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Barry Weinberger asked:

1) When davening b'yechidus, why can we say the first yekum purkan on Shabbos if the malachim don't understand Aramaic?

2) Why can daven in Aramaic at all, even with a minyan?

Thank you.

Barry Weinberger, Cherry Hill, USA

The Kollel replies:

1) According to the Mishnah Berurah (101:19) a person davening b'yechidus should not say the first Yekum Purkan either.

2) The Mishnah Berurah (ibid:16) explains that the tefilos of the tzibur are dealt with directly by Hash-m. The tefilos of an individual are handled by malachim. Malachim do not understand Aramaic.

Yehuda Landy