
Why does it say "Einai Al Kol Darcheihem"?


Radak: It is unlike they say "Hashem does not see us" (Yechezkel 8:12).


Malbim: I look both at the ways of the Nefesh and the Midos from which the sins sprout, and on the sins themselves, which are the evil deeds - "Po'al Adam Yeshalem Lo uch'Orach Ish Yamtzi'enu" (Iyov 34:11). Examples of Darchei ha'Nefesh are cruelty, pride, and vengeance, which depend on [My] knowledge. Therefore it says "they were not hidden from Me". This is unlike human judgment, which looks only at the deed.


Why does it say "Lo Nitzpan Avonam mi'Neged Einai"?


Malbim: This refers to the deeds, which are visible.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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