MENACHOS 99 (14 Sivan ) - Dedicated by Doug Rabin in memory of his mother, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel (Lucy) Rabin, in honor of her Yahrzeit.


WHAT IS CONSIDERED ATTACHED? (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 9 Halachah 6 Daf 44a)

îùðä äúåëó úéëôä àçú àéðä çéáåø åàéï áä îùåí ëìàéí åäùåîèä áùáú ôèåø.


(Mishnah): If one makes one stitch, it is not considered attached and there is no prohibition of Kilayim; and one who pulls it out on Shabbos is exempt.

òùä ùðé øàùéä áöã àçã çéáåø åéù áä îùåí ëìàéí åäùåîèä áùáú çééá.


If one made a thread's two ends come out on the same side, it's considered attached and there is a prohibition of Kilayim; and one who pulls it out on Shabbos is liable.

øáé éäåãä àåîø òã ùúùìù.


(R. Yehuda): Only when he makes three stitches.

åäù÷ åä÷åôä îöèøôéï ìëìàéí:


A sack and a box combine to make Kilayim (if one has a strip of wool attached to it and the other has a strip of linen, and they are connected via the two strips).

[ãó ôã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] âîøà øáé çðéðä àîø òã éçåú ëì ñéèøä.


(Gemara) (R. Chaninah): When the Mishnah taught that two stitches makes a connection, it's only if he pulled the other side fully through.

àîø øáé éðàé àîøå ìå ìøáé çðéðà öà å÷øà åäúðéðï òùä ùðé øàùéä ìöã àçã. îòúä òã éçåú åéñå÷.


Question (R. Yannai): They asked R. Chanina to stick to expounding pesukim, but not Mishnah. The Mishnah's wording implies that two stitches are always a connection (even if he didn't pull it fully through)...?

åäúðé øáé éäåãä àåîø òã ùéùìù îòúä òã éçåú åéñå÷ åéçåú àìà äëéï åäëéï.


Similarly, when R. Yehuda said in the Mishnah that it's only when he makes three stitches, that also implies that it's a connection even if he didn't pull it fully through...?

çåè ùäùçéìå ìîçè àôéìå ÷ùåø îéëï åîéëï àéðå çéáåø ìáâã. [ãó îã òîåã á] äçåè çéáåø ìáâã åàéðå çéáåø ìîçè.


If one threaded a needle, even if the ends of the thread were tied (to prevent the needle from falling out), and then inserted the needle into a garment, the thread is not considered attached, as the thread must be attached to the garment itself, not via the needle.

øáé éåðä åøáé éåñä úøåéäåï àîøéï á÷ùåø îéëï åîéëï.


(R. Yona and R. Yosa): (When the Mishnah taught that one made a thread's two ends come out on the same side) it's referring to when he tied each end of the thread (to prevent it from coming out).

îéìéäåï ãøáðï ôìéâéï ãà"ø áà øáé éøîéä áùí øá äîîúéç öããéï áùáú çééá îùåí úåôø åééîø îùåí úåôø åîùåí ÷åùø.


The Rabbis disagree, as R. Ba said from R. Yirmiyah in the name of Rav - 'One who pulls taut a seam that became loose (by pulling the thread to reconnect the two pieces of fabric) is liable for the Melacha of sewing.' Why didn't he also say for the Melacha of tying (since one is only liable for sewing if he also tied)?

à"ø ñéîåï èòîà ãøáé éäåãä ò"é ùìéùé îìàëúå îú÷ééîú.


(R. Simon): (R. Yehuda said in the Mishnah that it's only considered attached when he made three stitches.) R. Yehuda reasons that it will not last without having a third stitch.

îä øáé éåãä ëøáé àìéòæø ãúðéðï úîï øáé ìéòæø àåîø äàåøâ ùìùä çåèéï áúçéìä åàçú òì äàøéâ çééá.


Question: Does R. Yehuda follow R. Eliezer who said in a Mishnah (in Maseches Shabbos 13:1) - one who weaves three threads at the beginning (to start a new weave) or one thread to an existing weave, he is liable...?

[ãó ôã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé òåìà èòîà ãøáé ìéòæø úîï ò"é ùìéùé îìàëúå îú÷ééîú. áøí äëà ôçåú îéëï [ìà] îñúúø äåà.


Answer (R. Ulla): No, R. Eliezer reasons there that through three, the weave will remain in place (which is a requirement for any Shabbos Melacha). (R. Yehuda could disagree with this.) Here (in Kilayim), R. Yehuda reasons it does not become attached with less than three stitches.

øáé ñéîåï áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé. ìà ùðå àìà ù÷ äà ñì ìà.


(The Mishnah taught that a sack and a box combine to make Kilayim (if one has a strip of wool attached to it and the other has a strip of linen, and they are connected via the two strips).) The Mishnah taught specifically that sack combines with a box, but sack does not combine with a basket.

àùëç úðé äñì åäù÷ åä÷åôä îöèøôéï áëìàéí


However, a Baraisa was found that teaches that a basket, sack and a box combine in Kilayim.

àåäìéí àéï áäï îùåí ëìàéí.


Baraisa: There is no prohibition of Kilayim in tents (as they are not worn).

øáé éøîéä áòé äåà åáðå îäå ùéöèøôå áëìàéí.


Question (R. Yirmiyah): Do a father and son combine for the prohibition of Kilayim?

äàéê òáéãà äåà ìáéù îàðéï ãòîø åáøéä ìáéù îàðéï ãëéúï ðñá ôéñ÷é ãòîø åòâìä òì úøéäåï.


What's the case? When the father is wearing wool and the son is wearing linen and their garments were attached with two stitches and a wool belt was then put around both of them - since they are two separate people, there is no prohibition.

àîø øáé éåñé åääï ðå ðùåê.


(R. Yosi): Could the wool and linen be considered connected? (They aren't 'biting' into each other!)

øáé çâéé áòé äåà òöîå îäå ùéöèøó áëìàéí.


Question (R. Chagai): Can a person himself be the way that Kilayim combines?

äàéê òáéãà äåà ìáéù ãøãñéï ãòéîø áçãà øéâìééà åãøãñéï ãëéúï áçãà øéâìééà.


What's the case? If he wears a wool shoe on one foot and a linen shoe on the other.

àîø øáé éåñé åääï âå ðùåê.


(R. Yosi): Could they be considered connected?!

ìà öåøëä ãìà äéå áøàùå ôöòéåú éäá ñéôìðé ãñîøèåè ãòîø òì çãà åñôìðé ãñîøèåè ãëéúï òì çãà.


Rather, it's when a person put a wool bandage on one wound on his head and a linen bandage on another wound.

àîø øáé éåñé åääï ðå ðùåê. àéï ìê àñåø àìà ðùåê áìáã:


(R. Yosi): Could they be considered connected?! The prohibition is only when they are actually attached in a way that they 'bite' into each other.