TEMURAH 20 (7 Av) - (7 Av) - Dedicated in memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, N.Y., Niftar 7 Av 5757, by his wife and daughters. G-d-fearing and knowledgeable, Simcha was well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah. He will long be remembered.


IS TEVEL BATEL IN A MAJORITY? (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 3 Halachah 5 Daf 21b)

øáé áà áø îîì åøáé äéìà àòìåï òåáãà ÷åîé øáé éñà ñáøéï îéîø ùðéí øáéï òì àçã


R. Ba bar Mamal and R. Heila brought a case in front of R. Yosa. They wanted to say that two (Chizkiyah and R. Yosi bei R. Nehurai, who say that it is Batel) are the majority over one (R. Yochanan);

åìà ùîéòéï ãàîø øáé ñéîåï áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé àéï äèáì áèì áøåá.


They had not heard that R. Simon said in the name of R. Yehoshua ben Levi that Tevel is not Batel in a majority. (There are two opinions on each side.)

åäúðéðï åàí ìàå îåöéà îàçã òì äëì.


Question (against Reish Lakish - Mishnah): [If one puts Se'or Tevel in a dough that its Chalah was taken -] if not (he has no Parnasah elsewhere), he takes one [Chalah] for everything.

àîø øáé éåñé ëì òîà îåãéé ùäåà îôøéù îä ôìéâéï ìçåù ìäôøùä ùðééä.


Answer (R. Yosi): All agree that he separates. What do they argue about? A second separation (like we will explain);

îàï ãàîø èáì áèì áøåá àøéîä åðôìä ìàúø çåøï àéðå çåùù ìäôøùä ùðééä. î"ã àéï äèáì áèì áøåá àøéîä åðôìä ìàúø çåøï çåùù ìäôøùä ùðééä:


The one who says that Tevel is Batel in a majority, if he separated [Chalah] and it fell to another place (Chulin), he is not concerned [to do] another separation (for what he separated was a mere stringency mid'Rabanan). The one who says that Tevel is not Batel in a majority, if he separated [Chalah] and it fell to another place, he is concerned [to do] another separation.


Note: They argue about whether or not the new mixture is Meduma. Why does it say that they argue about a second separation? This teaches that the one who says that Tevel is Batel, the Chalah is Batel in the new dough and he need not separate anything; this is not Gezel ha'Shevet. The one who says that Tevel is not Batel, if the Chalah fell into less than 100 times its volume, it forbids the mixture. If there are 100 parts for Bitul, he must take another Chalah, due to Gezel ha'Shevet. (PF)

à"ø áà (îôìéâéï) [îä ôìéâéï] ø' éåçðï åø"ù áï ì÷éù áèáì ùðèáì ãáø úåøä. àáì áèáì ùðèáì îãáøéäï ëì òîà îåãéé ùäèáì áèì áøåá.


(R. Ba): In what case do R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue [about whether or not Tevel is Batel in a majority]? It is about Tevel that is Tevel mid'Oraisa, but Tevel that is Tevel mid'Rabanan, all agree that it is Batel in a majority.

äúéá ø' áà áø ëäðà ÷åîé ø' éåñé åäúðéðï ëéåöà áå æéúé îñé÷ ùðúòøáå òí æéúé ðé÷åó òéðáé áöéø ùðúòøáå òí òéðáé òåììåú. åìà èáì ùðèáì îãáøéäï äåà.


Question (R. Ba bar Kahana, to R. Yosi - Mishnah): Similarly, if harvested olives [which must be tithed] became mixed with Nikuf olives (of Pe'ah, which are exempt), or harvested grapes became mixed with Olelos grapes... - are these not Tevel that is Tevel mid'Rabanan (for there was not final processing, to make oil and wine from them, and we say that they are not Batel in a majority)?

[ãó ìå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à"ø îðà ÷ééîúéä áùîï ùì æéúé îñé÷ ùðúòøá áùîï ùì æéúé ðé÷åó.


Answer (R. Mana): I established it to discuss oil of harvested olives that became mixed with oil of Nikuf olives.

îúéá ø' éåçðï ìø"ù áï ì÷éù åäúðéðï ðåèì àãí (ëãå) [ëãé] çìä îòéñä [ãó ëá òîåã à] ùìà äåøîä çìúä ìòùåúä áèäøä ìäéåú îôøéù òìéä åäåìê


Question (R. Yochanan, to Reish Lakish - Mishnah): One may take Chalah from a dough from which Chalah was not taken, to do it in Taharah, to continually separate [on doughs of Demai, which do not require Hafrashah Min ha'Mukaf. He calculates how much he separates each time, until the entire dough is Chalah.]

îëéåï ù÷ãù øåáä ìùí çìä. úáèìé áøåá.


Once he was Mekadesh the majority [to be Chalah, the rest] should be Batel in the majority! (Why can he separate after this?)

àîø [ö"ì ìéä - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] áøåùí


Answer (Reish Lakish): The case is, he marks [where the Chalah is. Since the Chalah and Tevel are clearly divided, Bitul does not apply.]

úãò ìê ùäåà ëï ãúðéðï úîï äøåöä ìäôøéù úøåîä åúøåîú îòùø ëàçú [ö"ì åëå' - ø"ù ñéøéìéå]


Support: You should know that it is so, for a Mishnah teaches 'one who wants to separate Terumah and Terumas Ma'aser [he takes three percent, and declares two percent on this side to be Terumah Gedolah...]

ìàéæä ãáø äåà îñééí ìà ëãé (ùéáèì) [ö"ì ùìà éáèì - ôðé îùä] áøåá.


Why does he specify [a side]? Is it not so that it will not be Batel in a majority?!

à"ø éöç÷ áø ìòæø ùìà éäà (àå') [ö"ì ëàåîø - äâø"à] úøåîú äëøé äæä åæä áæä.


Rebuttal (Rav Yitzchak bar Lazar): [No,] it is lest he be like one who says 'Terumah of this [stack is in its north], and of this [second stack] is in it' (the first, by the other Terumah. Since he did not specify the place, the latter declaration is invalid.)

[ãó ìå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] çæø ø' éöç÷ áø ìòæø åàîø ìà àîøðà ëìåí. åìà ø' éåçðï ëé àîø úøåîú ëøé æä åæä áæä. ø' éåçðï àîø î÷åí ùðúøîä úøåîúå ùì øàùåï ðñúééîä úøåîúå ùì ùðé.


Retraction (Rav Yitzchak bar Lazar): I did not say anything (this does not rebut Reish Lakish's support). Is it not R. Yochanan [who argues with him]?! If one said 'Terumah of this stack, and of this, is in it', R. Yochanan said, the place where the Terumah of the first [stack] took effect, there is specified the Terumah of the second (it is a validate separation)!

ì÷è ãìòú ìäéåú îôøéù òìéä åäåìê äøé æä (ìå÷è åáà) [ö"ì áà - ùòøé úåøú àøõ éùøàì, ò"ô äúåñôúà] åøåùí òã ëàï úøåîä åòã ëàï úøåîä ãáøé øáé


If one took a pumpkin to continually separate [Terumah from it] he comes and marks [on the first pumpkin] 'until here is Terumah. Until here is Terumah.' Rebbi says so;

øùá"â àåîø (ìå÷è) [ö"ì äøé æä úåøí - ùòøé úåøú àøõ éùøàì] åîçùá ëîåú ùäåà ìîåã.


R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, he is Torem and calculates how much he usually [gives for Terumah, and calculates how much Terumah is in the first. We explained this like SHA'AREI TORAS ERETZ YISRAEL.]

äååï áòéé îéîø î"ã òã ëàï úøåîä åòã ëàï úøåîä èáì áèì áøåá. îàï ãàîø ìå÷è åîçùá ëîåú ùäåà ìîåã àéï äèáì áèì áøåá.


Assumption: The one who says 'until here is Terumah. Until here is Terumah', he holds that Tevel is Batel in a majority (therefore he needs to specify a place, lest it be Batel). The one who says that he gathers and calculates how much he usually gives, he holds that Tevel is not Batel in a majority (so he need not specify a place).

à"ø áà ëãé ùéäà æ÷å÷ ìéúï ìùáè áéðéäï


Rejection (R. Ba): (No.) They argue about whether or not whether he needs to give it to [someone of the] Shevet (if a Kohen will come now, the owner will know which part is Terumah and can give it to him. R. Shimon ben Gamliel holds that it suffices to give the entire pumpkin to a Kohen after all of it became Terumah.)


WHAT IS CONSIDERED MIN HA'MUKAF? (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 3 Halachah 5 Daf 21b)

äéä öøéê ìúøåí àøáò çîù çáéåú îï äáåø [ãó ìæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îòìä àú äøàùåðä òì ôé äáåø åàåîø äøé æå úøåîä åëï äùðééä åëï äùìéùé ãáøé øùá"â.


If one needed to be Torem four or five barrels from the pit, he lifts the first to the mouth of the pit and says 'this is Terumah', and similarly for the second and third. R. Shimon ben Gamliel says so;

øáé àåîø îòìä ëåìï òì ôé äáåø åàåîø äøé àìå úøåîä.


Rebbi says, he lifts all of them to the mouth of the pit and says 'these are Terumah.'

äååï áòéé îéîø îàï ãàîø îòìä (àú äøàùåðä) [ö"ì ëåìï - äâø"à] òì ôé äáåø äèáì áèì áøåá


Assumption: The one who says 'he lifts all of them to the mouth of the pit' [holds that] Tevel is Batel in a majority (each barrel of Terumah exempts a fifth of the pit. If he would declare one at a time, after declaring three, the majority of the pit is Chulin, and the Tevel would be Batel in it, and he could not declare the rest of the Terumah from it);

åîàï ãàîø îòìä (ëåìï) [ö"ì àçã àçã - äâø"à] [ãó ëá òîåã á] òì ôé äáåø àéï äèáì áèì áøåá.


And the one who says 'he lifts one at a time to the mouth of the pit' [holds that] Tevel is not Batel in a majority (so we do not have the above concern. We explained this like HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)

øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï ä÷éó áéðéäåï. îàï ãàîø îòìä ëåìï òì ôé äáåø úåøí îï äîå÷ó åîàï ãàîø îòìä àú äøàùåðä òì ôé äáåø àéï úåøí îï äîå÷ó.


Rebuttal (R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): They argue about Min ha'Mukaf. The one who says 'he lifts all of them to the mouth of the pit' [holds that] he must be Torem Min ha'Mukaf (at once, he exempts all the wine). The one who says 'he lifts the first to the mouth of the pit' [holds that] he need not be Torem Min ha'Mukaf. (Perhaps this exempts only the wine at the bottom, far from the Terumah.)

øáé ùîåàì øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï îçìéó îàï ãàîø îòìä àú äøàùåðä òì ôé äáåø úåøí îï äîå÷ó. åîàï ãàîø îòìä ëåìï òì ôé äáåø àéï úåøí îï äîå÷ó.


R. Shmuel citing R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan switches the opinions. The one who says 'he lifts the first to the mouth of the pit' [holds that also this is considered] Torem Min ha'Mukaf. The one who says 'he lifts all of them to the mouth of the pit' [holds that the first Tana's method, of one at a time, is] not Torem Min ha'Mukaf. (It seems that R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO explains like this.)

[ãó ìæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø ìéä ø' æòéøä åàéðå îòåøá ò"é âéãéï:


Objection (R. Ze'ira): Is it not mixed through strands?! (R. Ze'ira said so above (17b) about a dough in which a Yisrael and Nochri were partners. Also here, all the wine is connected, so even if he is Torem one at a time, this is Min ha'Mukaf - TOLDOS YITZCHAK.)

äãøï òìê ôø÷ àåëìéï òøàé