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10. The angels and prayer 11. Girsa in Ba'meh Madlikin 12. Killing a louse on Shabbos
13. Praying for a sick person on Shabbos 14. Tefilin 15. Aramaic

Baruch Sterman asked:

At the end of Bame Madlikin on Friday night we quote from the Gemara in Shabbat 12 - Tanya: Amar R. Chanina... My siddur brings the source as Shabbat 12 - But the gemara actually has a different girsa and is slightly different than what we say. Is the source actually something else and not the gemara in Shabbat 12? If this is the source, why the differences? I did not see any girsa changes on the daf.



Baruch Sterman, Efrat, Israel

The Kollel replies:

The source for the difference is the KOL BO (end of Siman 36), in the name of Rabeinu Moshe ben Rabeinu Yosef (one of the Rishonim). This difference (the addition of "Tanya...") is not mentioned in the Sefardic Sidurim,.

Regarding this difference:

1. Sidur: Tanya Amar Rebbi Chanina

Gemara: Tani Chananya Omer

the Dikdukei Sofrim writes that the proper Girsa in the Gemara is "Tanya," as it appears in the Sidur. The Kol Bo reads "Amar Rebbi *Chananya*," as our Gemara reads, and not "Rebbi Chanina" as appears in most Sidurim. It seems that this is an error, which arose as a result of the following words, "Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Chanina." A number of the new Sidurim (Ezor Eliyahu, Tefilas Yosef, ArtScroll) have corrected it and read "Tanya Chananya Omer," like the Girsa in the Gemara.

Regarding the difference:

2. Sidur: Shema Yishkach v'Yetzei (these words do not appear in the Gemara) -- these words were "borrowed" from the Mishnah there (10a), for the reason of the law in the Mishnah and that in the Beraisa is the same, as Rashi there rights.

(The other differences are not significant.)

M. Kornfeld