

úåñ' ã"ä åìà ÷áì òìéä ùîéøú ðæ÷éå

(Summary: Tosfos asks why this ruling is not obvious.)

åàí úàîø, ëéåï ãìà ÷áéì òìéä', ôùéèà ãúí îùìí çöé ðæ÷ åîåòã îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí?


Question: Seeing as he did not accept the Sh'mirah, why is it not obvious that a Tam pays half damage and a Mu'ad, in full?

åéù ìåîø, ãñì÷à ãòúê ãùîéøú ðæ÷éï ãòìîà ìà ÷áéì, àáì à'ðæ÷éï ìúåøà ãùåàì âåôéä ñì÷à ãòúê ù÷áì, åìéôèø îùàéì.


answer: Because we might have thought that, even though he does not undertake the Sh'mirah of other Nizakin, he automatically accepts the damages of the Nizak himself.



úåñ' ã"ä îé ìà ôìéâé

(Summary: Tosfos presents a way in which the Gemara might have established Rav Yosef's ruling.)

äåé îöé ìàå÷îé ääéà ãøá éåñó ìà ìæä åìà ìæä ìùååøéí åìôéøåú ãçã.


Observation: It could have established the case of Rav Yosef where the Chatzer was not designated to either of them for oxen, and for one of them for fruit.



úåñ' ã"ä ìà ìæä åìà ìæä ìôéøåú àìà ìçã

(Summary: Tosfos cites Rabeinu Tam's text, and explains why it is preferable to all alternative texts.)

ø"ú âøéñ 'ìà ìæä åìà ìæä ìùååøéí', ãâáé ùï äåéà çöø äðéæ÷ ùäæé÷ ôéøåú, àáì âáé ùååøéí ä"ì ÷øï áøä"ø, ëéåï ùìà äéä ìäí øùåú ìéëðñ.


Explanation (Text) #1: Rabeinu Tam has the text 'Lo la'Zeh ve'Lo la'Zeh li'Shevarim', because regarding Shein it is the Chatzer of the Nizak, when it damages fruit, but regarding oxen it is a case of Keren bi'Reshus ha'Rabim, seeing as they did not have permission to enter it.

åì"â ëîå ùëúåá áñôøéí 'åìæä åìæä ìùååøéí', ãà"ë âáé ùï ìà äéä ìå ìéçùá çöø äðéæ÷, ëéåï ùéù øùåú ìëì çã åçã ìäëðéñ ùí ùåøå, ëãîåëç ìòéì.


Rejection of Explanation #3: Nor do we have the text that is written in the Sefarim 'la'Zeh ve'la'Zeh li'Shevarim', because then regarding Shein, it should not have considered it the Chatzer of the Nizak, since both parties have permission to bring in their oxen, as is evident above.

åìà áòé ìàå÷îà 'ìæä åìæä ìôéøåú åìà ìùååøéí' ...


Rejection of Explanation #4: Neither does the Gemara want to establish it where both have permission to bring in fruit, but not their oxen ...

ãìà ëø' æéøà.


Reason #1: ... because that would be not like Rebbi Zeira.

åòåã, ãìéùðà ìà îùîò äëé.


Reason #2: Moreover, the Lashon does not imply that (See Tosfos Daf 16. DH 'Kulah')..



úåñ' ã"ä àé äëé àøáòä ùìùä äåå

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)

áùìîà ìùîåàì ãîå÷é øéùà øáé èøôåï åñéôà øáðï, àöèøéê ñéôà ìàùîåòéðï ìàôå÷é îãøáé èøôåï.


Clarification: It is fine according to Shmuel, who establishes the Reisha like Rebbi Tarfon and the Seifa like the Rabbanan, and we need the Seifa to preclude from Rebbi Tarfon ...

àìà ìøáéðà ìà öøéëà ëìì, ãìâáé ùï ãäåé çöø äðéæ÷ - ùîòéðï î'ëì ùäåà øùåú ìðéæ÷', å÷øï áøä"ø ùîòéðï î'çöø äùåúôéï åäá÷òä'.


Clarification (cont.): ... but according to Ravina it is entirely unnecessary, because regarding Shein, which is the Chatzer of the Nizak, we already know from 'Kol she'Hu R'shus le'Nizak', whereas the Din of 'Keren bi'Reshus ha'Rabim' we know from 'Chatzar ha'Shutfin ve'ha'Bik'ah'.




úåñ' ã"ä ôøä ùäæé÷ä èìéú åèìéú ùäæé÷ä ôøä

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the Machlokes between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam as to how to explain this Sugya.

ôé' ä÷åðèøñ ùäæé÷å æä àú æä, åùîéï äðæ÷ áëñó, åîé ùäæé÷ çáéøå éåúø, éùìí äòåãó.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that they damaged each other, and one now assesses the value of the damage, and whoever caused more damage must pay the difference.

å÷ùä, ãò"ë ôøä ùäæé÷ä èìéú äééðå áçöø äðéæ÷, àå áëååðúå ìäæé÷ åäåé ÷øï, àå ãøê äìåëå åäåé øâì ...


Question: 'Parah she'Hizikah Talis' can only be speaking in the Chatzer of the Nizak, either where it damaged with intent, and it is 'Keren', or as it was walking, and it is 'Regel'.

å'èìéú ùäæé÷ä ôøä' äééðå áøä"ø, ãäåé îèòí áåø?


Question (cont.): Whereas 'Talis she'Hizikah Parah' must be speaking in the R'shus ha'Rabim, since it is 'Bor'?

ãàé àôùø ìàå÷îé 'ôøä ùäæé÷ä èìé'ú ðîé áøä"ø, åîèòí ÷øï ...


Refuted Answer #1: It is impossible to establish 'Parah she'Hizikah Talis' too, in the R'shus ha'Rabim, on account of Keren ...

ãàí ëï, äéä ôèåø áòì ôøä, ëãàîø ì÷îï áôø÷ á' (ãó ë.) ã'ëì äîùðä åáà àçø åùéðä áå, ôèåø'?


Refutation: ... because if so, the owner of the cow would be Patur, as the Gemara says later, in the second Perek (on Daf 20.), where it states that wherever the Nizak is Meshuneh (unusual), and the Mazik then damages the Nizak in an unusual way, the owner is Patur'.

åàôéìå àí ðôøù ùëï àéøò ù'ôøä äæé÷ä èìéú' áçöø áøùåú äðéæ÷, å'èìéú ùäæé÷ä ôøä' áøä"ø.


Suggested Explanation: And even if we explain that what happened was the cow damaged the Talis in the Chatar ha'Nizak and the Talis then damaged the cow in the R'shus ha'Rabim ...

àëúé îúðéúéï äéà ì÷îï áôø÷ äîðéç (ãó ìâ.) 'á' ùååøéï úîéí ùçáìå æä áæä, îùìîéí áîåúø ç"ð, îåòãéí îùìîéí áîåúø ð"ù'?


Question: ... that is a Mishnah later in Perek ha'Meni'ach (daf 33.) - 'Two Tam oxen that damaged each other, the one that caused more damage pays half the difference, and if they are Mu'adin, then he pays the difference in full?

åé"ì, ãúðé åäãø îôøù.


Answer: The Mishnah states the Din here and elaborates there.

åø"ú îôøù, ã'àå àå' ÷úðé ...


Explanation #2: Rabeinu Tam therefore explains that the Tana means 'either or' ...

ëîå 'çìõ åòùä îàîø åðúï âè' áéáîåú (ãó ð.).


Precedent: ... like 'Chalatz, veAsah Ma'amar ve'Nasan Get' in Yevamos (Daf 50.).

åìà áà ìàùîåòéðï ùàéï àåîøéí ùé÷ç ëì äèìéú áùáéì îä ùäæé÷å.


Refuted Chidush: He is not coming to teach us that we do not say that he cannot take the entire Talis to pay for the damage ...

ãäà èìéú 'áåø' äåà, åìà îùìí îâåôå.


Refutation #1: Seeing as the Talis is a 'Bor' and does not therefore pay mi'Gufo.

åòåã, äà ðîé ùîòéðï îîúðéúéï ãäîðéç.


Refutation #2: Furthermore, we learn that too from the Mishnah in 'ha'Meni'ach'.

àìà àåîø ø"ú ãàéï àåîøéï 'úöà ôøä áèìéú' áà ìàùîåòéðï ãìà ëø"ò ãàîø ì÷îï áäîðéç (ùí) 'éåçìè ùåø ìðéæ÷', àìà 'éåùí' ëøáé éùîòàì, åá÷øï îééøé.


Explanation #3: So Rabeinu Tam explains that what the Beraisa is coming to teach us not like Rebbi Akiva, who says later in 'ha'Meni'ach' (Ibid.) that 'The entire Shor goes to the Nizak', but like Rebbi Yishmael, who says that we assess it, and it is talking about 'Keren' (See Maharam).

å'èìéú áôøä' àúà ìàùîåòéðï ãìà âáé îéúîé ...


Explanation #3 (cont.): ... and 'Talis be'Parah' teaches us that one cannot claim from the Yesomim ...

ã÷à ñ"ã ãìéâáé àó ò"â ãîèìèìé ãéúîé ìà îùúòáãé.


Explanation #3 (cont.): Since we would otherwise have thought that one can in fact claim from them, even though Metalt'lin of Yesomim are not Meshubad.

ãîä ùàîøä úåøä 'îï äòìééä', æäå ìéôåú ëçå ùì ðéæ÷, ãàí àéï äîæé÷ ùåä ðæ÷å, éùìí îï äòìééä.


Reason: ... because when the Torah says that he pays from his pocket, it is in order to benefit the Nizak, in case the Mazik is not worth as much as the damage ....

àáì áéúîé, ãàé îùúìîé îï äòìééä äåä ôñéãà ãðéæ÷, ã'îèìèìé ãéúîé ìà îùúòáãé' ...


Reason (cont.): ... whereas regarding Yesomim, where if one pays from one's pocket, it will be a loss to the Nizak, seeing as the Metalt'lin of Yesomim are not Meshubad ...

åàé îùúìí îâåôå éâáä àôé' îéúîé, ãäåé ëàìå úôñ îçééí.


Reason (cont.): But if one were to pay from the body of the Mazik, he could claim even from the Yesomim, because it is as if he already claimed the ox whilst it was still alive ...

åä"à ãîùìí îâåôå.


Conclusion: ...thus giving us reason to think that they must pay from the body of the Mazik.

åì"â 'ôøä ùäæé÷ä èìä' ...


Refuted Text: We do not have the text 'Parah she'Hizikah T'leh' ...

ãà"ë, ìéúðé 'ùååøéí ùçáìå æä áæä', ëãì÷îï áäîðéç (ùí).


Reason: ... because if so, the Tana ought to have said 'Oxen that gored each other', as we learn later in 'ha'Meni'ach' (Ibid.).

åãøê äù"ñ ìäæëéø ôøä åèìéú ëãàîøéðï (ì÷îï ãó öã:) 'äðéç ìäí àáéäí ôøä åèìéú'.


Justifying the Current Text: And it is the way of the Gemara to mention a cow and a Talis, as we find later (on Daf 94:) 'If their father left them a cow and a Talis'.



úåñ' ã"ä ãáø äùåä ëì ëñó

(Summary: Tosfos modifies the statement.)

ìàå ãå÷à, ãéúø îôìâà éù ìäí àåðàä, ëãîùîò áôø÷ äæäá (á"î ãó ðæ:).


Clarification: This is La'av Davka, since more than half is subject to Ona'ah, as is implied in Perek ha'Zahav (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 57:) .

àìà ùåä ëì ëñó éåúø îîèìèìé.


Clarification (cont.): Only what it means is more than Metalt'lin.



úåñ' ã"ä òáãéí åùèøåú ðîé ðé÷ðéï áëñó

(Summary: Tosfos erases the word 'Sh'taros' from the text.)

åì"â ùèøåú, ãàéï ð÷ðéï áëñó àìà áîñéøä åáùèø.


Change of Text: We do not have the text 'Sh'taros', since they cannot be acquired with money, only with Mesirah and with a Sh'tar.

åàôéìå áçìéôéï ðîé ö"ò.


Change of Tex (cont.): And even if one acquire them with Chalipin needs looking into.

åá÷åðèøñ ôéøù ãìà àúôøù äéëà ùùèøåú ð÷ðéï áëñó.


Rashi: And Rashi comments that he does not know where it says that one can acquire Sh'taros with money.



úåñ' ã"ä áéúîé

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the opinion of Rav and Shmuel in Get Pashut.)

åà"ú, ìøá åùîåàì ãàéú ìäå áôø÷ âè ôùåè (á"á ãó ÷òä.) ã'ùéòáåãà ìàå ãàåøééúà' å'îìåä òì ôä ìà âáé îéåøùéï', àôé' ðëñéí ùéù ìäï àçøéåú àéï ðæ÷÷éï?


Question: According to Rav and Shmuel, who hold in Perek Get Pashut (Bava Basra, Daf 175.) that Shibud is not d'Oraysa and that one cannot therefore claim an oral loan from the heirs, one cannot even claim Nechasim she'Yesh lahem Acharayus (Karka)?

åéù ìåîø, ãàééøé áùòîã áãéï.


Answer: (According to them) it speaks where they have already been to Beis-Din.



úåñ' ã"ä ùîò îéðä ìåä åîëø ðëñéå ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the Machlokes between Rashi and Rabeinu Tam as to how to explain the Kashya.)

ôé' ä÷åðèøñ 'åäà ÷ééîà ìï ãàúé îìåä åèøéó'?


Explanation #1: Rashi explains the Kashya to mean - 'But do we not Pasken that the creditor may come and claim?

åúéîä, àé ðæ÷éï ëîìåä áùèø äåà, ìà äåä ìéä ìîéîø 'ù"î ... ' àìà ä"ì ìîéôøê 'åäúðï "äîìåä çáéøå áùèø, âåáä îðëñéí îùåòáãéí" '?


Question: If Nizakin are like a Milveh bi'Shetar, the Gemara ought not to have said 'Sh'ma Minah ... ', but rather 'Does the Mishnah not say that someone who lends his friend with a Sh'tar, may claim from Nechasim Meshubadim?

åàé çùéá îìåä ò"ô, à"ë îàé ÷àîø 'ù"î àéï á"ã âåáéï ìå îäï', äà ôùéèà ãàéï âåáéï, ãäúðï 'äîìåä çáéøå áòãéí, âåáä îðëñéí áðé çåøéï'?


Question (cont.): ... whereas if they are considered a Milveh al Peh, then why does it say "Sh'ma minah Ein Beis-Din Govin lo meihen?' since it is obvious that one cannot claim, as we learned in the Mishnah (in Bava Basra, 175.) 'Someone who lends his friend with witnesses, can (only) claim from Nechasim B'nei Chorin'?

åàé äéà âåôä ÷ãéé÷ 'ù"î ãàéï âåáéï ìå îäï, åäåé ëîìåä òì ôä, åàò"â ãðæ÷éï îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä äéà, å÷ùä ìî"ã áô"÷ ãòøëéï (ãó å:) ã'îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä ëëúåáä áùèø ãîéà' ...


Refuted Answer: And if the Gemara is coming to teach us - "Sh'ma minah, de'Ein Govin lo meihen", and it is like a Milveh al Peh, even though Nezikin is a Milveh ha'Kesuvah ba'Torah, in which case it poses a Kashya on the opinion in Erchin (Daf 6:) that holds 'Milveh ha'Kesuvah ba'Torah, ki'Chesuvah bi'Sh'etar Damya' ...

à"ë, àîàé àîø 'ìåä åîëø ðëñéå', äåä ìéä ìîéîø 'ù"î îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä ìàå ëùèø ãîéà'?


Refutation: ... why does the Gemara then say '(Sh'ma minah) Lavah u'Machar Nechasav ... ', it should rather have said 'Sh'ma minah Milveh ha'Kesuvah ba'Torah, La'av ki'Chesuvah bi'Sh'etar Damya'?

åîôøù ø"ú, 'ù"î ìåä åîëø ðëñéå àéï á"ã âåáéï ìå îäí - îï äúåøä, ã'ùéòáåãà ìàå ãàåøééúà'.


Explanation #2: Rabeinu Tam therefore explains "Sh'ma minah Lavah u'Machar Nechasav, Ein Beis-Din Govin lo meihen' - min ha'Torah, de'Shibuda La'av d'Oraysa'.

åìäëé áðæ÷éï ðîé ìà âáé, ãáîìåä áùèø ãå÷à ú÷åï øáðï ãìéâáé îîùòáãé, îùåí ðòéìú ãìú.


Explanation #2 (cont.): And that explains why one cannot claim from Nezikin either, seeing as it is Davka by a Milveh bi'Shetar that the Rabbanan instituted to claim from Meshubadim, on account of Ne'ilas Deles.

ãàé 'ùéòáåãà ãàåøééúà, åáîìåä ò"ô îãøáðï äåà ãìà âáé îùåí ú÷ðú ì÷åçåú, à"ë úé÷ùé äëà àîàé ìà âáé áðæ÷éï, ãäëà ìéëà ú÷ðä ãì÷åçåú?


Explanation #2 (concl.): Because if Shibud was d'Oraysa, and that one cannot claim by a Milveh al Peh in order to protect the purchasers, then one can ask why one cannot claim by Nezikin, where there is no need to protect the purchasers?

åìà ãîé ìîìåä òì ôä ...


Refuted Answer: ... and it is not comparable to a Mileh al Peh ...

ãäúí îàï ãéæéó áöðòà éæéó, àáì îæé÷ ìà ãéé÷ åàéú ìéä ÷ìà.


Refutation: ... seeing as someone who lends, lends discreetly, which cannot be said about a Mazik, and where there is a Kol (people are aware of the damage).

å÷ùä ìî"ã 'ùéòáåãà ãàåøééúà' ôø÷ âè ôùåè (á"á ãó ÷òä:).


Conclusion: And this poses a Kashya on the opinion that holds 'Shibuda d'Oraysa in Perek Get Pashut (Bava Basra, Daf 175:).



úåñ' ã"ä ôøè ìáéú ãéï äãéåèåú

(Summary: Tosfos cites Rashi's explanation and clarifies it.)

ô"ä, ìòðéï ãéðé ÷ðñåú.


Clarification: Rashi establishes it with regard to the Din of K'nasos.

åàò"â ãîúðéúéï ìà àééøé á÷ðñåú, ìî"ã 'úðà 'ùåø' ìøâìå å'îáòä' ìùéðå?


Implied Question: Even though, according to the opinion that the Tana learns 'Shor' because of Regel and 'Mav'eh', because of Shein, the Mishnah is not speaking about K'nasos?

î"î îøîæ ìðå äúðà áîúðé' àôé' áîéìé ãìà àééøé áøéùà.


Answer: ... The Tana nevertheless hints in the Seifa even at things that he does not mention in the Reisha.

ãä"ð îôøù áñîåê 'ò"ô òãéí' - ôøè ìîåãä á÷ðñ åàç"ë áàå òãéí.


Support: And so indeed, the Gemara will shortly explain that 'al-Pi Eidim' - comes to exclude Modeh bi'Kenas ve'Achar-kach Ba'u Eidim'.



úåñ' ã"ä àìà ìî"ã îåãä á÷ðñ åàç"ë áàå òãéí ãçééá îàé àéëà ìîéîø

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)

ìîåãä á÷ðñ åìà áàå òãéí ëìì ìà àöèøéê ...


Clarification: It is not necessary to teach us the Din where he admits to a K'nas and Eidim do not come at all ...

ãîúðéúéï äéà áîøåáä (ì÷îï ãó òã:) ãò"ô òöîå ôèåø.


Source: ... since that is a Mishnah in 'Merubeh' (later, Daf 74:)

ãìà ùééê 'úðé åäãø îôøù' ...


Implied Question: Nor can one answer that the Mishnah makes the statement here and explains it later ...

ãàéï îàøéê ùí éåúø îáëàï.


Answer: ... seeing as it says no more there than it does here.