NIDAH 12 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


TIMES WHEN SHE MUST CHECK (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 6 Daf 5b)

ôòîééí äéà öøéëä ìäéåú áåã÷ú.


(Mishnah): She must check herself twice (morning and evening).

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï ëðâã ùðé ôòîéí ùäéåí îùúðä òì äáøéåú.


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): This corresponding to the two times that the day changes for people (from day to night, and from night to day).

øáé ìòæø áùí øáé äåùòéä ëì î÷åí ùàîøå çëîéí áòìä çééá á÷øáï ëðâãä áèäøåú (èîàåú) [ö"ì úìåéåú - ôðé îùä]


(R. Lazar citing R. Hoshayah): Wherever Chachamim said that her husband is obligated a Korban (she found blood within Shi'ur Vestah after Bi'ah, i.e. Osiyom), correspondingly, Taharos [that she touched, and within Shi'ur Vestah she saw blood] are Teluyos (Safek Teme'os. We neither eat nor burn them);

(áòìä ôèåø îï ä÷øáï ëðâãä áèäøåú èäåøåú áòìä ñô÷ á÷øáï ëðâãä áèäøåú úìåéåú) [ö"ì áø ôãééä àîø ëì î÷åí ùàîøå çëîéí áòìä çééá á÷øáï çèàú ëðâãä èäøåúéä èîàåú ëì ùáòìä áàùí úìåé. ëðâãä áèäøåú úìåéåú. ëì ùáòìä ôèåø. ëðâãä èäøåúéä èäåøåú - ôðé îùä]


(Bar Padiyah): Whenever Chachamim said that her husband is Chayav Chatas, correspondingly Taharos are (fully) Teme'os (we burn them). Whenever her husband brings Asham Taluy (i.e. she found blood after Osiyom, but within the time it takes to descend from the bed and clean herself), correspondingly Taharos are Teluyos. Whenever her husband is exempt, correspondingly Taharos are Tehoros.

øáé ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ áòé àéìå æ÷ï åéìã ùäéå îäìëéï áèøé÷ìéï åìà ãáø áøé ùäæ÷ï îùîù úçéìä äà àí éìã àúé åîèòé áéä.


Question (R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak, against R. Hoshayah): If an elder and a child were walking in a hall, is it not clear that the elder first uses (opens the door to leave), but the child can come right after him?! (This is a parable - if the Ever left first, and the blood right after, we assume that the blood was already there at the time that the Ever left, therefore he is Chayav Korban. For the same reason, Taharos should be Tamei!)

øáé àáåï áùí øáé éåãï àðé àåîø ùí äéä áéàä äéà ùäéà ñåúîú áøí äëà àéìå äåä ùí îé îòëáå ùìà ìöàú.


Answer (R. Avun citing R. Yudan): There (regarding her husband), there was Bi'ah; the Ever sealed the opening (we can say that the blood was already there, but could not leave until the Ever left). Here (Taharos), if the blood was already there [when she touched], what prevented it from leaving [immediately]?

îúðéúà ôìéâà òì øáé äåùòéä ôéøùä åøàú äéà èîéàä åëåìï èäåøåú


Question (even against R. Hoshayah - Beraisa): If she separated [from the Taharos] and saw [blood], she is Tamei, and all of them are Tahor.

[ãó å òîåã à] îúðéúà ôìéâà òì áø ôãééä øáé éåãä àåîø àó áùòú òáøúï îìåëì áúøåîä


Question (against Bar Padiyah - Mishnah - R. Yehudah): [She must check herself] also when she finishes eating Terumah.

ìééãà îéìä ìà ùàí úøàä úäà îèîàä ìîôøò


What is the reason [to check then]? Is it not that if she will see, [the Terumah] is Tamei retroactively?

àîø øáé òæøà ÷åîé øáé îðà úéôúø áàùä ùàéï ìä ååñú


Answer #1 (R. Ezra, to R. Mana): This discusses a woman without a Veses. (She has 24 hours of retroactive Tum'ah from when she sees.)

à"ì ëï àîø øáé éåñé øáé ëì îä ãàðï ÷ééîéï äëà áàùä ùéù ìä ååñú àðï ÷ééîéï


Objection (R. Mana): So said R. Yosi b'Ribi - our entire [Mishnah] here discusses a woman who has a Veses!

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï ñì÷ú îúðéúà òã ëàï áàùä ùéù ìä ååñú îéëï åàéìê áàùä ùàéï ìä ååñú


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Until here, our Mishnah discusses a woman who has a Veses. From here and onwards, [it discusses] a woman without a Veses

åàôéìå úéîø ìà ñì÷ä îúðéúà àìà ëì îä ãàðï ÷ééîéï äëà áàùä ùéù ìä ååñú àðï ÷ééîéï


Answer #2: You can even say that our Mishnah discusses a woman who has a Veses;

åîä òáéã ìä áø ôãééä çìå÷éï òì øáé éåãä:


How will Bar Padiyah answer this? [Chachamim] argue with R. Yehudah (he holds like Chachamim).

äãøï òìê ôø÷ ùîàé àåîø