
WHEN MAY ONE MOVE A MES? (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 3 Daf 45a)

îúðé' äîåöà îú áúçéìä îåùëá ëãøëå ðåèìå åàú úôåùúå îöà ùðéí ðåèìï åàú úôåùúï


(Mishnah): If one finds a Mes lying down, like normal, he may take it and its Tefusah (underlying soil, and bury them elsewhere. Also) if he finds two Mesim [he may take them and their Tefusah].

îöà ùìùä àí éù áéï æä ìæä îã' àîåú åòã ùîåðä ëîìåà äîéèä å÷åáøéä äøé æå ùëåðú ÷áøåú áåã÷ îîðå åìäìï òùøéí àîä


If he finds three Mesim, if the distance between them is between four and eight Amos, like the length of the bier and those who bury it, [we assume that] this is a burial site. He must check 20 Amos [for more Mesim].

îöà àçã áñåó òùøéí àîä áåã÷ äéîðå åìäìï òùøéí àîä ùøâìéí ìãáø


If he found one [other] Mes at the end of 20 Amos, he must check another 20 Amos from there, for there is supporting evidence (that there are more).

ùàéìå áúçéìä îöàå ðåèìå åàú úáåñúå:


Had he found [only this Mes within 20 Amos] at the beginning, he one Mes, he would take it and its Tefusah.

âî' àé æäå îåùëá ëãøëå øâìéå îôåùèåú åéãéå òì ìáå àáì àí îöàå ÷îöåõ àðé àåîø âì ðôì òìéå åäøâå


(Gemara): What is lying down normally? Its legs are spread and his hands are on his heart, but if he was found Kamtzutz (his legs by his head), I say that a rockpile fell on him and killed him.

åäúðé îöà ùðéí øàùéäí áöã îøâìåúéäí ðåèìï åàú úôåñúï


Question (Beraisa): If he found two [Mesim], their legs next to their heads, he takes them and their Tefusah.

ñáøéï îéîø ÷îöåõ


We are thinking [that the legs of each Mes are by its head, i.e.] Kamtzutz.

îäå øàùéäí áöã îøâìåúéäí àîø øáé éöç÷ áé øáé àìòæø [ãó îä òîåã á] åëâåï àéìéï ðåðéà öìééà øéùé ãäï âáé òå÷öéä ãäï òå÷öéä ãäï âáé øéùéä ãäï


Answer: What [does it mean] their legs next to their heads? R. Yitzchak bei R. Elazar said, it is like these fish tied on a string. The head of this one is by the tail of this one, and the tail of this one is by the head of this one.

øáé éöç÷ áø âåôúà áòà ÷åîé øáé îðà úîï àú àîø îì÷è òöí òöí åäëì èäåø åëà àú àîø äëéï


Question (R. Yitzchak bar Gufta, to R. Mana): There you say, [one who moves a grave that opened to his field - SHIREI TAHARAH Ohalos 16:5] he takes each bone, and all is Tahor, and here you say so [he takes the Mes and its Tefusah]?!

àîø ìéä àîåø ãáúøä àí äú÷éðå ì÷áø îúçéìä éù ìå úôåñä


Answer (R. Mana - Seifa): If it was prepared to be a grave from the beginning, it has Tefusah.

ëîä äåà úôåñú ÷áø


Question: How much is Tefusas Kever?

÷åìó ùìùä àöáòåú òã î÷åí ùäîåäì éåøã


Answer: He takes three fingers, up to the extent that Mohel (liquid that exudes from the Mes) descends.

àîø øáé çñãà äãà àîøä îú îöåä îåúø ìôðåúå


Question (R. Chisda): (Our Mishnah permits moving a Mes. Perhaps it was a Mes Mitzvah!) Does this show that one may move a Mes Mitzvah?!

àîø øáé æòéøà úéôúø ùð÷áø ùìà áøùåú àå ùð÷áø ìùàìä


Answer (R. Ze'ira): (No.) [We assume that] it was buried without permission, or the place was lent [on condition to bury it temporarily and move it afterwards].

åçù ìåîø ùîà îú îöåä äåà


Question: We should be concerned lest it was a Mes Mitzvah!

ñáø ø' æòéøà ùàéï îéúé îöåä îöåééï


Answer: R. Ze'ira holds that Mes Mitzvah is not common. (If there is no publicity that there was a Mes Mitzvah, we need not be concerned for it.)

ðîöàúä àåîø ùìùä îéðé ÷áøåú äï ÷áø äðîöà îôðéï àåúå ôéðäå î÷åîå (èäåø) [ö"ì èîà - ÷øáï äòãä] åàñåø áäðééä


(Beraisa): It turns out that there are three kinds of graves. A grave that is found, we may move it. [After] one moved it, its place is Tamei and it is Asur b'Hana'ah (i.e. one may not eat, drink or be frivolous there - KESEF MISHNEH Hilchos Tum'as Mes 8:5);

÷áø äéãåò àéï îôðéí àåúå ôéðäå î÷åîå èäåø åîåúø áäðééä


A known grave, we do not move it. If one moved it, its place is Tahor, and one may benefit from it;

÷áø ùäåà îæé÷ àú äøáéí îôðéï àåúå ôéðäå î÷åîå èîà åàñåø áäðééä


If a grave harms the public, one may move it. After he does so, its place is Tamei and one may not benefit from it.

äåøä øáé àáà áø ëäï áëôø ò÷áéä î÷åîå îåúø áäðééä


R. Aba bar Kohen ruled in Kefar Akaviyah that its place is Tahor, and one may benefit from it.

îä åôìéâ


Question: Does he argue [with the Beraisa]?!

ëàï áù÷ãí äåà àú äòéø åëàï áù÷ãîúå äòéø


Answer: (He does not argue.) Here (the Beraisa) is when [the grave was there] before the city [was built], and here (R. Aba bar Kohen) is when the city was there before [the grave].

úðé ÷áø ùä÷éôúå äòéø îùìù øåçåú îôðéï àåúå


(Beraisa): If a cemetery surrounds a city in three directions (surely it harms the public, so) one may move it.

îùúé øåçåú àéú úðéé úðé îôðéï àåúå àéú úðéé úðé àéï îôðéï àåúå


If it surrounds it in two directions - some teach that one may move it, and some teach that one may not move it.

àîø øá çñãà îàï ãàîø îôðéï àåúå áðúåï áúåê (ùáòéí àîä åùéøééí) [ö"ì ìçîéùéí àîä - ñôø ðéø] îàï ãàîø àéï îôðéï àåúå áðúåï çåõ (ìùáòéí àîä åùéøééí) [ö"ì ìçîéùéí àîä - ñôø ðéø]


Version #1 (Rav Chisda): (They do not argue.) The one who says that one may move it, this is when it is within 50 Amos [of the city]. The one who says that one may not move it, this is when it is outside 50 Amos.

îàï ãàîø îôðéï àåúå áòùåé ëîéï â"í îàï ãàîø àéï îôðéï áòùåé ëîéï äéà


Version #2: The one who says that one may move it, this is when [the cemetery is shaped] like a Gam (the Greek letter Gamma, i.e. two adjacent sides of a square). The one who says that one may not move it, this is when it is like it (the city, i.e. on two opposite sides. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)

ëì ä÷áøåú îúôðéï çåõ î÷áøé äîìê åî÷áøé äðáéà


All graves [within 50 Amos of the city], we move them [lest people become Tamei through them], except for graves of a king and graves of a Navi.

[ö"ì ø' ò÷éáà àåî' àó ÷áø äîìê å÷áø äðáéà îúôðéï - úåñôúà ááà áúøà à:éà]


R. Akiva says, even the grave of a king and the grave of a Navi are moved.

àîøå ìå ìø"ò åäìà ÷éáøé (áðé ãåã îúôðéï å÷éáøé áðé) [ö"ì áéú ãåã å÷áø - úåñôúà ááà áúøà à:éà] çåìãä äéå áéøåùìéí åìà ðâò àãí áäï ìôðåúï îòåìí


Question (to R. Akiva): The graves of Beis David and the grave of [the prophetess] Chuldah were in Yerushalayim, and no one ever touched them to move them! (MAHARIT 2 YD 37 - initially they were outside the city, and after they enlarged the city, they were inside.)

àîø ìäï ø' ò÷éáä îùí øàéä îçéìä äéä ùí åîùí äéúä èåîàä î÷ããú åéåöàä ìðçì ÷ãøåï


Answer (R. Akiva): Do you bring a proof from there? There was a tunnel there, and from there the Tum'ah went out to Nachal Kidron! (It was open to there, so it is not Metamei one who passes over it.)


CHECKING FOR A BURIAL SITE (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 3 Daf 45b)

úîï úðéðï åòåùä çöø òì ôúç äîòøä ùù òì ùù ëîìà äîéèä åäëà äåà àîø äëéï


Question: A Mishnah teaches 'one makes a Chatzer at the opening of the [burial] cave six by six Amos, like the length of the bier [and those who bury it]', and here you say so (eight Amos is the length of the bier and those who bury it)!

úîï îìà äîéèä (òåîãú) [ö"ì òåáøú - àìéäå øáä àåäìåú èæ:â] áøí äëà îìåà îéèä çåæøú


Answer: There, [it suffices for the seller to give a Chatzer of minimal size, for] the full length of the bier to pass [with difficulty]. However, here, [we are concerned lest he gave extra room to allow] the full length of the bier to turn around. (We explained this like ELIYAHU RABAH.)

òã àéëï


Question: How much [is called those who bury it]?

òã ëãé ðåùàé äîéèä åçéìåôéäï åçéìåôé çéìåôéäï


Answer: It is those who carry the bier, Chilufeihen (those who alternate with them), and Chilufei Chilufeihen.

úîï úðéðï ëøí ùäåà ðèåò òì ôçåú îàøáò àîåú ø"ù àåîø àéðå ëøí åçë"à ëøí [ãó îå òîåã à] åøåàéï àú äàîöòéåú ëàéìå àéðï


(Mishnah): A vineyard [in which the rows of vines are] planted less than four Amos [from each other], R. Shimon says, it is not a vineyard. Chachamim say, it is a vineyard, and we view the middle ones as if they are not (and what remains is planted properly, between four and eight Amos apart).

ùîòåï áø áà áùí øáé éåçðï ëùí ùäï çåì÷éï ëàï ëê äï çåì÷éï áùëåðú ÷áøåú


(Shimon bar Ba citing R. Yochanan): Just like they argue here [about a vineyard], they argue about a burial site (if the Mesim are too close together).

àîø øáé éåðä åìà ãîééà úîï éù òìéäï ùëåðú ÷áøåú áøí äëà àéï òìéä ùëåðú ÷áøåú


Rebuttal #1 (R. Yonah): These are different! There (if they are spaced like the Mishnah says), they are a burial site. However, here, (if they are spaced too densely), they are not a burial site. (They did not intend to leave them like this permanently. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)

àîø øáé éåñé åìà ãîééà úîï îøååçéï åøöôï áîçìå÷ú øöåôéï åøéååçï ãáøé äëì


Rebuttal #2 (R. Yosi): These are different! There if they were spaced sparsely, and he [planted in between and] made them dense, [the Tana'im] argue. There if they were dense, and he [uprooted some and] made them sparse, all agree [that it is a vineyard];

áøí äëà îäå ôìéâéï áùáà åîöàï øöåôéï øáé ùîòåï àåîø âì ðôì òìéäï åøöôï åøáðï àîøé îøååçéï äéå åøöôï


However, here, when do they argue? It is when he came and found them dense. R. Shimon says, [no one was buried there intentionally]; a rockpile fell on them [and killed people], and made them dense. Rabanan say, they were [buried there] sparsely; a rockpile fell [and killed people in between], and made them dense. (All agree that if people intentionally buried more Mesim and made them dense, it is not a burial site.)

òã ëîä îèøéçéï òìéå


Question: (If he finds three Mesim... he checks 20 Amos for more Mesim. How much do we burden him? (Does he check 20 in each direction, or 10 in this direction and 10 in the opposite direction?)

øáé éåñé áùí øáé îééùà áø éøîéä òã àøáòéí àîä áã÷ òùøéí åîöà áåã÷ (òã òùø áã÷ òùøéí åîöà áåã÷ òã òùø) [ö"ì òåã òùøéí - ôðé îùä]


Answer #1 (R. Yosi citing R. Maisha bar Yirmeyah): It is until 40 Amos (20 in each direction). If he checked 20 and found, he checks another 20.

àéú úðéé úðé áã÷ òùø åîöà áåã÷ òã òùø áã÷ òùø åîöà áåã÷ òã òùø:


Answer #2: Some teach that [he checks 20 in all, 10 in each direction]; if he checked 10 and found [another Mes], he checks up to [another] 10. If he checked 10 and found, he checks up to 10. (We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)


LAWS THAT CHANGE AFTER ONE IS DECLARED TAMEI (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 4 Daf 46a)

îúðé' ëì ñô÷ ðâòéí áúçéìä èäåø òã ùìà ðæ÷÷ ìèåîàä


(Mishnah): Any Safek about a Nega (an appearance of Tzara'as) at the beginning is Tahor, until he was made [fully] Tamei (Muchlat);

îùðæ÷÷ ìèåîàä ñôé÷å èîà


Once he was Muchlat, a Safek is Tamei.

áùáòä ãøëéí áåã÷éï àú äæá òã ùìà ðæ÷÷ ìèåîàä áîàëì áîùúä áîùà á÷ôéöä áçåìé áîøàä åáäéøäåø


In seven ways we check a Zav (i.e. a man who had an emission of Zov, i.e. uncooked semen) before he was established to be Tamei (a Zav - if the emission could be due to) eating or drinking (too much, or foods that induce emissions, carrying a heavy) load, jumping, sickness, a sight, or thoughts;

åîùðæ÷÷ ìèåîàä àéï áåã÷éï àåúå àåðñå åñôé÷å åùëáú æøòå èîàéí ùøâìéí ìãáø:


Once he was established to be Tamei, we do not check him. His Ones and his Safek (these will be explained) and his semen are Tamei, for there are Raglayim l'Davar.

âî' [åé÷øà éâ ëá] åèîà àåúå àú äååãàéé äåà îèîà àéðå îèîà àú äñô÷ ìòåìí äåà (áèåîàúå òã ùéãò ùèäø) [ö"ì áèäøúå òã ùéãò ùðéèîà - ÷øáï äòãä]


(Gemara): "V'Timei Oso" - he is Metamei a Vadai. He is not Metamei a Safek. He remains in his Taharah until he knows that he became Tamei.

[ùí ëâ] åèéäøå àú äååãàéé äåà îèäø àéðå îèîà àú [ãó îå òîåã á] äñô÷ ìòåìí äåà (áèäøúå òã ùéãò ùðéèîà) [ö"ì áèåîàúå òã ùéãò ùèäø - ÷øáï äòãä]


"V'Tiharo" - he is Metaher a Vadai. He is not Metaher a Safek. He remains in his Tum'ah until he knows that he became Tahor.

ëúéá [åé÷øà èå ìâ] åäãåä áðéãúä åäæá àú æåáå îä ðéãä îèîà îàåðñéí àó äæá îèîà îàåðñéí


It says "veha'Davah n'Nidasah veha'Zav Es Zovo" - just like a Nidah becomes Tamei through Ones, also a Zav becomes Tamei through Ones.

îòúä àôéìå îøàééä äøàùåðä


Question: If so, even the first sighting (should be Tamei through Ones)!

àîø øáé æòéøà ìëùééòùä ëðéãä àåðñå


Answer (R. Ze'ira): When he becomes like a Nidah (i.e. a Zav, who is Tamei for seven days, he becomes Tamei) his Ones [cancels his count of seven clean days. However, a third sighting b'Ones does not obligate a Korban, like R. Lazar in Megilah 1:8 - OHR SOMAYACH Hilchos Mechusarei Kaparah 2:5.]

àîø øáé àìòæø àåðñå îîù ñôé÷å ñô÷ æåá ñô÷ ÷øé


(R. Elazar): 'His Ones' refers to true Ones (e.g. he was struck or frightened). 'His Safek' is Safek Zov, Safek semen.

æåáå åùëáú æøòå áìà ëê àéðå îèîà


Question: Are his Zov and semen not Tamei without [becoming a Zav]?!

àìà ùàéï úåìéï áä îòú ìòú:


Answer: [After he became a Zav], we do not attribute Zov [to semen that he saw] within the previous 24 hours. (Zov cancels all the days he counted; semen cancels only that day.)