

úåñ' ã"ä ìùåï ñåøñé

(Summary: Tosfos equates 'Lashon Sursi' with Lashon 'Arami' and elaborates.)

ðøàä ãìùåï ñåøñé äåà ìùåï àøîé ...


Clarification: It seems that the Sursi language is synonymous with Arama'ic ...

ëãàîø (áøàùéú øáä ô' òä /òã/) 'àì éäé ìùåï ñåøñé ÷ì áòéðéê, ùäøé áúåøä åáðáéàéí åáëúåáéí çì÷ ìå äëúåá ëáåã ...


Proof: ... as the Bereishis Rabah (Perek 75) states 'Don't treat the Sursi language lightly, since the Pasuk honors it in Torah, Nevi'im and Kesuvim ...

úåøä -ãëúéá "éâø ùäãåúà;" áðáéàéí -ãëúéá "ëãðä úàîøåï ìäåí;" áëúåáéí- ãðéàì åòæøà.


Proof (cont.): ... Torah, as it is written (in Bereishis 31, in connection with Lavan) "Y'gar Sahadusa" ; Nevi'im - as it is written (in Yirmiyah 10) and in Kesuvim - Seifer Dani'el and Seifer Ezra' ...

åìáï äéä îàøí ðäøéí, åãðéàì ðîé ÷åøäå ìùåï ñåøñé, àó òì âá ãëúéá áéä "åéãáøå äëùãéí ìîìê àøîéú."


Proof (concl.): ... and Lavan was from Aram Naharayim. And Daniel too, calls it 'Sursi', even though the Pasuk there writes "And the Kasdim (Babylonians) spoke to the king in Arama'ic".

åäà ãð÷è äëà áàøõ éùøàì 'ìùåï ñåøñé' åáááì ð÷è 'ìùåï àøîé' ?


Question: And the reason that here, in Eretz Yisrael it calls it 'Sursi' and in Bavel, 'Arama'ic' ...

àåø"ú ìôé ùîòè îùúðä, ëòéï ìùåï ìòæ ùîãáøéí àåúå ìùåï öç áîãéðä àçú éåúø îáàçø ...


Answer: ... Rabein u Tam explains, is because the dialect changes slightly from place to place, like we find regarding foreign languages which is more pure/authentic in some places than in others.

ëé àåð÷ìåñ äâø úéøâí "òã äâì äæä" 'ñäéã ãâåøà äãéï' åìáï ÷øà ìéä 'éâø ùäãåúà' .


Example: Hence Unklus ha'Ger translates "Eid ha'Gal ha'Zeh" as 'Sahid de'Gura ha'Dein', whilst Lavan called it 'Y'gar Sahadusa'.

åð"ì ìùåï ùãéáø ìáï äåà ìùåï ñåøñé, åòì ùí ñåøéà ð÷øà ñåøñé, ãñåøéà äéà àøí ðäøéí åàøí öåáä ùëáù ãåã.


Conclusion: And Rabeinu Tam goes on to explain the dialect spoken by Lavan was Sursi, called by that name because it was spoken in Surya, incorporating Aram Naharayim (Bavel) and Aram Tzovah (Syria) which David ha'Melech captured.

åòì ùí ù÷øåáä ìàøõ éùøàì àéï ìùåï àøîé ùìä öç ëì ëê.


Conclusion (cont.): And it is because it (Syria) are close to Eretz Yisrael that the Arama'ic that is spoken there is not as pure (as the Aama'ic spoken in Bavel) See also Gilyon ha'Shas.



úåñ' ã"ä äúéøå ìå ìñôø ÷åîé

(Summary: Tosfos explains Avtulmus' Heter to shave 'Kumi'.)

îúçéìä ìà âæøå òì ÷øåáéí ìîìëåú, åäåà äéä øâéì ìîìëåú ...


Clarification: The decree was not initially instituted on those who were close to the rulers, and he (Avtulmus) had an ongoing relationship with the rulers ...

ëãàùëçï áîòéìä (ãó éæ.) ù'äìê àáèåìîåñ áï øàåáï åñéôø ÷åîé' ùìà éëéøå ùäåà éäåãé, åäèòä àåúí '.


Proof: ... as the Gemara states in Me'ilah (Daf 17b), where it recounts how Avtulmus ben Reuven went and shaved 'Kumi', so that they should not be aware that he was a Jew; and he succeeded in tricking them'.



úåñ' ã"ä ùðé àìôéí åùðé øááåú âøñéðï

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the text and reconciles the number with the Gemara in Sanhedrin which gives the minimum number as ten.)

åìà âøñéðï 'ùðé àìôéí øááåú... '


Rejection of Text: We do not have the text 'Sh'nei Alafim Revavos' (two thousand times ten thousand) ...

ãáîãáø ìà äéå ëé àí ñ' øéáåà åùøúä ùëéðä.


Reason: ... since in the desert they were only six hundred thousand, yet the Shechinah rested on them.

åìà ùééê ëàï äà ãàçã ãéðé îîåðåú (ñðäãøéï ãó ìè.) ã'ëì áé òùøä ùëéðä ùøéà? '


Implied Question: Nor is there any connection between the Gemara here and the Sugya in Echad Dinei Mamonos (Sanhedrin, Daf 39a) that 'The Shechinah rests wherever there is a gathering of ten Jews'?

ãäëà à'ðáéàéí åà'îùëï ÷àîø.


Answer: ... because here the Gemara is talking about prophets and the Mishkan (which requires a higher degree of Shechinah.



úåñ' ã"ä åäúðéà åáéùåá àôéìå ÷' îéì ìà éôøåñ

(Summary: Tosfos queries the Beraisa from various angles.)

ò"ë äùúà ìà éãò ôéøåù äáøééúà.


Introduction to Question: Clearly, the Gemara, at this stage, is not aware of the ultimate interpretation of the Beraisa.

[å÷ùä] ãäà îùîò ã÷' îéì ìàå ãå÷à àìà àôéìå àìó ìà éôøåñ, åà"ë, äàé éùåá äéëé ãîé?


Question, Side #1: It implies that a hundred Mil is La'av Davka, because even within a thousand Mil one is forbidden to spread nets, in which case what exactly, is meant by 'Yishuv'?

àé ÷øé äòéø éùåá, à"ë ìà éôøåñ áùåí î÷åí àôéìå áîãáø, ãàôéìå äîãáø øçå÷ àìó îéì, äà àîøé' ã÷' îéì ìàå ãå÷à.


Question (cont.): If it refers to the town as 'Yishuv', then it will be forbidden to spread nets anywhere, even in the desert, because even if the desert is a thousand Mil away, did we not say that a hundred Mil is La'av Davka ...

åàôéìå ðàîø ã÷' îéì ãå÷à...


Question, Side #2: ... And even if we say that a hundred Mil is Davka ...

àëúé ú÷ùä øéùà ìñéôà ,ãäà øéùà ÷úðé ãøçå÷ ùìùéí øéñ îï äéùåá, ôåøñéï, åáñéôà ÷úðé àôéìå ÷' îéì ìà éôøåñ?


Question, Side #2 (cont.): The Reisha and the Seifa clash, since the Reisha permits spreading nets thirty Ris from the Yishuv, whereas the Seifa forbids even a distance of a hundred Mil?

ãäëé úðéà áúåñôúà áôéø÷éï (ô"ç) 'àéï ôåøñéï ðùáéí ìéåðéí àà"ë äøçé÷ îï äéùåá ùìùéí øéñ; áã"à áîãáø, àáì áéùåá àôéìå ÷' îéì ìà éôøåñ' ?


Source: Because so the Beraisa (the Tosefta, Perek 8) states 'One is not permitted to spread nets for doves unless they one distances them from the Yishuv thirty Ris; That speaks in a desert, but in an inhabited area, it is forbidden to spread them even a hundred Mil away?

åìéëà ìîéîø ðîé ãñ"ã ãáéùåá ùì æøòéí ùééèé èåáà, åøéùà ãáøééúà îééøé áéùåá òéø, å÷øé ìéä 'îãáø' îùåí ãìéëà æøòéí...


Refuted Answer: Nor can one answer that the Gemara initially thinks that in a Yishuv of seeds they fly further, whereas the Reisha of the Beraisa is speaking in a Yishuv of the city, which it calls 'Midbar' since it is devoid of seeds ...

ãà"ë, îàé ÷ùä ìéä?


Refutation: ... because in that case, what is the Gemara's Kashya?

åðøàä ìøéöá"à ãåãàé ñ"ã ãàééøé áéùåá æøòéí- åä"ô 'åîéùè ùééèé ùìùéí øéñ ,åúå ìà, àôéìå áéùåá æøòéí?'


Answer: The Ritzba therefore explains that the Gemara did indeed think that it is speaking about a Yishuv of seeds, and what it asks is 'Does it only fly thirty Ris and no more - even in a Yishuv of seeds?' ...

åäà îåëçà ñéôà ãáéùåá æøòéí ùééèé èåáà, åàéï æä àìà îùåí àëéìä? àìîà ãìà îìéà ëøéñä áçîùéí àîä?


Answer (cont.): ... when it is evident from the Seifa that in a Yishuv of seeds, they fly further than that, which is only in order to eat? So we see that it does not fill its stomach in an area of fifty Amos?

åîùðé ãìà àééøé áéùåá æøòéí àìà áéùåá ëøîéí åáéùåá ùåáëéï, å÷øé 'îãáø' äéëà ãìéëà éùåá ëøîéí åéùåá ùåáëéï.


Answer (concl.): And it answers that it is speaking specifically about a Yihuv of vineyards or one of dove-cots, and it refers to it as 'Midbar', there where there are no vineyards or dovecots.




úåñ' ã"ä îëä áäîä éùìîðä åñîéê ìéä åàéù ëé éúï

(Summary: Initially, Tosfos explains why the words 've'Samich leih' ought to be omitted and elaborates.)

ðøàä ìø"é ãì"â 'åñîéê ìéä... '


Rejection of Text: It seems to the Ri that one should omit the text 've'Samich leih' ...

ãäà îëç ñîåëéí ìà ãøéù àìà îëç â"ù...


Reason: ... seeing as the Gemara learns this, not from 'Semuchim' but from a Gezeirah Shavah ...

ëãàîø ì÷îï 'àðï "äëàä" "äëàä" ÷àîøéðï' .


Proof #1: ... as the Gemara statess later 'We meant to say "Haka'ah Haka'ah".

åàîø ðîé ì÷îï 'åëé îàçø ãëúéá "ìà ú÷çå ëåôø ìðôù øåöç," äàé 'îëä' 'îëä' ìîä ìé? 'îùîò ãâ"ù äéà åìà ñîåëéí.


Proof #2: It also states later 'And since the Torah writes "Do not take ransom money from a murderer", why do we need 'Makeh' 'Makeh'?, implying that it is a Gezeirah Shavah and not Semuchim?

åòåã, ëé ôøéê áñîåê 'îàé çæéú ãéìôú î"îëä áäîä" ,ðéìó î"îëä àãí"? ...


Proof #3: Furthermore, when the Gemara will ask shortly 'What do you see to learn from "Makeh Beheimah"? Why not learn it from "Makeh Adam"? ...

åîàé ÷åùéà, åäìà îëç ñîåëéí äåà áà, å"îëä àãí" àéï ñîåê ì"àéù ëé éúï îåí" ?


Proof #3 (cont.): ... if it is learned from Semuchim, what is the Kashya, seeing as "Makeh Adam" is not juxtaposed to "Ish ki Yiten Mum"?

åà"ú, åëéåï ãîâ"ù ÷à éìéó, ìîä äåöøê ìàúåéé ÷øà ã"îëä ðôù áäîä éùìîðä" åùáé÷ ÷øà ã"îëä áäîä" ãîééúé ìòéì?


Question: Now that we learn it from a Gezeirah Shavah, why does the Gemara need to cite the Pasuk "Makeh Nefesh Beheimah Yeshalmenah", and to ignore that of "Makeh Beheimah" which it cited earlier?

åé"ì, ã"îëä áäîä" àéöèøéê ìúðà ãáé çæ÷éä; åîàï ãìéú ìéä, ãøéù áøéù 'äðçð÷éï' (ñðäãøéï ãó ôã:) 'îä îëä áäîä ìøôåàä, ôèåø ...' .


Answer #1: It needs the Pasuk "Makeh Beheimah" for Tana de'bei Chizkiyah; and as for those who don't concur with him, the Gemara at the beginning of 'ha'Nechnakin' (Sanhedrin, Daf 84b) Darshens from it 'Just as someone who strikes an animal in order to heal it is Patur ... '.

à"ð, ëéåï ãäãø ìéä î"îëä àãí" ãäåé á÷èìà, äãø áéä ìâîøé, åð÷è äàé ÷øà ã"îëä ðôù áäîä" ãñîéê ì"àéù ëé éúï îåí" .


Answer #2: Alternatively, once the Gemara retracts from "Makeh Adam" which speaks about Misah, it retracts from it completely, and cites the Pasuk "Makeh Nefesh Beheimah" which is next to "Ish ki Yiten Mum".

åìôé æä, îöé ìîâøñ 'åñîéê ìéä' ,ãîùåí ãñîéê ìéä ð÷è äàé ÷øà, åìà îùåí ñîåëéí.


Conclusion: According to this, one can reinstate the text 've'Samich leih', since, it is because it is next to it that it opts to cite that Pasuk, though not because of 'Semuchin'.



úåñ' ã"ä àó äëàä äàîåøä áàãí ìúùìåîéï

(Summary: Tosfos cites an addition to the text and rejects it.)

é"ñ ãâøñé áúø äëé 'åäëúéá "àéù ëé éëä ëì ðôù àãí, îåú éåîú" ?


Alternative Text: Some texts read after this 'Is it not written "Ish ki Yakeh Kol Nefesh Adam, Mos Yumas"? ...

ôéøåù ùéîéúå àáøå úçú àáøå ùì çáéøå? 'åîùðé " ' éåîú" áîîåï. åîîàé ãáîîåï, àéîà îéúä îîù?


Explanation: ... meaning that one should 'destroy his limb' in payment of the limb of his friend?' And it answers ' "Yumas" be'Mamon'. How do we know that it means Mamon, Perhaps it means literally to destroy?

ìà ñ"ã, çãà ãäà àéú÷ù ì"îëä ðôù áäîä," åòåã, ãëúéá äúí "ëàùø éúï îåí áàãí, ëï éðúï áå- " ù"î îîåï' .


Explanation (cont.): ... this cannot be correct; firstly, because it is compared to "Makeh Nefesh Beheimah"; Secondly, because the Torah writes there "Ka'asher Yiten Mum ba'Adam, kein Yinasen bo" - a proof that it means Mamon.

åàéï ðøàä ìø"é àåúä âéøñà ëìì ...


Rejection of Text: The Ri completely rejects this text however ...

çãà ã"àéù ëé éëä ëì ðôù àãí" îå÷îéðï áäðùøôéï (ñðäãøéï ãó òç.) á÷èìà, âáé ôìåâúà ãøáé éäåãä áï áúéøä åøáðï - âáé 'äëåäå é' áðé àãí áé' î÷ìåú' ?


Refutation #1: Firstly, because the Gemara in ha'Nisrafin (Sanhedrin, Daf 78a) establishes the Pasuk "Ish ki Yakeh kol Nefesh Adam" by Misah - in connection with the Machlokes betwen Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira and the Rabanan, in the case of 'Ten men who smite someone with ten sticks'.

åòåã, ãìîîåï ìà àöèøéê?


Refutation #2: Secondly, because we don't need a Pasuk for Mamon?

åòåã, îàé ôøéê îòé÷øà 'åäëúéá "àéù ëé éëä ëì ðôù àãí" - îé àìéí î÷øà ã"òéï úçú òéï" ,ãîå÷îéðï ìéä áîîåï áâ"ù ã'äëàä' 'äëàä' ?


Refutation #3: Thirdly, what is the Gemara's initial Kashya 'Is it not written "Ish ki Yakeh kol Nefesh Adam" - Why is this Pasuk any better than that of :Ayin Tachas Ayin", which we establish by Mamon, from the Gezeirah Shavah 'Haka'ah' 'Haka'ah'?

åòåã, îëéåï ãëúéá "ëàùø éúï îåí áàãí ëï éðúï áå" ,ìîä ìé äê â"ù ã'äëàä' 'äëàä' ?


Refutation #4: And fourthly, Since the Torah writes "Ka'asher Yiten Mum ba'Adam kein Yinasen bo", why do we need the Gezeirah Shavah 'Haka'ah' 'Haka'ah'?

ò"ë ðøàä ãì"â ìéä ëìì.


Conclusion: It therefore seems clear that we do not have that text at all.



úåñ' ã"ä îëãé øùòúå ðô÷à

(Summary: Tosfos refers to what he already explained on the Gemara in the second Perek.)

ôéøåùå áñåó ô"á (ãó ëå.).


Reference: Tosfos explained it already at the end of the second Perek (Daf 26a, DH 'Alav.)



úåñ' ã"ä îàé çæéú ãéìôú îîëä áäîä ðéìó îîëä àãí

(Summary: Tosfos explains why this is necessary.)

àò"â ãìäà ìà àéöèøéê, ãîîéìà äåä àîøéðï "òéï úçú òéï" îîù...


Implied Question: Even though the Pasuk is not really needed for this, since we would automatically interpret "Ayin Tachas Ayin" literally ...

î"î àéöèøéê ãìà ðéìó î"îëä áäîä".


Answer: ... it is nevertheless necessary to insert it, so as not to learn otherwise from "Makeh Beheimah".



úåñ' ã"ä îëä îëä ìî"ì

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles the Gemara's Kashya with the opinion of Rava in Kesuvos.)

åà"ú, ãøáà ãøéù îéðéä áôø÷ àìå ðòøåú (ëúåáåú ãó ìä.) áôéøåù øéáúä úåøä çééáé îì÷éåú ëçééáé îéúåú ìúùìåîéï îâ"ù ã"îëä" "îëä" ?


Question: Rava in Perek Eilu Na'aros (Kesuvos, Daf 35a) Darshens that the Torah is coming to obligate Chayvei Malkiyos to pay just like Chayvei Misah, via the Gezeirah-Shavah "Makeh" "Makeh"?

åé"ì, ãøáà ìèòîéä ããøéù ì÷îï "òéï úçú òéï" îîåï î÷øà àçøéðà.


Answer: Rava is simply following his own opinion, inasmuch as he learns later (on Daf 84a) that "Ayin Tachas Ayin" means money from a different Pasuk.