
What does "Ka'asher" mean?


Rashi: It is not an example, like "Ka'asher Ta'asu Ken Ya'aseh" (Bamidbar 15:14). Rather, it refers to time, like "Ka'asher Ba Yosef", "Ka'asher Kalu Le'echol Es ha'Shever" (Bereishis 37:23, 43:2). Here, when I put my heart to know


What Inyan did he see?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Exertion does not allow a person rest, day and night.


Ibn Ezra: Why the Tzadik gets like [is proper for] deeds of the Rasha.


Rashbam: The matter of the world.


Who does not see sleep?


Rashi: A Rasha who hotly pursues money and Arayos.


Ibn Ezra, Metzudas David: I (Shlomo) did not sleep, for I was obsessed with this question. "B'Einav" means 'in the eyes of my heart 1 .' Rashbam - the entire verse discusses the heart as if it is a person. "Lir'os" - it sees, like "v'Libi Ra'ah Harbe Chachmah v'Da'as" (1:16); it has eyes, and does not sleep. We find sleep attributed to the heart - "Gam ba'Laylah Lo Shachav Libo" (2:23), "Ani Yeshenah v'Libi Er" (Shir ha'Shirim 5:2).


Rid: Man, who seeks the end of the matter. One who engages in Chachmah, he engages all his days day and night. He thinks that he will find the end of all Chachmah. One who engages in wealth, he engages in it forever. He thinks that he will find the ultimate wealth, that he will have no peer [as rich as him]. So is every man!


Seforno: One who toils to attain excesses, since it is unlimited, he constantly sleeps from contemplating attaining perfection; he does not see the absolute good.


According to Ibn Ezra, it should say b'Einai! Therefore, he explains that it refers to my heart's eyes.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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