
TOSFOS DH u'Le'afukei mi'Hai Tana

úåñôåú ã"ä åìàôå÷é îäàé úðà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when one may bring one Korban from all the coins separated.)

ëìåîø ø' éåçðï ã÷àîø äìëä äéà áðæéø ãîùîò áðæéø åìà ãáø àçø ìàôå÷é îäàé úðà


Explanation: R. Yochanan, who said that it is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai about Nazir, which connotes only regarding Nazir and nothing else, teaches unlike the following Tana;

ãúðéà îé ùîçåééá çèàú ùàëì çìá åàîø äøé òìé òåìä ãäééðå ðãáä åäøé äåà îçåééá çèàú åòåìä åìà (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) [òì] ãáø àçã äï ùäçèàú áà òì äçìá åäòåìä áðãø


A Beraisa teaches that if one was obligated a Chatas because he ate Chelev, and he said "Harei Alai Olah", he is liable a Chatas and an Olah, but they are not for one matter, for the Chatas is for Chelev, and the Olah is a Neder;

åäôøéù îòåú åàîø (áùí) ëùäôøéù àìå ìçåáúé åîùîò ìëì îä ùäéä çééá ìôéëê àí øöä ìäáéà áëåìï çèàú áäîä ìà éáéà òåìú áäîä ìà éáéà îôðé ùäï îòåøáéï


If he separated coins and said when he separated "these are for my obligation", this connotes for all that he is obligated. Therefore, he may not bring from all of them Chatas Behemah, or Olas Behemah, because they are mixed (the coins have Kedushah for Chatas, and also for Olah);

åàéï ìå ú÷ðä òã ùéáéà á' áäîåú åéàîø ëì îä ùéù áîòåú àìå ì÷ãåùú çèàú éçåì òì áäîä æå


His only solution is to bring two animals, and say "all Kedushas Chatas in these coins should take effect on this animal" [and all Kedushas Olah should take effect on the other animal].

åö"ò ãîàé ùðà ãìòéì âáé äôøéù îòåú øöä ìäáéà çèàú áäï éáéà òåìä éáéà


Question #1: Why is this different than above, regarding one who separated coins? If he wants, he can bring a Chatas with them. If he wants, he can bring an Olah;

åìà àîøéðï ãäôøùä äéúä ìùðéäí ãå÷à àìà áéãå ìäáéà îëåìï (àìà) àå çèàú àå òåìä


We do not say that the separation was specifically for both of them! Rather, he may bring from all of them either Chatas or Olah.

åëï ìòéì ëé îôøéù îòåú ìðæéøåúå àîø îôðé ùøàåééï ìäáéà áëåìï ùìîéí


Question #2: Also above (24b), when he separates coins for his Nezirus, [a Beraisa] said [that there is no Me'ilah] because it is proper to bring Shelamim with all of them!

åùîà é"ì ëé àîø áìùåï æä ìçåáúé îùîò ìëì îä ùäåà çééá äéìëê äôøùä äéúä ìùðéäí åìà éåëì ìäáéà áëåìï àçã îäí


Answer #1: Perhaps when he said in the expression "for my obligation", this connotes everything that he is obligated. Therefore, the separation was for both of them. He cannot bring one of them with all [of the coins];

àáì ìðæéøåúå àå ìöøòúå îùîò ùôéø ìî÷öú ðæéøåúå àå ìî÷öú öøòúå


However, "for his Nezirus" or "for his Tzara'as" properly connotes for part of his Nezirus or part of his Tzara'as.

åòåã éù ìçì÷ äéëà ãäôøéù ìðæéøåúå àå ìöøòúå ãëì (äâäú úôàøú öéåï) ÷øáðåú ðæéø åéåìãú åöøòú áðé çã á÷úà (éåöàä)


Answer #2: We can distinguish when he separated for his Nezirus or his Tzara'as, for all Korbanos of Nazir, Yoledes or Tzara'as are one matter.

ìëê éëåì ìäáéà îúçéìä îëì ãîé ä÷ï ôøéãä àçú àå çèàú àå òåìä äéìëê ëùäòùéø îáéà îëåìï àå çèàú àå òåìä


Therefore, he can bring l'Chatchilah from all money of the Ken one bird, i.e. a Chatas or Olah. Therefore, when he gets rich, he brings from all of them either a Chatas or Olah (Behemah);

àáì äëà ãîçåééá çèàú îçìá ùàëì åòåìä ðãåøä ìàå áðé çã á÷úà àéðåï åëùîôøéù îòåú ìùîí àéï éëåì ìäáéà îëåìï àçú îäï.


However, here he is obligated a Chatas for Chelev that he ate, and an Olah that he vowed. They are not one class. When he separates coins for their sake, he may not bring from all [of the coins] one [of the Korbanos].



úåñôåú ã"ä îú...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Yochanan and the Tana do not argue.)

ãëéåï ãìà îééúé çèàú åòåìä àçã îéìúà ìà âîéøé áä äéìëúà ãéôìå ìðãáä àìà ëùäçèàú åäòåìä áàéï áùáéì ãáø à'


Explanation: Since they do not bring Chatas and Olah for one matter, we have no tradition that [the coins] go to Nedavah. That is only when the Chatas and Olah come for one matter;

àáì äéëà ùäçèàú áàä òì äçìá åäòåìä ðãåøä ìà âîéøé áä ãéôìå ìðãáä,


However, when the Chatas is for Chelev that he ate, and the Olah was vowed, we have no tradition that they go to Nedavah.

åìàôå÷é îäàé úðà, ôé' ãìà ãîé ðæéø ìîìúéä ãäàé úðà åìà ôìéâ ø' éåçðï àäàé úðà åìà äàé úðà àø' éåçðï.


Explanation: "To teach unlike this Tana" means that Nazir is unlike the matter that this Tana discusses. R. Yochanan does not argue with this Tana, and this Tana does not argue with R. Yochanan.


TOSFOS DH Ha d'Amrat Mefurashim Lo

úåñôåú ã"ä äà ãàîøú îôåøùéí ìà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the case of Mefurashim.)

ùùðéðå áîùðéåú ãîé çèàú éìëå ìéí äîìç åëå' åìà àîøé' éôìå ëåìï ìðãáä


Observation: We learned in our Mishnah that Demei (the money for) Chatas goes to the Dead Sea. We do not say that all of [the coins] go to Nedavah.

ìà úéîà ãå÷à àìå ìçèàúé ëâåï ùäôøéù â' öáåøéï ëì àçã áôðé òöîå àáì áöáåø àçã ðãáä


Suggestion: This is only when he said "these are for my Chatas", e.g. he separated three piles of coins, each by itself. However, if [he separated] one pile, it goes to Nedavah.

àìà àôé' ùäôøéù áöáåø àçã åàîø àìå éäà ìçèàúé åìùìîé åìòåìúé åìà äôøéãí ëìì îôåøùéï äï


Rejection: Even when he separated one pile, and said "these are for my Chatas, my Shelamim and my Olah", and did not divide them at all, they are Mefurashim.

ôé' îôåøùéí áúòøåáåú åìà ðéùðéú áäï ääìëä ãðéîà ëéåï ããîé çèàú îòåøáéï áäí éôìå ìðãáä


Explanation: "Mefurashim" means in a mixture. The Halachah was not taught regarding them, that we should say that since Demei Chatas is mixed with them, they go to Nedavah;

àìà àãøáä ëåìï éìëå ìéí äîìç


Rather, just the contrary! All go to the Dead Sea.

åìàå äééðå ãéï ãîôåøùéï ãîúðéúéï ã÷àîø ãòåìä ú÷øá òåìä


Implied question: Why is this unlike the law of Mefurashim in our Mishnah? It says that [coins of] Olah are offered for Olah!

ãäúí îáåøøéï äï îáåøøéï ãîéí äììå ìçèàú åäììå ìùìîéí ëì àçã ÷øá ëãéðå åãîé çèàú ìéí äîìç


Answer: There, they are clarified. These coins are clarified for Chatas, and these coins for Shelamim. Each is offered like its law, and Demei Chatas goes to the Dead Sea.

åìäàé ìéùðà ëé âîéøé ãñúåîéí éôìå ìðãáä äééðå ëé àîø àìå ìçåáúé,


Observation: According to this version, the tradition that Stumim go to Nedavah, this is when he said "these coins are for my obligation."


TOSFOS DH Ha (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä äà (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the second version.)

àéëà ãàîøé... (äâää òì ôé îäø"á øðùáåøâ åáøëú øàù)


Citation of Gemara: Some say that...

ëé àîø ìçåáúé ðîé ëîôåøùéï áúòøåáåú äï åéìëå ìéí äîìç ãìçåáúé îùîò ìëì çåáúé áéï ìçèàú áéï ìòåìä


Explanation: Also when he said "for my obligation", these are like Mefurashim in a mixture, and they go to the Dead Sea. "For my obligation" connotes my entire obligation, both the Chatas and the Olah;

åñúåîéí ãéôìå ìðãáä äééðå ëé àîø ì÷øáðåú ðæéøåúé ùìà ôéøù çèàú áäï


Stumim that go to Nedavah, this is when he said "for the Korbanos of my Nezirus." He did not specify Chatas among them.

äâä"ä éù ìúú èòí áãáø ëùàîø ì÷øáðåú ðæéøåúé äåå ñúåîéï âîåøéï ùàéï áîùîòåú ìùåðå çèàú éåúø îùàø ÷øáðåú (äâää òì ôé îäø"á øðùáåøâ åáøëú øàù)


Comment: We can give a reason for this. When he said "for the Korbanos of my Nezirus", they were totally Stumim. There is no connotation in his words for Chatas more than other Korbanos;

àáì ìçåáúé îùîò çèàú éåúø îùàø ÷øáðåú ùäçèàú áàä ìòåìí ìçåáä åìà ìðãáä, ò:ë äâä"ä (äâää ò"ô îäø"á øðùáåøâ åáøëú øàù)


However, "for my obligation" connotes Chatas more than other Korbanos, for Chatas is always an obligation, and not a Nedavah. Until here is a comment.

åî"î îùîò ðîé ãìëì ÷øáðåú ÷àîø åìà äéä éëåì ìäáéà áëåìï ÷øáï à'


Distinction: ["For the Korbanos of my Nezirus"] connotes also that he said all the Korbanos. He could not bring from all [of the coins] one Korban;

àáì àîø ìðæéøåúé âøéãà ùìà äæëéø ÷øáðåú éåëì ìäáéà áëåìï ÷øáï à' ãìî÷öú ðæéøåúå îùîò


However, when he said only "for my Nezirus", and did not mention "Korbanos" he can bring from all of them one Korban, for it connotes part of his Nezirus.

åàí îú äìëä ðú÷áìä áðæéø éôìå ìðãáä ùäøé éëåì ìäáéà áëåìï òåìä


Explanation: If he died, a tradition was received about a Nazir, that they go to Nedavah, for he could bring Olah with all of them.

å÷ùä ãà"ë ëé àîø ìçåáúé ãéìëå ìéí äîìç åàôé' áðæéø åà"ë îàé äàé ã÷àîø ìòéì åìàôå÷é îäàé úðà ëå'


Question: If so, when he said only "for my obligation", they go to the Dead Sea even regarding a Nazir. If so, why did we say above "to teach unlike this Tana..."?

åëéåï ãääåà úðà àééøé ëâåï ã÷àîø ìçåáúé îäà îñééòå ãéìëå ìéí äîìç åäìà âí áðæéøåú ðîé ëé àîø ìçåáúé àîøé' ìäàé ìéùðà ãéìëå ìéí äîìç


Since that Tana discusses when he said "for my obligation", this supports him, that they go to the Dead Sea. Also regarding Nezirus, when he said "for my obligation", according to this version they go to the Dead Sea!

áùìîà ìôé' øàùåï ðéçà


Answer - part 1: This is fine for the first Perush.

àìà ìôé' ùðé (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) îàé îô÷à


Question: However, according to [this] second Perush, how is [R. Yochanan] unlike this Tana?

åé"ì ãñéôà ãáøééúà (äâäú úôàøú öéåï) îô÷à ã÷úðé îú åäéå ìå îòåú ñúåîéï ùìà äæëéø òìéäí ìçåáúé àìà àîø àìå éäéå ì÷øáðåúé éìëå ìéí äîìç


Answer: The Seifa of the Beraisa is unlike [R. Yochanan]. It taught "if he died and he had Ma'os Stumim", [i.e.] he did not mention about them "for my obligation", rather, he said "these will be for my Korbanos", [it taught that] they go to the Dead Sea;

ãàé àøéùà ãå÷à ÷àé äéëà ãàîø ìçåáúé ìéîà îú éìëå ìéí äîìç


If this referred specifically to (i.e. discusses the same case as) the Reisha, when he said "for my obligation", it should say [only] "if he died, they go to the Dead Sea";

ãîàé äàé ã÷àîø îú åäéå ìå îòåú ñúåîéï åäà áøéùà ðîé áñúåîéï ÷ééîé


Question: Why does [the Beraisa elaborate, and] say "if he died, and he had Ma'os Stumim"? Also the Reisha discusses Stumim!

àìà åãàé àúé ìîéîø ñúåîéí àçøéðé ùìà äæëéø áøéùà


Answer: Rather, surely it comes to teach that this is a different case of Stumim, that he did not mention in the Reisha;

ãáøéùà àééøé ãàîø ìçåáúé åñéôà àúé ìîéîø ãàôéìå ëé àîø ì÷øáðåúé ãéìëå ìéí äîìç


The Reisha discusses when he said "for my obligation", and the Seifa comes to say that even when he said "for my Korbanos", they go to the Dead Sea;

åëä"â ëé àîø ì÷øáðåú ðæéøåúé éôìå ìðãáä.


Distinction: In such a case, when he said "for the Korbanos of my Nezirus", they go to Nedavah.


TOSFOS DH Amar Rava...

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáà...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why this is only when Demei Chatas is mixed with them.)

áîé ùäôøéù î÷öú (äâäú áøëú øàù) äöáåø åàîø àìå ìçèàú åäùàø ìùàø ðæéøåúé ìòåìä åìùìîéí åîú


Explanation: This discusses one who separated part of a pile and said "these are for my Chatas, and the rest are for the rest of my Nezirus, [i.e.] the Olah and Shelamim", and he died;

äøé ùàø äîòåú ëîôåøùéï åàó ùäï ñúåîéí áäà ìà àîøé' ãéôìå ëåìï ìðãáä àìà éáéà çöééï ìòåìä åçöééï ìùìîéí


The rest of the coins are like Mefurashim, even though they are Stumim (which are for the Olah, and which for the Shelamim). Here we do not say that all go to Nedavah. Rather, he brings Olah with half, and Shelamim with half.

åäìëä ìà ðùðéú àìà ëùãîé çèàú îòåøáéï áäï


The Halachah [they go to Nedavah] was taught only when Demei Chatas are mixed with them.

åà"ú äúéðç ìø' éåçðï ãàîø äìëä áðæéø àåîø ãëê ðú÷áìä ääìëä


Question: This is fine for R. Yochanan, who says that it is a tradition about Nazir. He says that this is how the Halachah was received;

àìà ìø"ù áï ì÷éù (äâäú áøëú øàù) ããøéù ÷øà ãîåúø ðãø ìðãáä àôéìå àéï ãîé çèàú îòåøáéï áäï éôìå ìðãáä


However, according to Reish Lakish, who expounds the verse to teach that Mosar Neder goes to Nedavah, even if Demei Chatas are not mixed with them, they should go to Nedavah!

ãäàé ðîé îåúø ðãø äåà ãëì ÷øáðåú ðæéø áðãø äí áàéí


Also this is Mosar Neder, for all Korbanos Nazir come through a Neder.

åé"ì ãñáøà äåà ìäòîéã ÷øà ëùãîé çèàú îòåøáéí áäï ãå÷à ãäëé îùëçú áòìîà ãîåúø çèàú áà ìðãáä


Answer: It is reasonable to establish the verse only when Demei Chatas are mixed with them, for we find elsewhere that Mosar Chatas goes to Nedavah;

ëãàîø áô' åìã çèàú (úîåøä ãó ëâ:) åáæáçéí áôø÷ èáåì éåí (ãó ÷â.) æä îãøù ãøù éäåéãò äëäï àùí äåà (äâäú áéú àäøåï) àùí äåà ìä' ìäáéà ëì ãáø äáà îîåúø àùí îîåúø çèàú


Citation (Temurah 23b, Zevachim 103a): Yehoyada ha'Kohen expounded "Asham Hu" - Asham Hu la'Shem" to include everything that comes from Mosar Asham and Mosar Chatas;

éì÷ç áäí áäîä åäáùø ìáòìéí åäòåøåú ìëäðéí


He buys with it an animal. The owner gets the meat, and the skin is to the Kohanim.

åìôé ùîöéðå áòìîà ãîåúø çèàú áàéï ìðãáä ñáøà ìäòîéã æä äôñå÷ äéëà ùäôøéù îòåú åãîé çèàú îòåøáéï áäï.


Because we find elsewhere that Mosar Chatas goes to Nedavah, it is reasonable to establish this verse to be when he separated coins and Demei Chatas is mixed with them.



TOSFOS DH veha'She'ar Chetzyo l'Olah v'Chetzyo l'Shelamim

úåñôåú ã"ä åäùàø çöéå ìòåìä åçöéå ìùìîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he must use them for both Korbanos.)

ãåãàé òåîãéï ìùðéäí ãëéåï ãàîø åäùàø ìùàø ðæéøåúé äåé ëàéìå àîø ì÷øáðåú ðæéøåúé ãàéðå éëåì [ìäáéà îëì] äîòåú à' îäï àå òåìä àå ùìîéí (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ëãôøéùéú (ìòéì òîåã à ã"ä åìàôå÷é)


Explanation: Surely, it is destined for both of them, since he said "and the rest are for the rest of my Nezirus." It is as if he said "for the Korbanos of my Nezirus." He cannot bring one Korban, i.e. Chatas or Shelamim, from all of the coins, like I explained (26a DH u'Le'afukei);

[åàéï ìå ú÷ðä òã] ùéáéà [á'] áäîåú åîçìì äîòåú òìéäí åàåîø áëì î÷åí ùéù áäí ãîé òåìä éäéå îçåììéí òì áäîä æå


His only solution is to bring two animals and profane the coins on them. He says "whether there is Demei Olah, it is redeemed on this animal;

åëé âîéøé ãéôìå ìðãáä äééðå ãå÷à ëùãîé çèàú îòåøáéí áäï


The tradition that they go to Nedavah is only when Demei Chatas is mixed with them.


TOSFOS DH veha'She'ar (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä åäùàø (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Me'ilah applies to the majority of them.)

åîåòìéï áëåìï


Citation of Gemara: Me'ilah applies to all of them.

ãðùúîù (äâäú áøëú øàù) áãîé òåìä ùéù áäí îòéìä


Explanation: This is because he used Demei Olah, to which Me'ilah applies

åìàå ãå÷à áëåìï ãä"ä áøåáï ãà"à (àé) ãìéëà áäï ãîé òåìä


Observation: [Me'ilah applies to all of them] is not precise. The same applies if he used the majority, for it is impossible that there is no Demei Olah among them;

åàéï îåòìéï áî÷öúï ãùîà ëì äðê îòåú ãùìîéí ðéðäå åáãîé ùìîéí àéï îåòìéï îéãé ãäåä àùìîéí îçééí.


Me'ilah does not apply to the minority of them. Perhaps all of these coins are of Shelamim, and Me'ilah does not apply to Demei Shelamim, just like [it does not apply to] a live Shelamim.


TOSFOS DH veha'She'ar Yiplu li'Nedavah

úåñôåú ã"ä åäùàø éôìå ìðãáä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Me'ilah applies only to the majority of them.)

ùäøé ãîé çèàú îòåøáéï áäï åäìëä äéà áðæéø åìø"ù áï ì÷éù ëãàéú ìéä,


Explanation: This is because Demei Chatas is mixed with them. This is a tradition about Nazir [according to R. Yochanan], and according to Reish Lakish like he learns [from a verse].

åîåòìéï áëåìï, áùáéì ãîé çèàú äîòåøáéï áäï åäï áðé îòéìä


Me'ilah applies to all of them, due to the Demei Chatas mixed with them. Me'ilah applies to [Demei Chatas];

, åàéï îåòìéí áî÷öúï, ëé àåúå î÷öú øàåé ìáåà ëåìå ùìîéí


Me'ilah does not apply to the minority of them, for that minority is proper to be totally Shelamim.

åä÷ùä äø"í [ãìîä] ìà éîòìå àôéìå áî÷öú ëéåï ãðåôìéï ëåìï ìðãáä ãäééðå òåìú ÷éõ ìîæáç îùúîù ìä áãîé òåìä


Question (Maharam): Why doesn't Me'ilah apply to the minority? All of them go to Nedavah, i.e. Olas Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach (Olos Tzibur offered when the Mizbe'ach is idle). [It is as if] he uses Demei Olah!


Note: Hagahos ha'Gra changes the text of the Gemara to say that Me'ilah applies to them (i.e. even to a minority), based on the Tosefta, and like Maharam's question.

åöøéê ìåîø ãòã ùòú ä÷øáä ùî÷øéáå ìòåìä ìà ðô÷ îùí ùìîéí ùäéå òìéäí òã äðä.


Answer: We must say that until they are offered for an Olah, they do not lose the status of [Demei] Shelamim that they had until now.


TOSFOS DH Aval Behemah Harei Hu k'Mefureshes

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì áäîä äøé äéà ëîôåøùú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that we discuss an animal not proper for Korbanos Nazir.)

åìëàåøä àééøé ááäîä ãçæéà ìéä ìðæéø ëîå ëáùä ù÷øéáä çèàú åëáù ù÷øá òåìä åàéì ù÷øá ùìîéí


Inference: It seems that we discuss an animal proper for a Nazir, e.g. a female lamb, which is offered for the Chatas, a male lamb, which is offered for the Olah, or a ram, which is offered for the Shelamim;

åëîôåøùéï ã÷àîø øá äåðà äééðå ùé÷øéá ëì àçã ÷øáðå ëãéðéä


Rav Huna said that these are like Mefurashim, i.e. that each Korban is offered like its law;

å÷î"ì øá äåðà ðäé ãìà ôéøù æä ìçèàú æä ìòåìä æä ìùìîéí î"î ÷øéáé ëì çã åçã ëé ãéðéä


Rav Huna's Chidush is that granted, he did not specify "this is for the Chatas, this is for the Olah, and this is for the Shelamim." Still, each is offered like its law.

åìà ðøàä ãà"ë îàé ÷î"ì øá äåðà åäà îúðé' äéà ãîééúé áñîåê øùá"â àåîø äáéà â' áäîåú åìà ôéøù ëå'


Rejection #1: If so, what is Rav Huna's Chidush? This is the Mishnah brought below! R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, if he brought three animals and did not specify...

åòåã ãîñúîà àééøé øá äåðà áäê îéòåèà ãáäîä ëîå îéòåèà (äâäú ëúø úåøä, åáàø îùä) ãîîòè ðîé îîòåú ãäééðå ðñëà åñåàø ÷åøåú ãìà çæé ìä÷øáä


Rejection #2: Presumably, Rav Huna's exclusion of an animal is like the other matters excluded from "coins", i.e. ingots, and beams, which cannot be offered.

ìë"ð ãàééøé ááäîä ãìà çæéà ìðæéø ëâåï â' ôøéí àå â' ùòéøéí ãáðæéø àéì åëáù åëáùä äåà ãàéëà


Explanation: Therefore, it seems that we discuss an animal not proper for a Nazir, e.g. three bulls or three goats. A Nazir offers a ram, male lamb and female lamb.

åäà ã÷àîø øá äåðà ëîôåøùú


Implied question: Why did Rav Huna say that it is as if it is specified?

ø"ì ëîôåøù' áúòøåáú (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ëåìï ëîå ùáîôåøùéï ãìòéì âáé àìà àôéìå ìçèàúå åìòåìúå åìùìîéå îôåøùéï äï


Answer: He means that it is like specified in the mixture with of all of them, just like the case of Mefurashim above, regarding "even [if he said] for his Chatas, his Olah and his Shelamim, they are Mefurashim";

ãäåé ôéøåùå îôåøùéí áúòøåáú ãîúéï (äâäú áøëú øàù) åäåìëéï ìàéáåã


[There,] "Mefurashim" means in a mixture with animals that must die, and they perish.

åà"ú ëéåï ãîééøé ááäîä ãìà çæéà ìðæéø áä÷øáä ëãôøéùé' àìà ëâåï ùìùä ôøéí àå ùìùä ùòéøéí îä ìé áòìé îåîéï îä ìé áúîéîéí


Question: Since we discuss an animal not proper to offer for a Nazir, like I explained, rather, e.g. three bulls or three goats, what is the difference whether they are Ba'alei Mumim or Temimim?

ëé äéëé ãáòìé îåîéï çùéá ñúåîéï äëé ðîé áúîéîéí


Just like Ba'alei Mumim are considered Stumim, also Temimim!

åé"ì ãúîéîéí åãàé àò"â ãìà çæéà ìä÷øáä ìðæéø ë"à ìãîé î"î çì òìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó [ãàéðä] ðôãéú áìà îåí


Answer: A Tamim animal, even though it cannot be offered for a Nazir, only its value [can be offered after gets a Mum and is redeemed], in any case Kedushas ha'Guf takes effect on it. It may not be redeemed without a Mum;

îéãé ãäåä àî÷ãéù æëø ìãîéå ùìà ä÷ãéù äãáø òöîå ìòåìä àìà ì÷ðåú áãîéå ìòåìä ãäééðå ìãîé òåìä ã÷ãåù ÷ãåùú äâåó


This is like one who was Makdish a male for its value. He was not Makdish it itself for an Olah, rather, only to buy an Olah with its value, i.e. for Demei Olah. It gets Kedushas ha'Guf.

åàí úàîø åîé ãîé äúí áéãå ìä÷ãéùï ÷ãåùú äâåó ìòåìä âåôä àáì äëà àéï áéãå ìä÷ãéùï ìðæéøåú ãäà ìà çæéà ëãôøéùéú


Question: These are different! There, he can be Makdish it Kedushas ha'Guf for an Olah itself. Here, he cannot be Makdish it for Nezirus, for it is not proper, like I explained!

åé"ì ãñáø ìä ëøáðï ãúîåøä (ãó éè:) ãàîøé äîôøéù ð÷áä ìàùí àò"â ãìà çæéà ìàùí ùäåà áà æëø î"î çì òìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó ãáòé îåí ìôãåú òìéä


Answer: He holds like Rabanan in Temurah (19b), who say that one who separates a female for an Asham, even though it is not proper for an Asham, which must be a male, in any case it gets Kedushas ha'Guf. It must get a Mum in order to redeem it.

åàí úàîø ñåó ñåó ÷ùä ãîàé ùðà úîéîéí ãäëà åääåà ãúîåøä (ãäðé) ãäîôøéù ð÷áä ìàùí îäî÷ãéù æëø ìãîé (äâää áâìéåï) ðñëéí


Question: Still, this is difficult! Why are Temimim here and the case in Temurah (19b) of one who separated a female for an Asham, different than one who is Makdish a male for money to buy Nesachim?

ãìà ðçúà ìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó ëãàîøéðï áùáåòåú (ãó éà.) îùåí ãâåôéä ìà çæéà ìðñëéí


It does not get Kedushas ha'Guf, like we say in Shevuos (11a) because its body is not proper for Nesachim!

åé"ì ãìà ãîé ãäúí ìà çæé ëìì ìùåí ðñëéí ùáòåìí


Question: These are different! There, it is not proper at all for any Nesachim in the world;

àáì úîéîéí ãäëà åð÷áä ãúîåøä ðäé ãìà çæå ì÷ãåùú äâåó ãäàé ÷øáï ùäôøéù òìéå î"î øàåé ì÷øáï àçø ãàéëà ðîé (äâäú áøëú øàù) ááäîä


However, Temimim here, and the female in Temurah, granted, they are not proper for Kedushas ha'Guf of this Korban for which he separated it. In any case, it is proper for another Korban that also applies to animals.

åà"ú åðäé ãðçúà òìééäå ÷ãåùú äâåó åáòéà îåí ìôãåú òìéå ñåó ñåó ìãîé ÷ééîé à"ë îàé ùðà úîéîéí


Question: Granted, it gets Kedushas ha'Guf and needs a Mum to redeem it. Still, it is destined for its value [to be offered]. Why is it different than Temimim?

åé"ì ãùðà åùðà ãáòìú îåí øàåéä ìéîëø îéã åì÷ðåú ÷øáðåú ðæéø â' áäîåú äöøéëéí ìå


Answer #1: These are very different. It is proper to sell a Ba'al Mum immediately, and to buy Korbanos Nazir, i.e. the three animals he needs;

àáì úîéîéí ìà çæéà ìéîëø îéã ëãôøéùéú ãáòé îåí ìôãåú òìéå åàéëà ùäééä


However, Temimim may not be sold immediately, like I explained, that they require a Mum to redeem them. There is a delay;

åôø"ú ëéåï ãùää àöìå ìæîï îøåáä çééùéðï àåìé ðúï ìáå ìäæëéø ùí çèàú òì àçú îäí àê ìà áéøø


R. Tam explained that since it delays with him for a long time [until it gets a Mum], we are concerned lest he decided to call one of them a Chatas, but he did not clarify which one;

åäåé ëàåîø ìçèàúå åìòåìúå åìùìîéå ãäåå îôåøùéï (äâäú àøæé äìáðåï) áúòøåáú åäåìëéï (äâäú ÷äéìú éò÷á) ìàáåã


This is like one who said for his Chatas, for his Olah and for his Shelamim. They are Mefurashim in a mixture, and must perish.

åéù ìäåñéó åìúú èòí ãîòåú åáòìú îåí ãçæå ìéä ìàìúø åì÷ðåú áäï ä÷øáðåú òöîï äöøéëéï ìðæéø ìëê ìéëà ìîéçù ùîà ðúï ìáå ìôøù áúòøåáú


Answer #2: We can give an additional reason. Coins and a Ba'al Mum are proper immediately for him to buy with them the very Korbanos that a Nazir needs. Therefore, we are not concerned lest he decided to specify in the mixture;


Note: This seems very much like R. Tam's reason. Perhaps the additional reason is needed to explain the question from Rav Chisda. At the beginning of Tosfos 27a DH v'Chi, he asks based on R. Tam's reason, and answers like this additional reason (PF).

ãìîä éôøù áìáå áúòøåáú äåàéì åáéãå ìôøù åìáøø îéã ëùé÷ðä ä÷øáðåú òöîï (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) äöøéëéï ìðæéø


Why should he specify in his heart amidst the mixture? He can specify and clarify immediately, when he buys the Korbanos themselves that a Nazir needs!

àáì äéëà ãàéëà ùäééä ìéëà ìîéîø äëé.


However, here, that he must wait, we cannot say so.


TOSFOS DH Aval Naska Lo Aval So'ar Koros Levanos

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì ðñëà ìà àáì ñåàø ÷åøåú ìáðåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why other matters are like or unlike coins.)

äàé àáì ÷àé àîúðé' ã÷úðé îòåú ñúåîéï éôìå ìðãáä


Explanation: "Aval" refers to the Mishnah. It taught that Ma'os Stumim go to Nedavah;

åòìä ÷àé ãå÷à äîòåú àáì äôøéù â' ðñëåú àå â' ÷åøåú àéï ìäí ãéï ñúåîéï àìà ãéï îôåøùéï áúòøåáú ãäåìëéï ëåìï ìàáåã


"Aval" refers to this. Only coins [go to Nedavah], but if he separated three ingots to three beams, they do not have the law of Stumim, rather, Mefurashim in a mixture. All of them must perish.

åèòîà îùåí ùäééä ëãôøéùéú ãàéï ãøê ìîëåø ëñôéå îéã òã ùéîöà àãí äöøéê ìäí åéîëøí áéå÷ø


The reason is due to delay, like I explained, for it is not normal to sell one's silver [pieces] immediately, until he finds one who needs them, and he sells them for a high price;

ìø"ð ðñëà ðîé çùéá ñúåîéï ùôòîéí ù÷åðéï îéã


According to Rav Nachman, also ingots are considered Stumim, for sometimes it occurs that people buy immediately;

àáì ÷åøåú ãøê ìäùäåú òã ùéîöà àãí äöøéê ì÷ðåúí ìöåøê äáðéï.


However, beams, it is normal to delay them until he finds one who needs to buy them for the sake of building.


TOSFOS DH Ela me'Atah Ma'os v'Lo Ofos

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà [îòúä] îòåú åìà òåôåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that we discuss birds that are proper for Korbanos.)

ìëàåøä îùîò ãîééøé áòåôåú ãìà çæé ìä÷øáä ëâåï àååæéï åúøðâåìéï ãåîéà ãðñëà åñåàø ÷åøåú ãîîòè ðîé ìòéì îîòåú


Inference: It seems that we discuss birds that are not proper for offering, e.g. geese and chickens, similar to the case of ingots and beams, which we exclude above from "coins".

åà"à ìåîø ëï ãàååæéï åúøðâåìéï ìùåí ÷øáï ìà çééìà ÷ãåùú äâåó òìéäï åéëåì ìîåëøï ìàìúø áìà îåí åäåé ìäå áäîä áòìú îåí ãçùéá ìòéì ëîòåú


Rejection #1: We cannot say so. Geese and chickens are not proper for any Korban. Kedushas ha'Guf does not take effect on them. He can sell them immediately without a blemish. They are like an animal Ba'al Mum, which we considered above like coins.

åòåã ãääåà ãøá çñãà ãîééúé òìä îééøé áúåøéï åáðé éåðä åä"ð éù ìôøù äðê òåôåú áúåøéï åáðé éåðä


Rejection #2: Rav Chisda's teaching, which is brought regarding this [suggestion that birds are Mefurashim], discusses Turim and Bnei Yonah. (Rather, we discuss Turim and Bnei Yonah.)

åà"ú ñåó ñåó äà áðæéø ÷ééîéðï åáðæéø ìà çæå ëìì åàéðäå ðîé äåå ìäå ìâáé ðæéø ëîå àååæéï åúøðâåìéï


Question: Still, we discuss Nazir. They (Turim and Bnei Yonah) are not proper for Nazir at all! Also they are like geese and chickens regarding Nazir!

åé"ì ëéåï ãçæé ìùåí ÷øáï çééìà ÷ãåùú äâåó òìééäå îéãé ãäåä àôøéí åàùòéøéí ãôéøùðå ìòéì


Answer: Since they are proper for some Korban, Kedushas ha'Guf takes effect on them, just like bulls and goats, which we explained above.

åîéäå àëúé ÷ùä ãàé çééìà òìééäå ÷ãåùú äâåó úå ìà îéôø÷é (ãîéå) ãàéï ìòåôåú ôãéåï àôéìå ëùéôåì áäí îåí


Question #1: Still, this is difficult. If Kedushas ha'Guf takes effect on them, they cannot be redeemed, for there is no redemption of birds, even when they get a Mum!

à"ë àéï øàåé ìðæéø ëìì ìà ìéîëø åìà ìä÷øéá ÷øáðåúéå


If so, they are not proper for Nazir at all, not to be sold, and not to offer for his Korbanos!

åòåã ãääéà ãøá çñãà ãîééúé òìä îééøé áçééáé ÷éðéï îùîò ãäàé ôéøëà ðîé áçééáé ÷éðéï


Question #2: Rav Chisda's teaching, which is brought regarding this, discusses Chayavei (people obligated to bring) Kinim. This implies that also this question discusses Chayavei Kinim!

ìëê ð"ì ãîééøé åãàé áçééáé (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé åáøëú øàù) ÷éðéï ëîå æá åæáä åëéåöà áäï


Answer #1: Surely we discuss Chayavei Kinim, like a Zav, Zavah and similar people;

åâí áçééáé ÷éðéï ùééê (äâäú áøëú øàù, îìàëú éå"è) áäå ãéï ñúåîéï ëîå áðæéø ëãàîøéðï ìòéì äéìëúà äàîåø áðæéø åëì ããîé ìéä ëîå áçééáé ÷éðéï


Also regarding Chayavei Kinim, the law of Stumim can apply, just like regarding Nazir, like we said above (26a). The tradition was said about Nazir, and all who resemble him, e.g. Chayavei Kinim.

à"ð îéúå÷í ðîé àôéìå áðæéø åëâåï áðæéø èîà ùöøéê ùúé úåøéï çã ìçèàú åçã ìòåìä


Answer #2: We can establish it even regarding a Nazir, e.g. a Nazir Tamei, who must bring two Torim (or two Bnei Yonah), one for a Chatas and one for an Olah;

ãáèîà ðîé äéìëúà ëãîùîò áùéìäé ôéø÷éï


The tradition applies also to a Tamei, like it connotes at the end of our Perek (30b).

åä"ô îòåú åìà òåôåú ëìåîø àí çééáé ÷éðéï äôøéù úåøéï åáðé éåðä åìà ôéøù áùòú ì÷éçä åîú ÷åãí ä÷øáä àå äôø ìä áòìä


The meaning of "coins, and not birds" means that if one who was Chayav a Ken separated Turim and Bnei Yonah, and did not specify (which is each Korban) at the time of purchase, and he died before offering them, or her husband annulled her...

ãìà éäáéðï ìäå ãéï ãñúåîéï ìòðéï æä ùé÷øéá äëäï àé æä ùéøöä çèàú åàé æä ùéøöä òåìä ìôé ãáøéê ùàúä àåîø îòåú ãå÷à äåå ñúåîéï åìà áäîä


We do not give to them the law of Stumim regarding this, that the Kohen may offer whichever he wants for Chatas, and whichever he wants for Olah, according to your words, that you say that only coins are Stumim, but not an animal. (This Dibur continues on the coming Daf.)