
THE ARGUMENT WITH R. ELIEZER (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 5 Daf 14a)

øá àîø éöà îåðä ìðæéøåú áèäøä [ãó éã òîåã á] ðëðñ (áùáéòé ùìå - ñôø ðéø îåç÷å) îáéà ÷øáï èåîàä áå áéåí


(Rav): [The first Tana of our Mishnah means says that if one accepted Nezirus in a cemetery, and] he left, he counts Nezirus in Taharah. If he entered [the cemetery again], he brings Korban Tum'ah, [even if it is] on the same day [that he left];

øáé ìòæø àåîø ìà áå áéåí


[The Tana] R. Eliezer says, he does not [bring Korban Tum'ah if he returned] on that day.

ëäðà áòà ÷åîé øá åàéï èòåï äæééä ùìéùé åùáéòé


Question (Kahana, to Rav): Does he not need Haza'ah on days three and seven (before counting Nezirus Taharah)?

à"ì úåøä ÷øàú ìôåøù îï ä÷áø èäåø [éçæ÷àì îã ëå] àçøé èäøúå ùáòú éîéí éñôøå ìå


Answer (Rav): The Torah called one who separated from a grave Tahor [even before Haza'ah] - "Acharei Taharaso Shiv'as Yamim Yisperu Lo."

ùîåàì àîø éöà åäæä ùðä åèáì ðëðñ áå áéåí îáéà [ö"ì ÷øáå - ÷øáï äòãä] èåîàä áå áéåí øáé àìéòæø àåîø ìà áå áéåí


(Shmuel): If he left, received Haza'as [on day three] and repeated [on day seven], immersed and entered the same day, he brings Korban Tum'ah the same day. R. Eliezer says, not on that day.

òåìà áø éùîòàì àîø îä öøéëä ìéä áðæéø èîà àáì áðæéø èäåø àó øáé àìéòæø îåãé àôéìå àéï ìå îäéëï ìäôéì


(Ula bar Yishmael): When does [R. Eliezer] argue? It is regarding a Nazir Tamei. Regarding a Nazir Tahor, even R. Eliezer agrees [that he brings Korban Tum'ah] even if there is no place for days to fall (he is not even on his second day).

ùîåàì áø àáà áòé éåí àçã ìðæéøåúå åéåí àçã ìðæéøåú áðå îäå ùéöèøôå


Question (Shmuel bar Aba): Can one day of his Nezirus and one day of Nezirus Beno join [to two days, to bring Korban Tum'ah even according to R. Eliezer]?


Note: There is an implied question - what is the case that he asked about?

àí áùðåìã áðå äéåí åîçø ðëðñ äøé éù ìðæéøåú áðå ùðé éîéí


If his son was born today, and he entered [Ohel ha'Mes] tomorrow, there are two days to Nezirus Beno (they need not join)!

åàí (ëùðåìã áðå ìîçø åðëðñ ìîçø) [ö"ì áùðåìã áðå ìîçø äøé éù ìðæéøúå ùðé éîéí - ÷øáï äòãä] äøé éù ìå ìðæéøåúå ùðé éîéí


If his son was born tomorrow, there are two days to his Nezirus (they need not join)!

àîø øáé îðà úéôúø áéï äùîùåú


Answer #1 (R. Mana): The case is, [he was born] Bein ha'Shemashos (and the father became Tamei the next day).


Note: Perhaps we are concerned that he was born at the exact moment between day and night. Alternatively, even if we are not concerned for this, if they do not join, he cannot bring Korban Tum'ah, for it is a Safek which Nezirus had two days. (PF)

à"ø àáéï àôéìå úéîø áçöé äéåí ìà ëï ñáøéðï îéîø úçéìú äéåí òåìä ìå ñåó äéåí ìáðå


Answer #2 (R. Avin): You can even say [that he was born] at midday (and he became Tamei later that day). Do we not hold that the beginning of the day counts for him, and the end of the day counts for [Nezirus] Beno?! (If they join, it is considered that there were two days.)

àîø øáé éåñé îä öøéëä ìéä áðæéø èäåø àáì áðæéø èîà ôùéèà ìéä ùäï îöèøôéï


(R. Yosi): About what [does Shmuel bar Aba] ask? It is regarding a Nazir Tahor. Regarding a Nazir Tamei, it is clear to him that they join. (This is unlike Ula bar Yishmael, who said that R. Eliezer argues about a Nazir Tamei, but no one requires two days for a Nazir Tahor who became Tamei.)

àîø øáé îðà ÷åîé øáé éåñé ìà ëì ùëï äåà åîä éîéí ùàéï òåìéï ìà áðæéøåúå åìà áðæéøåú áðå àú àåîø îöèøôéï éîéí ùäï òåìéï áðæéøåúå åáðæéøåú áðå àéðå ãéï ùéöèøôå


Question (R. Mana, to R. Yosi): Does a Kal v'Chomer not teach this? [Tamei] days that do not count for his Nezirus, and not for Nezirus Beno, you say that they join. [Tahor] days that count for his Nezirus, and not for Nezirus Beno, all the more so they should join!

àîø øáé éåñé [ãó èå òîåã à] úîï àéðå øàåé ì÷áì äúøééä áøí äëà øàåé ì÷áì äúøééä


Answer (R. Yosi): (This is not a Kal v'Chomer.) There, he is not proper to receive warning (for he is already Tamei, therefore nothing separates his Nezirus from Nezirus Beno). Here (when he is Tahor), he is proper to receive warning (for the Nezirus he observes, so they are separate; perhaps they do not join.)

øáé áåï áø çééä áòà ëîä ãúéîø úîï òì ãøáé àìéòæø áúçéìä åäåà ùéäà ìå îäéëï ìäôéì åáñåó àó òì ôé ùàéï ìå îäéëï ìäôéì


Question (R. Bun bar Chiyah): Just like you say there according to R. Eliezer at the beginning, there must be [days] to fall, (if he became Tamei) at the end, [does he hold] even if there are no [remaining days] to fall?

àîø øáé æòéøà ÷åîé øáé îðà åìà îúðéúà äéà ðéèîà éåí (àçã åîàä ñåúø ùìùéí åøáé àìéòæø àåîø ìà ñåúø àìà ùáòä) [ö"ì îàä ñúø àú äëì åøáé àìéòæø àåîø ìà ñúø àìà ùìùéí - ñôø ðéø]


Answer (R. Ze'ira, in front of R. Mana): Do we not learn this from our Mishnah? If he became Tamei on day 100, he canceled everything. R. Eliezer says, he canceled only 30. (We explained this like SEFER NIR.)

à"ì ùîòðå ùäåà ñåúø ùîòðå ùîáéà ÷øáï èåîàä:


Rebuttal (R. Mana): We learn [from there] that he cancels. Do we learn [from there] that he brings Korban Tum'ah?!