
What is the meaning of "Tischamakin"?


Rashi: You hide from Me, for you are ashamed to return to Me due to your way. (Do not do so!)


Radak: You go around to here and to here. This is based on Chamak, in past tense, to go around.


Malbim: He says to Eretz Yisrael, how long will you hide from the exiles?


What is "Bas ha'Shovevah"?


Radak: She was wayward and rebelled against Me. I.e. you do not go in the straight path, to return to your first Husband. I.e. how long will you be lazy in [delaying to do] Teshuvah?!


What is the new creation "Nekevah Tesovev Gaver"?


Rashi: The female will pursue the male, that he should marry her 1 . This is like "va'Asovevah va'Ir


Radak, from Kidushin 2b: Normally, the male pursues the female, that she should marry him. One who lost something (Hashem took Adam's Tzela, and made it into a female) pursues what he lost.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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