
TOSFOS DH v'Harei Ma'aser d'Hu Nifdeh

úåñôåú ã"ä åäøé îòùø ãäåà ðôãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how Tefel is more stringent than Ikar.)

àôéìå áéøåùìéí àí ðèîà ëãéìôéðï îìà úåëì ùàúå åàéï ùàú àìà àëéìä


Explanation #1: [It is redeemed] even in Yerushalayim if it became Tamei, like we expound from "Lo Suchal Se'eiso" - Seis refers to eating;

åàéìå ì÷åç áëñó îòùø ùðé àéðå ðôãä àìéáà ãø' éäåãä àìîà àéëà èôì çîåø îòé÷ø ëê ôé' á÷åðèøñ


What is bought with Kesef Ma'aser cannot be redeemed according to R. Yehudah. This shows that there is Tefel that is more stringent than Ikar (what is primary)! Rashi explained so.

åáñôøé ôøùú òùø úòùø îôøù èòîà ãøáé éäåãä îùåí ãëúéá [äëñó] ëñó øàùåï åìà ëñó ùðé


Explanation #2 (Sifri, Parshas Aser Ta'aser): R. Yehudah's reason is due to "ha'Kesef" - the first money, and not second money.

åäà ãàîø áøéù äæäá (á''î ãó îä.) âáé ñìòéï ãéðøéï ãëñó ëñó øéáä


Implied question: It says in Bava Metzi'a (45a) about converting Sela'im [silver coins of Ma'aser Sheni, to gold] Dinarim, that "Kesef... Kesef" is an inclusion [for second money]!

éù ìçì÷ áæä ùðâîø ëàï ôãéåðå ìâîøé å÷ðä ôéøåú îîòåú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îòùø åàí äéä èäåø ìà äéä ðôãä


Answer: We can distinguish. Here, the redemption was totally completed, and he acquired Peros from Ma'aser coins. If it was Tahor, it could not be redeemed;

ãúðï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã) áîñëú îòùø ùðé ô' ùìéùé (î''é) àîøå ìå ìø' éäåãä îä àí îòùø ùðé òöîå ùðèîà äøé äåà ðôãä äì÷åç áëñó îòùø ùðèîà àéðå ãéï ùéôãä


Source - Citation (Ma'aser Sheni 3:10 - Mishnah): They told R. Yehudah "if Ma'aser Sheni itself became Tamei, it can be redeemed. What was bought with coins of Ma'aser and became Tamei, all the more so it can be redeemed!"

àîø ìäí ìà àí àîøúí áîòùø ùðé òöîå ùëï ðôãä èäåø áøçå÷ î÷åí úàîøå áì÷åç áëñó îòùø ùàéðå ðôãä èäåø áøçå÷ î÷åí


Citation (cont. - R. Yehudah): No. If you say about Ma'aser Sheni itself, which can be redeemed when it is Tahor when it is far [from Yerushalayim, that if it is Tamei it can be redeemed even in Yerushalayim], will you say so about what was bought with coins of Ma'aser, which cannot be redeemed when it is Tahor when it is far?!

åàéú ñôøéí ãâøñé äëà ðèîà àéï ìà ðèîà ìà åîééúé øàééä îøáðï ãèôì çîåø îòé÷ø


Alternative text: Some texts say here "if it became Tamei, yes (it can be redeemed), but not if it did not become Tamei." It brings a proof from Rabanan that there is Tefel that is more stringent than Ikar;

ôéøåù ðèîà ðôãä ìøáðï ìà ðèîà àéðå ðôãä àôé' çåõ ìéøåùìéí àò''ô ùîòùø òöîå ðôãä åäééðå çåõ ìéøåùìéí ãáéøåùìéí àéï îòùø èäåø ðôãä


Explanation: What became Tamei can be redeemed according to Rabanan, but what did not become Tamei cannot be redeemed, even outside Yerushalayim, even though Ma'aser itself can be redeemed, i.e. outside Yerushalayim, for in Yerushalayim, Tahor Ma'aser cannot be redeemed.

åáúåñôúà ãîòùø ùðé îùîò ëôé' ä÷åðèøñ ãòì îéìúà ãø' éäåãä ôøëéðï äàé ìéùðà ùòåùä èôì çîåø îï äòé÷ø


Support (for Explanation #1): The Tosefta asks about R. Yehudah's opinion that he makes what is Tefel more stringent than Ikar;

åäëé àéúà äúí äì÷åç áëñó îòùø ëå' àîøå ìå ìøáé éäåãä úçîéø áèôéìä éåúø îï äòé÷ø


Citation (Tosefta): What was bought with coins of Ma'aser... they told R. Yehudah "you are more stringent about the Tefel than about Ikar!"

åìâéøñú äñôøéí ìà ðèîà ìà åîåëéç ãøáðï ðîé ñáøé èôì çîåø îï äòé÷ø âáé îòùø èäåø çåõ ìéøåùìéí ÷ùä


According to [the other] text in Seforim "if it did not become Tamei, not", and it proves that also Rabanan hold that Tefel is more stringent than Ikar regarding Tahor Ma'aser outside Yerushalayim, this is difficult;

ãàãôøëé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) øáðï ìø' éäåãä úé÷ùé ìäå ìãéãäå ëéåï ã÷åøà èôì çîåø îï äòé÷ø äàé ãì÷åç èäåø àéðå ðôãä åîòùø òöîå ðôãä


Rather than Rabanan challenging R. Yehudah, they should challenge themselves, since [they] call "Tefel is more stringent than Ikar" this that what is bought cannot be redeemed while Tahor, and Ma'aser itself can be redeemed!

àáì ìâéøñú ä÷åðèøñ ðéçà ãàéëà ìîéîø ãäàé ìà îé÷øé èôì çîåø îï äòé÷ø åîòùø èäåø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) òöîå ðôãä áøçå÷ î÷åí ëãé ìé÷ç (äâää áâìéåï) áãîéí áéøåùìéí á÷ø åöàï ééï åùëø ëãëúéá åðúú äëñó áëì àùø úàåä ðôùê


However, according to Rashi's text it is fine. We can say that this is not called "Tefel is more stringent than Ikar", for Tahor Ma'aser itself may be redeemed when it is far in order to buy with the money in Yerushalayim cattle, flock, wine and strong drink, like it says "v'Nasata ha'Kesef b'Chol Asher Te'aveh Nafshecha";

àáì àí ì÷ç ôéøåú áå çåõ ìéøåùìéí ëãé ìàåëìí áéøåùìéí ìà éôãä ëîå ùìà äéä ôåãä îä ùäéä ìå÷ç áéøåùìéí


However, if he bought Peros outside Yerushalayim in order to eat them in Yerushalayim, he cannot redeem them, just like he could not redeem what he bought in Yerushalayim.

åìâéøñú äñôøéí ìà ðèîà ìà ÷ùä ìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ ãôø÷ äæäá (á''î ãó ðä:) âáé îçììéï àåúå ëñó òì ðçùú ðçùú òì äôéøåú åéçæåø åéôãä àú äôéøåú ãáøé ø' îàéø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Question: According to [the other] text in Seforim "if it did not become Tamei, not", it is difficult for Rashi's Perush in Bava Metzi'a (55b) regarding "we can profane [Kesef Ma'aser] silver [coins] on copper and copper on Peros, and he returns and redeems the Peros. R. Meir says so";

åçëîéí àåîøéí éòìå ôéøåú åéàëìå áéøåùìéí


Chachamim say, he takes the Peros up, and eats them in Yerushalayim.

åôé' á÷åðèøñ åçëîéí àåîøéí ìà äæ÷é÷åäå ìçæåø ìçììí ëîå ú''÷ àìà àí øöä éòìä ôéøåú òöîï (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) ãä÷ìå áå


Rashi explained that Chachamim do not obligate him to profane the Peros [onto coins] like the first Tana does. Rather, if he wants, he brings up the Peros themselves, for [Chachamim] are lenient.

îùîò îúåê ôéøåùå ãø''î îçîéø ãìà ùøé ðçùú òì äôéøåú àà''ë éçæåø åéôãä àú äôéøåú åéòìä äëñó ìéøåùìéí


Inference: R. Meir is stringent. He permits profaning copper on Peros only if he will return and redeem the Peros and bring the Peros up to Yerushalayim;

åäëà îùîò ùæå äéà ÷åìà ëùçåæø åôåãä àú äôéøåú åîùîò ãàôéìå àéñåøà àéëà ìîàé ãâøñé' ìà ðèîà ìà ãàéðå ðôãä èäåø áøçå÷ î÷åí


Here it connotes that it is a leniency when he returns and redeems the Peros. It even connotes that there is an Isur, according to the text "if they did not become Tamei, no", for they are not redeemed when Tahor and far away!

åîùðä ùìéîä äéà áîñëú îòùøåú (ô''â î''é) åùí äàøëúé áôø÷ äæäá (á''î ãó ðä: ã''ä åéçæåø)


A Mishnah in Ma'aseros (3:10) explicitly teaches this. I elaborated in Bava Metzi'a (55b).


TOSFOS DH Pesach bi'She'ar Yemos ha'Shanah Shelamim Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä ôñç áùàø éîåú äùðä ùìîéí äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the same applies to an animal mistakenly called Asiri.)

åà''ú äøé àçã òùø ù÷øàå òùéøé ãèòåï ðñëéí åòùéøé ù÷øàå òùéøé àéðå èòåï ðñëéí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Question: The 11th [animal to leave the pen, which he mistakenly] called Asiri requires Nesachim, and the 10th, which he [properly] called Asiri, does not require Nesachim;

åäøé îöéðå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ùèôì çîåø îï äòé÷ø ëãàîøéðï áô' ùúé îãåú (îðçåú öà:) äàçã æä àçã òùø ùìà îöéðå ìå áëì äúåøä èôì çîåø îï äòé÷ø


We find that Tefel that is more stringent than Ikar, like we say in Menachos (91b) "we do not find anywhere [else] in the entire Torah that Tefel is more stringent than Ikar"!

åé''ì ëãîùðé äëà îåúø äôñç ùìîéí äåé ä''ð àçã òùø ùìîéí äåé ãëì ãéðé ùìîéí òìéå ëãîùîò ááëåøåú (ãó ñà.)


Answer: We can answer like we answer here, that Mosar Pesach is a Shelamim. Also [there], the 11th is a Shelamim. It has all laws of Shelamim, like it connotes in Bechoros (61a).

åäà ãîöøéê ÷øà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)


Implied question: [If it is a full Shelamim,] why do we need a verse [to teach that the 11th requires Nesachim]?

îåúø (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) äôñç ðîé áòé ÷øà ëããøùéðï ôø÷ ÷îà (ìòéì è.) àí ëùá ìäáéà ôñç ùòáøä ùðúå åùìîéí äáàéï îçîú ôñç ìëì îöåú ùìîéí ùéèòðå ñîéëä åðñëéí åúðåôú çæä åùå÷


Answer: Also Mosar Pesach needs a verse, like we expounded above (9a) "Im Kesev" to include Pesach whose year passed, and a Shelamim that comes due to Pesach, for all Mitzvos of Shelamim. They require Semichah, Nesachim and Tenufah of Chazah v'Shok;

åäà ã÷øé ìéä èôì ìàå ãåå÷à


This that it is called Tefel is not precise.


TOSFOS DH Le'akev Minalan di'Chsiv v'Shachat Es ha'Keves

úåñôåú ã"ä ìòëá îðà ìï ãëúéá åùçè àú äëáù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks what is the source for the Mekabel.)

ìî÷áì ìà éãòéðï òéëåáà


Question: We do not know [a source] that it is Me'akev that the Mekabel [be in the north].


TOSFOS DH l'Fi she'Yatza Asham Metzora Lidon bi'Devar ha'Chadash v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ìôé ùéöà àùí îöåøò ìéãåï áãáø äçãù ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what is considered a Chidush.)

îä ùçèàú îöåøò èòåðä ðñëéí åùàø çèàåú àéï èòåðéï ìà çùéá ãáø çãù


Observation: This that Chatas Metzora requires Nesachim, and other Chata'os do not require Nesachim, this is not considered a Chidush;

åëï àåá åéãòåðé ùéù ëøú îä ùàéï ëï áùàø îëùôéí îãìà úðé áì''å ëøéúåú åàô''ä âîøéðï ñ÷éìä îàåá åéãòåðé áùàø îëùôéí ôø÷ ÷îà ãéáîåú (ãó ã.) åôø÷ àøáò îéúåú (ñðäãøéï ãó ñæ:)


Similarly, Ov and Yid'oni, which have Kares, unlike other witches, since [other Kishuf] is not taught among the 36 Kerisos (Kerisus 2a), and even so we learn stoning from Ov and Yid'oni to other witches, in Yevamos (4a) and in Sanhedrin (67b);

åàé î÷øé ëøú ãëúéá áàåá åéãòåðé ãáø äçãù äéëé âîø îéðééäå ñ÷éìä ìî''ã ëììå ìà âîø îéðéä åæä ä÷ùä ä''ø éò÷á îàåøìéð''ù


If Kares written regarding Ov and Yid'oni were considered a Chidush, how could we learn from them stoning, according to the opinion (Reish Amud B) that [also] we do not learn from the Klal from [the Chidush]? The Ri of Orlins asked this.

àìà ìà ÷øåé ãáø çãù àìà ëùñåúø ëììå ëé äëà ãùàø àùîåú ëì äãí ìîæáç åàùí îöåøò ðåúï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îîðå ìáäåðåú


Explanation: Something is called a Chidush only if it contradicts its Klal, like here, that in other Ashamos, all the blood goes on the Mizbe'ach, and in Asham Metzora, we put [some] from it on the Behonos...

åëâåï àùú àç áôø÷ ÷îà ãéáîåú (ãó æ.) ùðàñøå ëì äòøéåú åæå äåúøä åæäå ãáø äçãù ùñåúø ëììå


Also Eshes Ach, in Yevamos (7a), for all Arayos are forbidden, and this is permitted. This is a Chidush that contradicts its Klal.

àáì îä ùçèàú îöåøò èòåðä ðñëéí àéðå ñåúø îëììå àìà úåñôú äåà òì ä÷øáï


However, this that Chatas Metzora requires Nesachim does not contradict its Klal. Rather, it is an addition to the Korban.

åà''ú ìîàï ãàîø ëììå âîø îéðéä éäéå ëì àùîåú èòåðéï îúï áäåðåú åìéìôå ðîé ëåìäå òøéåú îàùú àç


Question: According to the opinion that we learn the Klal from [the Chidush], all Ashamos should require putting blood on the Behonos, and we should learn all Arayos from Eshes Ach!

åé''ì ãìà âîø îéðéä àìà îéãé ãìà çéãù áå ëâåï ùçéèú öôåï àáì äçéãåù ìà âîø îéðéä ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãà''ë ìà äéä òåã ëàï ãáø çãù


Answer: We learn from it only something that was not a Chidush in it, e.g. Shechitah in the north. However, we do not learn the Chidush from it, like Rashi explained. If we did, it would not be a Chidush (for it would apply to the Klal)!

åòåã ãàí ëï äéä éåöà ìéãåï áãáø äçãù ëéåöà áå ììîã òì äëìì ëåìå


Also, if "something that left [its Klal] to teach a new matter" would be just like [something that was in a Klal, and left the Klal] to teach about the entire Klal. (R. Yishmael counts these as two separate Midos. Surely they are not the same!)


TOSFOS DH Nichtov b'Hai v'Lo Nichtov b'Hai

úåñôåú ã"ä ðëúåá áäàé åìà ðëúåá áäàé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this Havah Amina.)

úéîä åùàø àùîåú äéëé éìôé îàùí îöåøò îä ìàùí îöåøò ùëï áà ìäúéø:


Question: How can we learn other Ashamos from Asham Metzora? Asham Metzora is different, for it comes to permit [the Metzora to the Mikdash and Kodshim]!



TOSFOS DH Iy Akshei l'Olah v'Lo Akshei l'Chatas

úåñôåú ã"ä àé à÷ùéä ìòåìä åìà à÷ùéä ìçèàú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the Havah Amina.)

úéîä ìà ìëúåá àú äçèàú


Question #1: The Torah should not have written the Chatas!

åàé ãáø äìîã áäé÷ù çåæø åîìîã áäé÷ù àîàé à÷ùéä ìòåìä ëìì úéôå÷ ìéä îçèàú äàùí ãîä çèàú öôåï îòëá àó àùí ëï


Question #2: And if something learned from a Hekesh returns to teach through a Hekesh, what was it equated to Olah at all? We should know from ka'Chatas ha'Asham - just like the north is Me'akev Chatas, also Asham!

åé''ì ãàé ìà ëúá öôåï ìà äåä àîéðà ãàäãøéä ÷øà ìîéãé ãìà áòéà ëäåðä åäàùí ëùàø àùîåú éäà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìà äåä ãøùéðï ìéä ëìì ãäà ìà ëúá ëàùí ãäåä îùîò ëùàø àùí ãòìîà ìöôåï éäà æä


Answer: Had it not written the north, we would not think that the Torah returned it for something that does not require Kehunah, and we would not expound at all "ha'Asham" - it will be like other Ashamos, for it did not write ka'Asham, which would connote that this is like a regular Asham for [Shechitah in] the north;

àáì äàùí îùîò äàùí æä éäà ëçèàú ìîúï ãîéí ìîæáç


However, "ha'Asham" connotes that this Asham is like a Chatas for Matanos Dam on the Mizbe'ach.

åëï éù ìä÷ùåú àé ãáø äìîã áäé÷ù çåæø åîìîã áäé÷ù ìà ðëúåá öôåï ëìì åúéúé [áàùîåú] îëçèàú ëàùí (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ëé äéëé ãéìôéðï îéðéä ñîéëä áôø÷ ÷îà (ìòéì éà.)


Question: Similarly, we can ask if something learned from a Hekesh returns to teach through a Hekesh, the Torah should not write the north at all, and we would learn [other] Ashamos from ka'Chatas ka'Asham, just like we learn from it Semichah above (11a)!

åòåã ðéìó ùàø àùîåú îàùí îöåøò åàùí îöåøò îäé÷éùà ãëçèàú


Also, we should learn other Ashamos from Asham Metzora, and Asham Metzora from the Hekesh ka'Chatas!

åé''ì ãìà äåä àîéðà ãàäãøéä ÷øà ìùçéèú öôåï åìà äåä ãøùéðï äàùí ëùàø àùí éäà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëéåï ãìà ëúá öôåï áäãéà áùàø àùîåú


Answer: I would not think that the verse returned it for Shechitah in the north, and we would not expound "ha'Asham" - it is like [any] other Asham, since the north is not written explicitly about other Ashamos.


TOSFOS DH Ka'asher Yuram l'Mai Hilchesa

úåñôåú ã"ä ëàùø éåøí ìîàé äìëúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere we expound this differently.)

úéîä äà àéöèøéê ìëããøùéðï áñåó ëì äáùø (çåìéï ãó ÷éæ.) æä áà ììîã åðîöà ìîã îä ôø ëäï îùéç éù áå îòéìä àó ùåø æáç äùìîéí éù áå îòéìä


Question: We need this like we expound in Chulin (117a) "this comes to teach, and it turns out it is learned! Just like Me'ilah applies to Par Kohen Mashi'ach, also Shor Zevach ha'Shelamim has Me'ilah!"

åé''ì ãîöé ìà÷ùåéé ìæáç äùìîéí åìà ìéëúåá ëàùø éåøí ãëàùø éåøí îùîò ãàúà ìøáåéé äøîä àçøú


Answer #1: [The Torah] could have made a Hekesh to Zevach ha'Shelamim, and not written Ka'asher Yuram, for Ka'asher Yuram connotes that it comes to include something else that is taken off.

àé ðîé ääéà ãëì äáùø (ùí) ëúðà ãáé øáé éùîòàì ãðô÷à ìéä ãøùà ãäëà îåòùä ìôø æä ôø äòìí ëãàîø ôø÷ áéú ùîàé (ìòéì ãó îà.)


Answer #2: The Gemara in Chulin is like Tana d'Vei R. Yishmael, who learns the Drashah here from "v'Asah la'Par" - this is Par Helam, like it says above (41a);

àáì ìúðà ãáé øá ãàîø åòùä ìôø æä ôø éåí äëéôåøéí àéöèøéê ëàùø éåøí ìäê ãøùà


However, according to Tana d'Vei Rav, who says that "v'Asah la'Par" - this is Par Yom Kipur, we need Ka'asher Yuram for this Drashah.


TOSFOS DH v'Nichtevei b'Gufei

úåñôåú ã"ä åðëúáéä áâåôéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the parable above.)

úéîä ëãàîø ôø÷ á''ù (âí æä ùí:) îùì ìîìê áùø åãí ùëòñ òì àåäáå åîéòè áñøçåðå îôðé çéáúå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Question: It says above (41a) that a parable for this is a mortal king who became angry at his dear friend. He abbreviated [the record of] his wrongdoing due to his dearness! (This is why the Torah did not write explicitly regarding Par Helam!)

åé''ì ãáùáéì çéáúï ìà äéä ìå ìâìâì àìå ãøùåú ìîéìó îäé÷ùà


Answer: [Yisrael's] dearness is not a reason to go roundabout with these Drashos and learn from a Hekesh.

åî''î éìôéðï îéðéä çéáúï


Implied question: If so (the reason it is not written directly is not due to their dearness), how do we learn their dearness?

îãìà àùîòéðï áãåëúà àçøéðà ãáø äìîã îäé÷ù àéðå çåæø åîìîã áäé÷ù


Answer: Since [the Torah] did not teach elsewhere that something learned from a Hekesh does not return to teach through a Hekesh [and it taught specify regarding Par Helam, this shows their dearness].


TOSFOS DH Kodshei Kodoshim Yeseiri Kesivi

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí éúéøé ëúéáé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why we also need the Hekeshim above.)

úéîä ëéåï ãéìôéðï âæøä ùåä îäããé ìîä ìï äé÷ùåú ãìòéì ãëçèàú äàùí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Question: Since we learn them from each other through a Gezeirah Shavah, why do we need the Hekeshim above "ka'Chatas ha'Asham"?