìãà] îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí


If they were pecking at the rope of a bucket, and the rope snapped and the bucket broke, they pay full damage.

ðôì òì çáéøå òì äòìéåï îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí åàúçúåï çöé ðæ÷


If the bucket fell on another [bucket and broke it], for the top he pays full damage and for the bottom he pays half damage.

åàéðå ëòåùä áåø áî÷åí àçã åîæé÷ áî÷åí àçø.


Question: (Why does Rav Huna say that if he tied the Dalil, he pays full damage?) Is he not like one who makes a pit here, [and an animal moved it,] and it damaged elsewhere? (He is not liable due to a pit, rather, due to Shor. If so, he should pay only half damage, for this is pebbles!)

àîø øáé éåñé áé ø' áåï îëéåï ùàéï ãøëå ìéôåì àìà áàåúå äáåø ëîé ùäåà áåøå.


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Since it is not common [for a chicken itself to damage,] it is common to fall [be damaged] only in that pit, it is considered his pit [and not Shor. Therefore, the law of half-damage of pebbles does not apply. We explained the question and answer like RIDVAZ.]

úðé úøðâåìéï ùðôìå ìâéðä åùáøå äçéìôéï å÷éøèîå àú äéø÷ îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí


(Beraisa): If chickens fell into a garden and broke the grass and cut (through eating) the vegetables, he pays full damage;

ñåîëåñ àåîø òì ä÷éøèåí îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí åòì äùéáåø îùìí çöé ðæ÷.


Sumchus says, for cutting he pays full damage. For breaking he pays half damage (this is a Shinuy).

úøðâåì äôåøç îî÷åí ìî÷åí åäæé÷ áâåôå îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí áøåç ùáéï ëðôéå îùìí çöé ðæ÷


If a chicken fluttered from place to place and damaged with its body, it pays full damage. [If it damaged] through the wind from its wings, it pays half damage;

ñåîëåñ àåîø ðæ÷ ùìí.


Sumchus says, it pays full damage. (He holds that pebbles pay full damage.)

[ãó è òîåã à] ðôç áëìéå åùáøï îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí:


If [a person] blew at Kelim and broke them, he pays full damage. (Pebbles pay half damage only regarding animals. We explained this like HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)