

úåñ' ã"ä àé àìéáà ãøáðï

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's interpretation of the Rabbanan's opinion.)

ôé' á÷åðè' - àé àìéáà ãøáðï ãôìéâé òìéä ãøáé ðúï áô' äôøä (ì÷îï ðâ. åùí) âáé 'ùåø ùãçó çáéøå ìáåø', åàîøé [áúí] ã'áòì äùåø îùìí îçöä åáòì äáåø ôèåø' ...


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that if he is going according to the Rabbanan of Rebbi Nasan in Perek ha'Parah (on Daf 53a) who say, in connection with the case where one ox pushes another ox into a pit, that if it is a Tam, the owner pays half and the owner of the pit is Patur.

àìîà ëé ìéëà ìàùúìåîé îáòì äùåø, ìà îùúìí îáòì äáåø, åàò"â ùáå ðîöà ääéæ÷.


Explanation #1 (cont.): So we see that, there where one cannot exact payment from the owner of the ox, one cannot exact payment from the owner of the pit, even though the damaged ox was found in his pit.

åôùéèà ãàéï âåáä îáùøå ëðâã àéîåøéï òë"ì.


Explanation #1 (concl.): In that case, it is obvious that one cannot claim for the Emurim from the Basar.

îùîò îôéøåùå ùäùåø òåùä ëì ääéæ÷ åáòì äáåø àéï òåùä ëìåí. äìëê ùåø îåòã îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí åúí çöé ðæ÷.


Inference: This implies that the ox is considered as having performed the entire damage, and the pit, nothing at all, which is why a Shor Mu'ad pays in full and a Shor Tam, half.

åìëê ìà îöé ìîéã÷ àìà îúí åìà îîåòã.


Conclusion: And that is why the Gemara can extrapolate only from the Tam and not from the Mu'ad.

åëï ôé' áäãéà ì÷îï áô' äôøä (ùí ã"ä àú) åæ"ì - 'àáì øáðï áúø îòé÷øà àæìé, åñáøé ãáòì äùåø ëåìéä äæé÷à ÷òáéã; äìëê áîåòã áòì äùåø îùìí ð"ù, åáúí îùìí çöé ðæ÷ (åáòì äùåø) åôìâà îôñéã.


Proof: In fact, that is what Rashi specifically says later in Perek ha'Parah (Ibid. DH 'Es'), where he writes - 'But the Rabbanan, who go after the beginning, hold that the ox performed the entire damage, which explains why the Mu'ad pays in full, and the Tam, half, and the other half, the owner of the damaged ox loses.

å÷ùä ìø"é, äéëé ãéé÷ ãàéï âåáä îáùøí ëðâã àéîåøéäï, îãìà îùúìí îáòì äáåø ëìåí áúí ùîôñéã ôìâà ...


Question #1: The Ri asks how one can extrapolate that one cannot claim for the Emurim from the Basar, from the fact that, in the case of the Tam, the owner of the damaged ox, who receives nothing from the owner of the pit, loses half?

ãäúí îùåí ùäáåø ìà òùä ääéæ÷ ëìì, àáì áùìîéí ùäáùø òùä ëîå ëï äéæ÷ ëéåï ãìéëà ìàùúìåîé îàéîåøéï, îùúìí îï äáùø?


Question #1 (cont.): ... seeing as that is because the pit did not perform any damage, whereas in the case of the Shelamim, where the Basar performed damage just like the Emurim, there where one cannot exact payment from the Emurim, one will exact payment from the Basar?

ãòì ëøçê ñ"ì äùúà 'ùðéí ùäæé÷å, äàé ëåìéä äæé÷à òáã åäàé ëåìéä äæé÷à òáã', ëéåï ãìà àñé÷ à'ãòúéä èòîà ã'úåøà ááéøê àùëçúéä'.


Reason: ... since, seeing as the Gemara has not yet come up with the S'vara 'I found my ox in your pit', the Gemara must currently hold that where two entities damaged, each one is considered as having performed the entire damage ...

ãàé ëì çã åçã ôìâà äæé÷à òáã, ìîä éùìí áúí ìøáé ðúï áòì äáåø ùìùä çì÷éí, ãäééðå éåúø îîä ùäæé÷å? åáìà èòí àéï ìðå ìåîø, ëãîåëç áäôøä?


Reason (cont.): Because if each one only performed half the damage, why, according to Rebbi Nasan, should the owner of the pit pay three-quarters, which is more that the damage that he performed? And without a good reason, we will not say it ('I found your ox ... '), as is evident in ha'Parah.

åòåã, îðà ìéä ìâîøà ãìøáðï áúí îùìí áòì äùåø îçöä åáòì äáåø ôèåø? ãìîà áúí áòì äùåø îùìí îçöä åáòì äáåø îùìí îçöä, åøáðï ãàîøé 'åáòì äáåø ôèåø', àééøé áîåòã?


Question #2: Furthermore, from where does the Gemara know that according to the Rabbanan, the Tam pays a half and the pit is Patur? Perhaps by a Tam, the owner of the pit too, pays a half, and when the Rabbanan say that the owner of the pit is Patur, they are speaking about a Mu'ad?

åðøàä ìø"é, ãøáðï ãàîøé 'áòì äùåø çééá åáòì äáåø ôèåø', äééðå ãáòì äùåø îùìí îçöä áîåòã, åáúí øáéò, åáòì äáåø ôèåø ìâîøé ...


Explanation #2: The Ri therefore explains that when the Rabbanan say that the owner of the ox pays half and the owner of the pit is Patur, they mean that if the ox is a Mu'ad, the owner pays half, and if it is a Tam, a quarter, and that either way, the owner of the pit is Patur ...

ùìà çééá äëúåá áåø àìà äéëà ãðôì îîéìà, ãëúéá "åðôì ùîä ùåø", àáì àí àçøéí îôéìéí àåúå ááåø, ôèåø áòì äáåø.


Reason: Because the Torah only declares a pit Chayav where the animal falls in automatically, since the Pasuk writes "And an ox ... falls in". But where others push it in, the owner of the pit is Patur.

åäëà ä"ô 'äà àîøé ëé ìéëà ìàùúìåîé îáòì äáåø, ìà îùúìí îáòì äùåø', àò"â ãñ"ì äàé ëåìà äæé÷à òáã åäàé ... '.


Explanation of Statement: And what the Gemara means is as follows: 'They say that if one cannot exact payment from the owner of the pit, one does not exact payment from the owner of the ox', even though they hold that each one is considered as having performed the entire damage ...

åôùéèà ãàéï âåáä îáùøï ëðâã àéîåøéäï, åîàé ÷î"ì øáé àáà?


Explanation of Statement (cont.): ... in which case it is obvious that one cannot claim from the Basar for the Emurim; So what is Rebbi Aba coming to teach us?

åà"ú, îðìéä ãäà ã÷àîøé øáðï "åáòì äùåø çééá" ìàå äééðå ãçééá äëì?


Question: From where does the Gemara know that when the Rabbanan say that the owner of the ox is Chayav, they do not mean that he is Chayav to pay the entire amount?

åé"ì, ãàé äåå ôìéâé øáé ðúï åøáðï áúùìåîé äùåø, äåä ìäå ìôøù, åîãìà ôéøùå, ù"î îåãå ìøáé ðúï áäà.


Answer #1: Because if Rebbi Nasan and the Rabbanan were arguing over the payment of the ox, they ought to have said so, and since they did not, it is clear that the Rabbanan concede to Rebbi Nasan in that point.

åòåã, ãàí àéúà ãîçééáé øáðï äëì ìáòì äùåø, ä"ì ìø' ðúï ìîéîø ãàéï îùìí àìà îçöä.


Answer #2: Moreover, if the Rabbanan would require the owner of the ox to pay the entire amount, then Rebbi Nasan should have stated that he only pays half.



úåñ' ã"ä àðà úåøàé ááéøê àùëçúéä

(Summary: Tosfos explains the statement, and elaborates.)

åãå÷à âáé áåø ÷àîø ãîùìí.


Clarification: It is only by Bor that the Gemara rules that he has to pay ...

àò"â ãëì çã åçã ëåìà äæé÷à òáã, ùééê ìçì÷ áéï ùåø ìáåø îäàé èòîà.


Clarification (cont.): In spite of the fact that each one is considered as having performed the entire damage, it is feasible to draw a distinction between Shor and Bor for this reason.

åîéäå ëéåï ãéãò èòí ã'úåøàé ááéøê àùëçúéä', îöé ìîñáø ðîé ãëì çã åçã ôìâà ãäæé÷à òáã, ëãàîøéðï áäôøä (ùí). åùí àôøù áò"ä.


Observation: However, since the Gemara knows the reason of 'I found my ox in your pit', it could even hold that each one is considered as having performed half the damage, as the Gemara will explain in 'ha'Parah' (Ibid.). Tosfos will elaborate there be'Ezras Hash-m.




úåñ' ã"ä àîø øáà úåãä ùäæé÷ä

(Summary: Tosfos points out that this case must go according to Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili.)

àò"â ãøáà îôøù îúðéúéï ãéï îòéìä åìà àå÷é îúðéúéï ëøáé éåñé äâìéìé, òì ëøçê äëà àééøé ìø' éåñé äâìéìé.


Observation: Even though Rava explains the Mishnah with regard to the Din of Me'ilah, and does not establish it like Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili, the current case must go according to Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili.



úåñ' ã"ä ùðàîø åäåòã ááòìéå åäîéú

(Summary: Tosfos pinpoints the real source of the D'rashah.)

ðøàä ãìàå î"åäåòã" ÷ãøéù ...


Refuted Explanation: It would seem that he (Rebbi Yehudah) does not Darshen from the word "ve'Hu'ad" ...

ãäàé "åäåòã" ìà àééøé áòãåú ùòåùéï ìñ÷ìå ë"à ìééòãå ...


Refutation: Since this "ve'Hu'ad" is not speaking about Eidus regarding stoning the animal, but about Eidus that turns it into a Mu'ad.

àìà îñéôà ã÷øà ÷ãøéù, ãëúéá "äùåø éñ÷ì".


Correct Explanation: But rather from the Seifa of the Pasuk, which says "ha'Shor Yisakeil".

åëï îùîò ìéùðà ãôøéê 'åäà "äùåø éñ÷ì" áâîø ãéï äåà ãëúéá?'


Proof: And so it seems from from the Lashon of the Gemara's Kashya 'But "ha'Shor Yisakeil" is written in connection with the conclusion of the Din?'



úåñ' ã"ä çöø äùåúôéï çééá áä òì äùï åòì äøâì

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the Sugya according to two different texts.)

áîéåçãú ìôéøåú åìà ìùååøéí ôìéâé, ëãîåëç áñåó äñåâéà, ãôìéâé á÷åùéà ãøáé æéøà åáôéøå÷à ãàáéé.


Explanation #1: They are arguing over where the field is designated for fruit but not for oxen, as is evident at the end of the Sugya (Daf 11a), where they argue over the Kashya of Rebbi Zeira and the answer of Abaye?

åìôé æä, äéä éëåì øá çñãà ìôøù äîùðä ëîå ùîôøù ø' àìòæø, åéôøù øùåú äðéæ÷ åäîæé÷ áîéåçãú ìôéøåú åìùååøéí, ãîåãä øá çñãà ãôèåø.


Observation: According to that, Rav Chisda could well have explained the Mishnah like Rebbi Elazar ...

åâøñéðï ì÷îï - àîø ìê øáé àìòæø 'åúñáøà, îúðéúà îé ìà ôìéâé?'


Conclusion: ... and the text later, citing Rebbi Elazar, reads - 'Think it over; Does the Beraisa not argue?'

åîéäå ìñôøéí ãâøñé ì÷îï 'åúñáøà, îúðéúà îé ôìéâé?', åáñåó âøñé 'àìà ëé úðéà ääéà ... ', åëì æä îãáøé øáé àìòæø ...


Text #2: But according to the text that reads 'Think it over; Does the Beraisa argue?', and subsequently 'But that Beraisa is speaking ... ', are all part of Rebbi Elazar's statement ...

ö"ì ãôìéâé áîéåçãú ìôéøåú åìùååøéí.


Explanation #2: We will have to say that they are arguing where the field is designated both for fruit and for oxen.

åä"ô - 'åúñáøà, îé ôìéâé, åäúðéà ... '. àìà åãàé ìà ôìéâé, åëé ÷úðé ... '.


Explanation #2: And what the Gemara means to say is 'Think it over, do they argue? But does the Beraisa not say ... ?' Consequently, we must say that they do not argue. 'And when does the Tana say ... '.

åìôé âéøñà æå, ìà éäéä úçéìú äñåâéà ëîå áîñ÷ðà, ãôìéâé á÷åùéà ãøáé æéøà åáôéøå÷à ãàáéé.


Conclusion: According to this text, the beginning of the Sugya does not conform with the conclusion, which states that they argue over the Kashya of Rebbi Zeira and the answer of Abaye.



úåñ' ã"ä ëùäæé÷ çá äîæé÷ ìàúåéé ÷øï

(Summary: Tosfos explains from where we learn Keren according to Shmuel, and all the additional cases according to Rav, and elaborates.)

åà"ú, åìøá çñãà, îðà ìéä ìàúåéé ÷øï ìùîåàì, åëì äðé ìøá?


Question #1: According to Rav Chisda, from where will we learn Keren according to Shmuel and all the current cases according to Rav?

åòåã, ãáøééúà ã÷úðé 'ëùäæé÷ çá äîæé÷' îééúø ìàúåéé ëì äðé, ÷ùéà ìøá çñãà?


Question #2: Furthermore, the Beraisa which states 'ke'she'Hizik, Chav ha'Mazik', which is superfluous and includes all of these, poses a Kashya on Rav Chisda (See Maharam)?

åé"ì, ãìãéãéä ðîé àéëà éúåøà, ãäåé îöé ìîéúðé 'åøùåú äðéæ÷ åäîæé÷ çééá', åìà ìéúðé 'ëùäæé÷ çá äîæé÷'.


Answer: According to him too, there is a Yitur (something superfluous), since it could have said 'u'Reshus ha'Nizak ve'ha'Mazik Chayav', without adding 'ke'she'Hizik Chav ha'Mazik'.

àê ÷ùä ãìùîåàì úé÷ùé äáøééúà.


Question: The Beraisa does however, pose a Kashya on Shmuel (See Maharam).



úåñ' ã"ä ëâåï ù÷áì òìéå ùîéøú âåôå ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn the other way round, and reconciles this Sugya with a Sugya in 'Shor she'Nagach Arba va'Chamishah'.)

àéôëà ìà îöé ìîéîø - ëâåï ãàæ÷éä úåøà ãùåàì ìúåøà ãîùàéì, åëâåï ù÷áì òìéå ùîéøú ðæ÷éå åìà ÷áì òìéå ùîéøú âåôå ...


Implied Question: One cannot say the reverse - that the ox belonging to the Sho'el gored that of the owner, where he accepted to guard it from damaging but not from guarding it against damages ...

ãîéìúà ãìà ùëéç äåà.


Answer: Because it is something that is not common.

åàò"â ãá'äëéø áå ùäåà ðâçï' àîøéðï ñåó [ôø÷ ùåø] ùðâç ã' åä' (ì÷îï îä:) 'ñúîà ãîéìúà ãìà àæéì àéäå åîæé÷ àçøéðé ÷áéì òìéä, ãàúå àçøéí åîæ÷é ìéä ìãéãéä ìà ÷áéì òìéä' ...


Implied Question: And even though where he recognized that it is a goring ox, the Gemara says in 'Shor she'Nagach Arba va'Chamishah' that presumably, he accepts to guard it against goring and damaging others, but not against others damaging it ...

áùåàì ìà ùééê ìîéîø äëé, ãîñúîà ùåàì ÷áì òìéä ùîéøä îòåìä.


Answer: ... one cannot say that by a Sho'el, who undertakes to guard it properly.