NEDARIM 79 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


WHAT CAN BE ANNULLED OR PERMITTED? (Yerushalmi Perek 11 Halachah 1 Daf 35b)

מתני' אילו נדרים שהוא מיפר נדרים שיש בהן עינוי נפש אם ארחץ ואם לא ארחץ אם אתקשט ואם לא אתקשט


(Mishnah): The following vows may be annulled - vows of Inuy Nefesh (affliction), e.g. 'if I will bathe', or 'if I will not bathe'; 'if I will adorn myself', or 'if I will not adorn myself ';

אמר רבי יוסה אין אילו נדרי עינוי נפש:


R. Yosi: These are not vows of Inuy Nefesh.

גמ' כתיב [במדבר ל יד] כל נדר וכל שבועת אסר לענות נפש אין לי אלא נדרים שיש בהן עינוי נפש. נדרים שבינו לבינה מניין


(Gemara) Question: It is written "Kol Neder v'Chol Shevu'as Isar Le'anos Nafesh." This teaches only Nedarim that have Inuy Nefesh. What is the source for Nedarim between him and her?

בין איש לאשתו.


Answer: "Bein Ish l'Ishto"

עד כדון בבעל. באב מניין [דף לו עמוד א]


Question: This teaches about [Hafaras] ha'Ba'al. What is the source that a father [can annul Nidrei Inuy Nefesh]?

[צ"ל תלמוד לומר בין איש לאשתו - קרבן העדה] בין אב לבתו מה הבעל אינו מיפר אלא נדרים שיש בהן עינוי נפש ונדרים שבינו לבינה. אף האב אינו מיפר אלא נדרים שיש בהן עינוי נפש ונדרים שבינו לבינה.


Answer: It says "Bein Ish l'Ishto Bein Av l'Bito" - just like a husband annuls only vows of Inuy Nefesh and vows between him and her, also a father annuls only vows of Inuy Nefesh and vows between him and her. (ME'IRI (79a) - 'between him and her' are matters that affect Bi'ah. This does not apply to a father! Rather, this limitation for a father applies only to an Arusah (between him and her is between the Arus and Arusah)', but a Penuyah, he can annul all vows, like the Rambam says.) KESER HA'MELECH (Hilchos Nedarim 12:1) says that 'between him and her' include 'Konam, you may not benefit from my labor.'


Note: Since a father can annul an Arusah's vows only with the Arus, since the Arus can annul only Inuy Nefesh or matters between him and her, what is the relevance of whether the father can annul other vows? We can say that it affects when the Arus dies and the father receives full authority, or if annulling his share exempts from lashes. (PF)

ר' יעקב בר אחא אמר איתפלגון רבי יוחנן ורשב"ל רבי יוחנן אמר בין לנדרים בין לשבועות הבעל מיפר. רשב"ל אמר לנדרים מיפר ולא לשבועות.


(R. Yakov bar Acha): R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argued. R. Yochanan says, both Nedarim and Shevu'os, a husband can annul them. Reish Lakish says, he can annul Nedarim, but not Shevu'os. (It says "...v'Chol Shevu'as Isar... Ishah Yekimenu v'Ishah Yeferenu"! Perhaps Reish Lakish refers to a Shevu'ah with Hash-m's name; we do not permit them, like R. Yosi below. It is better to say that he explains "Shevu'as Isar" to be Isar in an expression of a Shevu'ah, but it is not a real Shevu'ah, like TOSFOS (Shevu'os 20a DH Isar - SHIREI KORBAN).


Note: SHIREI KORBAN questioned Reish Lakish from a Beraisa 1:b that says that Mivta is Shevu'ah. Reish Lakish can explain that it means that it is like a Shevu'ah, to say that Ein Shevu'ah Chal Al Shevu'ah, like R. Yosi explains there! Perhaps Reish Lakish's source is that except for the above verse, the Torah discusses Hafarah or Kiyum only of Neder and Isar, but not of Shevu'ah (Bamidbar 30:5,6,8,9,12,13,15)! (PF)

אמר רבי יוסי בי רבי בון אף בנדרי הזקן פליגי ר' יוחנן ורשב"ל. רבי יוחנן אמר בין לנדרים בין לשבועות הזקן מתיר. ורשב"ל אמר לנדרים הזקן מתיר ולשבועות אין הזקן מתיר.


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Also about Hataras Nedarim of a Chacham, R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argued. R. Yochanan says, both Nedarim and Shevu'os, a Chacham can permit. Reish Lakish says, a Chacham can permit Nedarim, but a Chacham cannot permit Shevu'os.

ואתייא דרשב"ל כהדא (דאיסי) [צ"ל דר' יוסי - פני משה]


Reish Lakish holds like the case of R. Yosi;

חד בר נש אתא מישרי נדרא קומי ר' יוסי מתעטף ויתיב ליה א"ל מה אשתבעת


A man came to permit a vow in front of R. Yosi. R. Yosi wore a Talis and sat, and said 'what did you swear about?'

אמר ליה איפופי ישראל לא עללה לביתי.


The man: [I swore by] the G-d of Yisrael that [my wife] will not enter my house.

אמר ליה איפופי ישראל ולא עללה לבייתך.


R. Yosi: [You swore by] the G-d of Yisrael! [We do not permit this,] and she will not enter your house.