[116a - 55 lines; 116b - 45 lines]

1)[line 2]úîåú åæëøåú ááäîä, åàéï úîåú åæëøåú áòåôåúTAMUS V'ZACHRUS BI'VEHEMAH, V'EIN TAMUS V'ZACHRUS B'OFOS

(a)In order for an animal to be brought as a Korban Olah, it must meet the requirements of the Torah (Vayikra 22:18-19) with regard to being unblemished (Tamus) and male (Zachrus). Similarly, a Korban Chatas must be unblemished and female.

(b)When a bird is offered for these Korbanos, though, it does not require those specifications. A bird offering may be male or female, and it is only invalidated by a missing limb and not by a blemish. (This limitation is learned from the verse, "Hakrivehu Na l'Fechasecha ha'Yirtzecha O ha'Yisa Fanecha..." - "[And if you offer a blind animal as a sacrifice, is this not evil? And if you offer a lame or a sick animal, is this not evil?] Try to offer it to your governor, will he be pleased with you, or will he find favor in you?..." (Malachi 1:8) - RASHI to Chulin 23a DH bi'Vehemah.)

2)[line 7]ùçééï øàùé àéáøéïSHE'CHAYIN ROSHEI EIVARIN- the tips of the limbs must have life in them

3)[line 15]ãëååúê òééìDI'CHEVASACH AYEL- [animals] that are similar to you, accept into the ark; i.e. Noach presumably was not a Tereifah, and "animals that are similar to you" means that the animals Noach was to take into the ark likewise must not be Tereifos

4)[line 17]ìöåúà áòìîàL'TZAVSA B'ALMA- [the animals that are to be taken into the ark] are merely for company

5)[line 18]ñøéñSARIS- an impotent man

6)[line 23]ëì ùäúéáä ÷åìèúïKOL SHEHA'TEIVAH KOLTASAN- whichever ones the ark takes in

7)[line 34]"òåøé öôåï åáåàé úéîï""URI TZAFON U'VO'I SEIMAN"- "Awake from the north and come from the south..." (Shir Ha'Shirim 4:16).

8)[line 37]á÷éáåõ âìåéåúB'KIBUTZ GALUYOS- the ingathering of the exiles


9)[line 1]ãàôéìå à÷ùåéé ðîé ìà à÷ùåD'AFILU AKSHUYEI NAMI LO AKSHU- [the Splitting of the Sea cast so much fear in the hearts of the Canaanite men] that they could not even achieve the ability to have relations

10)[line 2]åðâéãV'NAGID- and nobleman (dignitary, leader)

11)[line 6]áùëø çáì çìåï åôùúéíB'SACHAR CHEVEL CHALON U'FISHTIM- [let me, Rachav, be forgiven for my sins] in reward for the rope, the window, and the flax; i.e. let the good deeds I did with the very three items with which I sinned provide me atonement for those sins (see RASHI)

12)[line 9]ùçåèé çåõSHECHUTEI CHUTZ

See Background to Zevachim 85:1.

13)[line 14]åìàåøéðäåU'LE'ORINHU- and to teach them [how to offer sacrifices is permitted]

14)[line 16]àñ÷åä ðéäìéä ìùí ùîéíASKUHA NIHALEI L'SHEM SHAMAYIM- offer up the Korban for the sake of Heaven

15)[line 18]úøé òåìîé âåìàéTREI ULMEI GULA'EI- two non-Jewish youths

16)[line 19]ãîñëà éîà ùéøèåïD'MASKA YAMA SIRTON- where the sea deposits mud

17)[line 19]öéáé çãúéTZIVEI CHADETEI- new wood (that has not previous been used for mundane purposes)

18)[line 20]åàôé÷å ðåøà îîøà çãúàV'AFIKU NURA MI'MARA CHADESA- and bring forth fire from new flintstones

19)[line 31]îèä ùì èåøáìMITAH SHEL TURBAL- a "Turbal" bed (see next entry)

20)[line 31]òéæà ã÷ø÷ñà ããééùï ãéùàéIZA D'KARKESA D'DAISHAN DISHA'EI- [a "Torbal" bed is] a goat-shaped wooden block with sharp grooves for threshing straw

21)[line 39]ìùòø ð÷ðåøL'SHA'AR NIKANOR- the Gate of Nikanor, the eastern gate of the Azarah, named for the man who donated the brass doors of the gate (see Yoma 38a). Although all of the other gates of the Azarah had the Kedushah of the Azarah, Sha'ar Nikanor only had the Kedushah of Har ha'Bayis. (For a discussion of the different levels of Kedushah of the Beis ha'Mikdash compound, see Background to Zevachim 105:14.) The Chachamim arranged this so that a Metzora could stick his head, right hand and right foot into the Azarah while standing under the archway of the gate.

22)[line 43]åçéì òæøú ðùéí äéàV'CHEIL EZRAS NASHIM HI- and this was the enclosure of the women's courtyard