
PLANTING GOURDS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 3 Halachah 6 Daf 17b)

[ãó ìâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä ãìòú áéø÷ éø÷ áúáåàä ðåúðéï ìä áéú øåáò.


(Mishnah): A gourd growing in an area of another vegetable must be separated by a Beis Rova.

[ãó éç òîåã à] äéúä ùãäå æøåòä úáåàä åáé÷ù ìéèò áúåëä ùåøä ùì ãéìåòéï ðåúðéï ìòáåãúä ùùä èôçéí. åàí äâãéìä éò÷åø îìôðéä.


If his field was planted with grain and he wishes to plant a row of gourd, it's given a width of six Tefachim, which is enough to access it for work. If the row grew into the six Tefachim area, he must uproot whatever is within it.

øáé éåñé àåîø ðåúðéï ìä ìòáåãúä àøáò àîåú.


(R. Yosi): He is given a width of four Amos for work access.

[ãó ìã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîøå ìå äúçîåø æå îï äâôï.


(Chachamim to R. Yosi): Are you more stringent with this than with a vine?

àîø ìäï îöéðå ùæå çîåøä îï äâôï ùì âôï éçéãú ðåúðéï ìä òáåãúä ùùä èôçéí åìãìòú éçéãéú áéú øåáò.


(R. Yosi to Chachamim): This is in fact more stringent - for a single vine, it's given 6 Tefachim and for a single gourd, it's given a Beis Rova.

øáé îàéø àåîø îùåí øáé éùîòàì ëì ùìùä ãéìåòéï ìáéú ñàä ìà éáéà æøò ìúåê áéú ñàä.


(R. Meir citing R. Yishmael): If there are three gourds in a Beis Seah, one may not plant another seed there.

øáé éåñé áï äçåèó àôøúéí îùåí øáé éùîòàì ëì ùìùä ãéìåòéï ìáéú ëåø ìà éáéà æøò ìúåê áéú ëåø:


(R. Yosi ben Hachotef the Efrati citing R. Yishmael): If there are three gourds in a Beis Kur (a much larger area), one may not plant another seed there.

âîøà àîø øáé éåçðï ãáøé øáé éùîòàì àôéìå ùåøä éçéãéú ðåúðéï ìä òáåãä.


(Gemara) (R. Yochanan): (Continuing to discuss the sugya before this Mishnah) According to R. Yishmael, even a single row may be given its work access.

îäå ìéúï òáåãä (ìøàùåï)[ìøàùéï].


Question: Must one leave a work access space at the heads of the rows?

ëîä ãúéîø âáé ëøí ðåúðéï òáåãä ìøàùåï. àåó äëà ðåúðéï òáåãä ìøàùåï.


Answer: Just as one must give a work access space for the head of a vineyard, so too here.

îäå ìæøåò áéï äâåîåú.


Question: May one plant between a single gourd and the next (rather than next to a row)?

ëîä ãúéîø âáé ëøí àñåø ìæøåò áéï äâôðéí. àåó äëà àñåø ìæøåò áéï äâåîåú.


Answer: Just as for a vineyard it is prohibited, so too here.

øáé éåðä áòé ðèò çîùä ãéìåòéï åñîëï ìâãø îäå ìéúï ìäï äìëåú òøéñ [ãó ìã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îäå áëì äãéìåòéï îùòøéï àå ìà.


Question (R. Yona): If one plants five gourds next to a fence, should they be treated in the same way as a row of vines next to a fence (see later in Menachos 70 - Perek 6 Halachah 1), thereby requiring a separation of four Amos before planting? Also, do the laws of our Mishnah apply to all gourds or only to Greek gourds?

ëì î÷åí ùòùéú ÷éùåú åôåì äîöøé ëãìòú éååðéú àú òåùä ãìòú îöøé ëãìòú éååðéú. åëàï ùìà òùéú ÷éùåú åôåì äîöøé ëãìòú éååðéú àéï àú òåùä ãìòú îöøé ëãìòú éååðéú


Answer (to 2nd question): Wherever you have equated squash and Egyptian beans with Greek gourd, you also equate Egyptian gourd with Greek gourd. Here, that the Mishnah didn't equate squash and Egyptian beans with Greek gourd, you also don't equate Egyptian gourd with Greek gourd. (The Gemara does not answer the first question.)

åéúéáéðéä äøé äî÷ééí ÷ìçéí ìçéï ìæøò [ãó éç òîåã á] éçéãéí öøéê ìäôðåú ìäí áéú øåáò àå ìòùåú ìäí îçéöä âáåää òùøä èôçéí. ÷ì äåà áùåøä.


Question: (In the Mishnah, R. Yosi brought a proof that in a grain field is given a width of four Amos for work access, saying that gourds are more stringent than vines, as a single vine is given 6 Tefachim and a single gourd is given a Beis Rova.) Why didn't the Chachamim respond that if one keeps moist stalks of a vegetable to plant, they change from being considered vegetables to being grain, now requiring a distance of a Beis Rova to be kept or a fence to separate, even for single stalks...? (This implies that for a full row of stalks, only a 6 Tefach separation would be required, meaning that a row is more lenient than single stalks.)

îï îä ãìà îúéá ìéä. äåé ëï øáé éåñé ñáø îéîø äéà ùåøä äéà îøåáò.


Conclusion: And since the Chachamim didn't respond in this way, this shows that according to R. Yosi, there's no difference between a single stalk planted for seeding and a row planted for seeding - both require a Beis Rova.

ãàî' øáé éåðä åøáé éåñé âìéìàä áùí øáé éåñé áé øáé çðéðä äî÷ééí ÷ìç àçã áúåê ùìå ìæøò öøéê ìäôðåú ìå áéú øåáò àå ìòùåú ìå îçéöä âáåää òùøä èôçéí. àôéìå îéï áîéðå.


As R. Yona and R. Yosi Galila'ah said in the name of R. Yosi bei R. Chanina - One who keeps a stalk in his property to plant, he must leave it a Beis Rova or make a 10 Tefach fence. This applies even if it's the same species (when one was grown for eating and one for planting).

[ãó ìä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äúéá øáé áåï áø çééä ÷åîé øáé æòéøà åäúðéðï ëåñáø ùæøòä ìæøò éø÷ä ôèåø [æøòä ìéø÷ îúòùø æøò åéø÷].


Question (R. Bun bar Chiya to R. Zeira): The Mishnah in Maseches Maaseros teaches that coriander that was grown for planting, its vegetable is exempt; if planted for its vegetable, both its vegetable and its seed must be tithed. But if those grown for planting and those grown for eating are considered different types, how could one tithe one for the other?

àîø ìéä ùðééà äéà ëåñáø ùäéà åæøòä ðàëìéï.


Answer: Coriander is different as both it and its seeds are eaten.

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï áåà åøàä îä áéï úçéìú øáé éùîòàì ìñåôå. ùúçéìúå ááéú (ëåø)[ñàä] åñåôå ááéú (ñàä)[ëåø]:


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Come and see the difference between the teaching of R. Yishmael at the beginning of his life and the end of his life - originally he taught R. Meir that he must distance it three Beis Seah; ultimately he taught R. Yosi ben Chotef that he must distance it three Beis Kor away.